There are people who actually enjoy cardio

>there are people who actually enjoy cardio
explain yourself right now. What the fuck can be enjoyable about running for a fucking hour.

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It's an hour of suffering for 2-3 hours of bliss afterwards

Also sometimes you get a runner's high mid-run, and that is similar to being on a stimulant

Ive done runs longer than 1 hour and never gotten a runner's high

that's because you're probably out of shape or didn't push yourself hard enough

>running for 1 hour in the forest
>out of shape

Cycling, especially mountain biking or street jumping is immensely fun, I do an hour a day normally. Can't stand a static bike for more than 2 minutes.

If you want to feel the highest possible high from running you need to run till your heels can't handle it anymore, till you can only 'slow-run' with your feet flat on the ground. But still continue. After you feel so fucking tired, you just walk another 10 meters to a grass field, take off your shoes and socks, plummmit down and go K.O for at least 30 minutes.

Literally this. Mountain biking is damn fun as fuck. Especially climbing up on the hill and than enjoying the downhill trail.

I run a 14:50 5K and I've never got runners high

No you don't.

>implying that avoiding trees is exhausting

you watch anime while you do it silly

It's more the fact that you're on uneven ground that causes you to tire more. It adds up if you do it for an hour.

Also the wild animals stalking you are pretty unnerving.

Yeah i can confirm that he doesn't.i dont even think he knows how retardedly good pace you need for that and stamina.

It feels good to run for an hour up to maybe two hours. Anything more is kinda shitty. I'm sorry you don't feel the same way. Maybe you're pushing yourself too hard. Try conversation pace.

the virgin running vs the chad swimming or dancing

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I could ask you the same question with picking heavy things up and putting thrm down, but you would come with your bullshit reason. I enjoy both. They're fun to do and it's calming and meditative.

>resting heart rate 48-52
>In can't run at the 8min/mile pace for more than 3 minutes
Explain this

Hard lifting involves very short but intense intervals. These hard intervals work your heart the most as it needs to adapt to doing things in extremely hard in such a short period. However, you fail to attain the other, actual cardiovascular benefits that come from endurance exercise. You have strength and power, but shit endurance.

shes a mom of 2 kids, dont sexualize her

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>she’s an instagram thot with two kids

she's a dirty toilet with 2 little shits.

my dermatologist has like 6 nurses/assistants who all have this body type and cute faces. he's a pretty cool guy

does he fuck them?

I get to be outside, take in the skyline (live in a city),, I don't race every time so most of my runs are at a nice easy pace where it's comfortable to do. I improve my cardio, I get faster. It's a chance for me to put away all my gadgets and step away from my responsibilities for an hour during the week. It just feels good to do.

I ran my first marathon on Sunday.

After running awhile you stop thinking about the pain and your mind wanders off into your own thoughts. I would describe it as a "moving-meditation" if that makes any sense. I actually started out cycling but after my bike got totaled during uni, I got into running because I was poor and could not afford another bike. It took like 6 months to finally "get" running.

I would highly recommend running if you have anxiety/depression/etc. your mind becomes very clear during the run and I always feel good after.

Is he looking for a software developer?


>woman sexually reproduces
>don’t sexualize her

I think you mean objectify

i think you mean fuck her. Someone should hire group of muzlims to kidnap her, put her into some fucking basement and post address here, so all Jow Forumsizens can fuck her nonstop until she is reduced to nothing but a fucking toilet for cocks that she is. Then videotape her taking big fucking dicks in all her holes and send that video to her kids. That would be pretty AWESOME!

>Not listening to a podcast as you run

OP just go to your nearest track and do sprints. Do 10 100 meter (or yards if football field in middle) sprints. Go at 80-85% speed and time a 1:45-2 minute break in between each. Then just go on a 1-2 mile run twice a week for easy days. If you really wanna be a cardio god just look for a local wrestling club and join. Wrestling in high school put me in the best overall fitness I’ve ever been in

I wish I were that bike seat

Never mind, I wish I was that clothing

Nothing. That's why you should dance instead. An hour of zumba is much more fun than an hour of running and probably more intense too

What college?

She knows...

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Long distance cardio depletes testosterone.
Those faggots on tv aren't that skinny for just eating like shit.

>wearing a girdle on a bike ride
How are you gonna breathe, dumdum?

I'll be the one doing the breathing
And breeding

Are these proportions even possible? It unironically looks like she's photoshopped

Running is boring, jiu jitsu is fun

only one way to find out, user.


>only one way to find out
Have her sit on my face? I don't think I would survive that, not that I'd even want to desu


That shit is disgusting.

I have a DDR machine, shit's fun as fuck.

Fat chicks? Thats gross.


i fucking hate it but i just try to imagine my dream body the whole time and it makes it a bit easier

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Ya , you fuck yourself. You're old or just autistic if you dont do the most fucking social activity. Also gives 120% erections and a high


i literally hate cardio on a treadmill or bike in the gym, but if you go to work by bike, its fucking relaxing. imagine no crowded metros or busses or traffic jam, which are raising your cholesterol levels already in the morning. also, if you do cardio like that you will get fit in no time.

Lmao you can tell when she started getting attention for her body. Goes from almost only family photos in her feed to 100% lewd photos of her toilet. What a whore, divorce is evident.

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It's kinda hard not to take pics of her ass since her body is like 80% ass

>gives 120% erections
this is for real, I remember when I used to run for the military (not murican), my dick was almost 1 inch bigger when hard

>the most social activity

what did he mean by this autism?

the enjoyment for me is seeing how long i can suffer for, kind of like ripping off skin off your finger tips.

Bitch is at Dexters mom levels of thiccness


A round of applause of this absolute LAD knocking up a fertility goddess
Let him be an inspiration to us all
Jealous faggots with their cope need not reply

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I do cycling. It allows me to go places and see the sights and gives an excuse to go out on a nice day. I need to train hard so going places gets easier. Otherwise it's a shit hobby. Leaves me exhausted and feeling assfucked. Might as well play circus music when riding, as I'm already wearing a retard helmet. I used to ride a motorcycle but ran out of money. Cyclist should fucking die. Fuck.

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My 2 cents:
Short (20m) stationary bike HIIT: hate most of those 20m, but the leg pump afterwards is awesome. Suppresses depression for a couple of hours.
Average (60-90m) LISS: more enjoyable, can multitask (read, write on the phone, etc). Feel relaxed after.
Beginner level (some mud, sand, rocks, roots, up/downhills, etc) park trails: fun AF. Refreshed after.
14-17mph gravel roads: comfy, ideal with company. Relaxed after.
+18mph paved roads: boring. Very tired but accomplished after.
City traffic: stressful.

Best combo: drive to the park, ride trails, ride gravel roads with friends every now and then, stationary bike if the weather is bad to fulfill your weekly cardio quota or as emergency counter depression tool.

Any lads got fun ways of doing cardio that doesn't require a ton of time to set up or travel to? I like the idea of mountain biking and things but that necessitates going to a mountain.


Dancing can be done anywhere and all you need is your phone to play music or one of those instructional videos. You could also cycle bodyweight squats, pushups and pullups/inverted rows with little to no equipment.
Cardio is just exercising a lot of muscle for time, anything can be cardio if it's sufficiently inclusive (curls can't be cardio)

is that pic real?

I can feel my heart pump at any give moment, I don't even have to focus or be in a quiet room, and it freaks me out. I have the irrational fear that my heart will explode or implode at any given moment that I think about it. Cardio gives me the exact same feeling but I know that my heart is pumping fast bc of the exercise and so I don't feel bad.

Wait till you have kids then you'll sexualise most moms


Stop shilling this whore, faggot.

one of 5 real goblin sightings

I haven't gotten a runner's high, but I did get endorphin's a few times. The first time was the most extreme and felt so fucking good. I did the 90 angle wall sitting thing about 1 minute after I reached my mental limit and kept doing it after my legs were fucking shaking. Felt like my legs were orgasming. I think it got to the g-spot too so it felt like the part between my balls and ass was cumming too

Nothing wrong with cardio. Problem is people think that cardio is limited to just boring ass LISS for 30-60 mins like running or cycling. If you want to vary up your cardio, do hill sprints for 15-20 minutes, or maybe strong man stuff like farmer's carries, loaded carries, maybe buy a few kettlebells to keep at home and do swings, cleans, and snatches for reps. There's tons of different options, don't be lazy and get your cardio up brehs!

>tfw suck at running and do it kinda rarely but like half the time get runners high
I think it might have something to do with the fact that I have really small lungs and get winded really easily and my heart rate is really high even from somewhat moderate pace.
It comes after about 1-2 miles. Before that it feels like hell, but after that moment I feel like I could go and run for the rest of the day. I usually just go 1 to 2 times the length I had run before it just to not completely kill my body.
During it I just have this constant grin on my face because the feeling is just so great. Like I could do anything in that moment.

>coming from running
how gay are you

I take regular 3000 meter tests in the military, but everytime i run alone i can manage it just fine, but the second i'm running in a group and it's timed it's like my legs give out and i just want to drop to the floor in an instant when we start running. It has happened everytime i run at any event since i was a kid and i fucking hate it. Anyone else had this happen to them?

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>you need to run till your heels can't handle it anymore
Enjoy your destroyed joints later in life retard

Nah bro his tolerance is just up, he just needs to take a break and find a new strain

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She's overweight. If you disagree, you're objectively wrong.

Trail running or mountain biking is immensely more satisfying than jogging around the block or on a treadmill.

The more fun versions of cardio aren't accessible for the average Joe.

Why shouldn't I sexualize her? A woman doesn't stop desiring sex and admiration when she has children. The "either she's a Saint mommy or a whore bbc butt slut" shit needs to stop this is why feminists are shrieking in the first place

It helps me meditate and clear my head.

Gtfo of my way goku

Nothing better than skiing on a good track with sun shining or later at night with stars above you in a beautiful forest with cold air hitting your face..

Once you get good at skiing it becomes fun and easy.
You have to keep good balance and rhythm while actually ski with efficient form so it doesn't get boring.

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the same way anyone can enjoy lifting pieces of metal over and over

Swimming is therapeutic for me. An hour of freestyle in the pool gives you the workout and the time to think. And you don't sweat

On a treadmill? Runners high if you're lucky

Out in real life? The above, the changing world around you, pushing yourself for time, the feel of the wind against you. Plus if you're on a bike instead of running, the feeling of taking corners.

My dad ran like this for 20 years. Even passed out from exhaustion and slept for 5 hours in a field next to the road one time. Now he's 53 and his knees and hips are messed up, he's been doing physical therapy for the last couple years

Criminally underrated.

>>It's an hour of suffering for 2-3 hours of bliss afterwards

I fucking hate cardio but this is true. Hell, I would say it's typically much longer than just 2-3hrs though. I usually feel it at least for a full day or two after. >>Also sometimes you get a runner's high mid-run, and that is similar to being on a stimulant

Never happened for me, but usually halfway through it does get much easier.

Basically cardio sucks and I would much rather just lift, but the benefits are worth it after. It's a means to an end.

One tiny part about it I do enjoy is getting to listen to podcasts / audiobooks during.

I used to think the same OP. I do 2 hours of cardio like 4-5 days a week. The hardest part is being consistent with it for several months in a row then you can't live life without it.


isn't that like a 5 minute mile

Go outside dumdum