FUCK seriously ?!?!

>FUCK seriously ?!?!
>you look like you are Photoshoped

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Man, I gotta tan and wax

Honest question, is it possible to look like this natty?


no that's at least 3g of gear per week

Yeah. Bench like once a week and cut.
Skin care might be an issue though, he hasn't got a single blemish on him.

This picture just reminded me that I had an emma stone dream last night.. I cant remember what it was about though


What? He doesn't even look strong, of course.

>emma stone will never call you photoshopped before you lift her in the air like they did in dirty dancing which maker her so moist that she begs to get fucked in her tight little pink ass

why even live

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It was about Emma Stone

If your hips are wide enough

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brilliant detective work

Yes but it wouldn't surprise me if gosling used gear

hes one of the few a-listers that i'm pretty sure dont roid, his body is beyond >>>roiding for this tier

Here's a simple roid test:
>is he a hollywood actor who does shirtless roles
>is he a pro wrestler
>is he a professional athlete in a billion dollar league
>is he an internet fitness influence who specifically claims to be "natty"
He roids.

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>that i'm pretty sure dont roid

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>roiding for that

>Sent grill my bathroom mirror noodz last night
>She said I looked like something out of a "damn magazine"
> tfw it was just thotlevel good lighting and dehydration

Yes, because that's not really impressive. Notice he was flexing and lightning in that scene helped him out, also before shooting they workout to get pumped. It's a movie, he didn't looked like that at the end of the shooting day

>Be white
>Don't be ugly
>Don't eat like a pig
>Bench once a week
Wtf I am Hollywood now

I know Jow Forums likes to make fun of this scene mostly for the cheesy dialogue, but Gosling here has a not terrible, natty attainable physique. His body looks better than like 80% of average males aged 18-35, and probably like 50% of the people on this board right now. Jow Forums is so deep in body dysmorphia looking at pictures of roided out dudes all day that a garden variety normal looking fit physique is something that gets made fun of

Exactly, only people who spend a significant portion of their day looking at shirtless photos of steroid users could believe goose doesnt look great here.


This guy is clearly a creatine addict. I suspect he abuses protein powder as well

how do i get rid of my whey addiction? i can't stop snorting it for that incredible high where i can hear him whisper in my head we're all gonna make it brah

Completely natural upper body, but he must have done weighted ab workouts or something because those shits are big.

More like better than 95% of average males.
Of course, a million dollar personal trainer and dietitian can have that effect.

>also before shooting they workout to get pumped
They don't just workout a little either, they do a specific, intense workout to maximize their size for the shoot.

I kind of get sick of this cope a little bit. user, I'm not picking on you directly. However this whole:
>they're rich they can afford trainers, chefs, perfect food, etc...

is pretty stale. Yes, it's true they can afford those things. Yet, you still see plenty of fat wealthy people. Including Hollywood actors.

Money can't buy fitness.

Drive is a great movie.

>the hips
never gonna make it

I mean to say it's much easier when dude shows up to your 10 million dollar house with all your food and says alright lets work out.

I don't mean physically, I just mean the ease of everything being systematically thought out for you. You just show up and put in the work without thought essentially.

Right, and it's because of that mentality that most of these guys who do get in shape for a role, wind up fat again.

They never take agency over their own fitness. They don't learn what foods to eat. They only do what the trainer tells them to do, instead of getting a program or sticking with the trainer.

What you may believe makes it "easier" for them to be fit and stay fit, in reality makes it harder for them to be and stay fit.

i drive

>More like better than 95%
one in 20 people do not look better than that

they also havve makup on their muscles, paint in shadows to make the separation between muscles look deeper

There's not really a culture of sharing Hollywood stunt actor bodies but I an assure you that Hollywood stunt actors have more Jow Forums like bodies than the average male Hollywood actor with the sole exception: Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan was the real deal with an actual Jow Forums body.

Meanwhile, they CGI beards in action movies these days and who knows what else.

After 7-8 years of consistent near optimal training maybe, if you are lucky with genetics.

The idiotic part is people making it all about the muscle mass, rather than about him being relatively lean, having a nice tan, extremely smooth skin, and his body being there in the context of him also having a good face, dressing well and having a charismatic demeanour

Current goal body, with some bigger legs.

The fact I have the same hips and millions of women get hot and bothered by this guy tells me I am actually going to make it

That's cause you're not even trying

Is this accurate?

Do you actually think Ryan Gosling worked out that long and on a strict regimen before this photo? No, it's all tricks. Yes he's attractive and yes he's "fit", but it doesn't take that much to get his physique. Lighting, camera, makeup, and genetics determine the rest.

7,8years?? Lmao maybe if you're going lifting twice a week

If you're dedicated you can achieve that in less than 3 years maybe even 2

Yeah, I feel kind of dumb now you've said that. I can't remember how long there was between then and him being small.
Cool, I wish I stuck to the lifting game when I first got started, I feel like I've got better priorities now though.

This woman thinks he's a 10
Go to 5:20

He's pretty good looking but women are retarded, he's not a 10
>emma stone is not up to his level of hotness
What a dumb roastie

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Tell me Jow Forums, why does he chew the toothpick?

>have you seen drive? Its a very sexy movie
I'm pretty autistic but women don't find me sexy

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People joke about this shit, but honestly, gosling is near natty limit (for most people) in this photo. People on this website dramatically underestimate how mediocre the average persons genetics are

that just means I'll be able to slay puss way sooner than I expected if that's considered shooped

Also the "is this sportsman taking performance enhancement drugs?" test:
>is there money involved?
He does.

I watched rain man for the first time last night and was shocked by how terrible Tom cruise looked shirtless. literally social conditioning

you can achieve that in a 1-3 months of dieting is you're not obese

Big if true