It-doesnt-counts-if-someoneelse-is-doing-it-for-you Edition
ITT we share tips/tricks/stories about our enlightening no fap journey
NoFap Thread
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day 8, i still have no social skills and no desire for human interaction
Going no fap because I struggle to maintain a soild erection during sex.
Day 52 here. What do you wanna know?
>Day 52 here. What do you wanna know?
Day 50, what awaits me senpai?
This actual retard is getting jerked and sucked by a milf while you sit here and try not to masturbate. Basically
Kek. Good on you bro.
Mini-story: the other day I felt the urge to cum so I just grabbed my wife and shoved my cock in her. Blew my load then went golfing, she loved it. It's nice to own your urges and direct them in the right way.
Failed today after 12 days. Had a wet dream and decided to finish thr job. My downside is getting tempted into watching porn and then stopping halfway through. This time around I'm going to block all those websites. Pray for me, brothers
Yeah she absolutely loves having a husband with premature ejaculation LMAO at your life
did it for a month, nothing changed, got back to it in a normal amount, 2,3 times a week, nothing changed
memes will be memes
I would like someone other than my mom thank you very much
>he hasnt taken the Oedipus pill
It doesn't say whether it's the mum or the dad jacking him though.
the dad is the one jacking him off
just imagine
I tried no-fap for two weeks while fasting
>Constant brain fog
>Dizziness, lack of energy
>No motivation whatsoever to be productive or lift
>Became paranoid with my gf, started being jealous and picked up fights with her for no reason
>Constantly angry, feeling like I wanted to punch a wall 24/7
>Gf (now ex) ended up breaking up with me due to my change of character
I'm not saying that it can't work for some, but nofap is not for me.
this is the stuff of nightmares
Shit. We live in a society, truly
Imagine having a son, hoping he'll be successful and respected. Imagine hoping he'll be married one day to a beautiful woman. Imagine hoping to become a grandfather one day. Imagine dreaming about a peaceful retirement, spending your last years with your grandchildren and your son taking care of you.
And then imagine your wife giving birth to a retard you'll have to look after and jerk off every waking hour of your remaining life.
That's what SIDS is for. Jesus, just drop a pillow over it for a few minutes.
Because unlike most people say it doesnt take a couple of weeks and your good, it takes hundreds of days.
It has been years and years of constant dopamine overload.. and when you stop consuming porn and jerking off you become dopamine starved, so of course you start feeling less motivated, lack of energy and angry for the first couple of weeks, its completely natural. But after a couple of months when your dopamine levels start to come back to baseline then you will feel the benefits.
The benefits dont come from increase in testosterone as most people believe. They come from an increased dopamine baseline.
Broke my leg a week ago and I've been fapping 3+ times a day. For being 25 years old I feel its alot. I need control. Seeing my gf in 2 weeks so want to wait until then
Valid point but I kinda disagree with you. It is not the "dopamine addiction" that affects me, it's my lack of having hobbies/meaningful tasks to do instead of masturbating. When I started playing sports, got more friends and developed hobbies, I no longer wanted to masturbate because I found fulfillment somewhere else.
When your life is empty then you end up fapping more to fill in the gap, when you have passions to work on them the need to fap diminishes.
Talking from personal experience but it varies
lol nice bait
I need nofap because I have basically jerked my dick into oblivion. Im on day 4 now and the skin on it feels so much softer and smoother, and my erections dont hurt. I havent gone this long in like 6 months. This alone makes it worth it to me.
>"beneficial for one’s physical, emotional, and relational health."
>"masturbation now is regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable, and safe."
>"the medical community considers masturbation to be a natural and harmless expression of sexuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout a person's lifetime as a part of normal sexual behaviour."
>"Masturbating is totally healthy, and totally normal. There are tons of myths out there meant to scare you into thinking masturbation is wrong or bad. But the truth is masturbation is perfectly safe. Masturbating won't make you blind, crazy, or stupid. It won’t damage your genitals, cause pimples, or stunt your growth. It doesn’t use up all your orgasms or ruin other kinds of sex."
>"Masturbating frequently could significantly reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer.
>"What qualifies as frequently? According to recent research from Harvard University, men who have 21 or more orgasms per month could cut their odds by 33%
Failed today on da 18 because my balls started hurting. Any tips?
Celibate and no fap is the way to go. I'm on day 97.
When I feel like I can't hold back I just rely on my will power to bring an overwhelming sense of resentment towards masturbating.
I never had a porn problem. I'm doing this completely out of the desire to be closer to god and control my lust.
Jesus said if you look upon a women with lust you have committed adultery. That includes recalling past sexual experiences which is how I used to masturbate.
I think it's hilarious people even count it as no fap when they have relationships and wives.. I'm doing this completely celibate.
On my 28th day, I’m also fasting so I tried not to get any horny thought. Unfortunately, had a wet dream few days back and I watched some lewd stuffs.
Now its getting harder to control myself. I really want to stop watching porn t bh even though I’m only into vanilla stuff.
Fuck, man. I don't even believe in this NoFap shit, but I have a big fucking cyst on my cock from jerking off too much and now it's sore. Plus, I read that other thread in the catalog by that user that permanently broke his dick jerking off. I sure hope this goes away if I don't touch my dick for a few weeks.
Still fap everyday
Confidence through the roof
Blah blah blah, bunch of credentialism from universities that also teach us there aren't biological differences in sexes.
Followed by a shit load of ad-hom.
Then the argument to porn & erectile dysfunction simply rests on the lack of peer reviewed studies to back it up. Studies that haven't even been attempted.
I for one don't give a rats ass about any one of this useless and pompus credentials. Univerisity taught psychology has garnered no real world useable results anyway.
He offers no explanation of how erectile funtion vastly improves and "performance anxiety" entirely dissapears in a lot of guys, including myself, when quitting internet porn.
I actually still fap too. Yeah, still jerk off to my imagination & memories.
So in my case, and a lot of other men, the ONLY thing that changed was Quitting Porn.
So then, what's his explanation for greatly improved erectile function in guys who simply stopped watching porn?
You cannot masturbate someone else. The headline should be 'Why I use my hands to sexually pleasure my son'.
OP do you think the rest of his body mass went to his dick?
Like, turns out Krang here has a monster cock or some shit
I am trying to quit porn completely but I'm still allowing myself to masturbate once a day. I've been porn free for 4 days now but the need for stimulus when masturbating is too much. Today I jerked off to girls tinder picks.
I think I'm cheating but I'm not sure. Do think I'm capable of pure nofap, after a few days I become obsessed with sex
Daily reminder not touching your dick doesn't fix your actual problems of being a beta faggot with mental health issues. I'd find the infograph of the medical community backing studies to prove that frequent masturbation is beneficial both for physical and mental health, but it's not worth it if you're actually so pathetic and stupid. I bet chad never jerks off to porn huh.
Please don't let this be real.
try 200 days, I'm working for the first time in 6 years next Monday.
she wants you docile
>just came in here to humble brag
We'll see you in a few years when even being around her is a chore but you're too deep in to do anything about it
Imagine bringing someone into the world with no consideration for anyone but yourself then calling others selfish for not having children
I stopped watching porn so long ago I don't know what day number I am at, might be over a year. But I guess that's the point, just forget and move on. Don't focus on just reaching a certain streak, don't make nofap your life just leave porn behind and live.
Without porn I stopped fapping as well. I feel its easier to get harder now, doesn't take much effort to get excited, still hard to cum while fucking though.
My advice is stop caring about what others say about this on the internet, do what you think its best for you, that might not be what you are feeling like doing right now though. Your conscience will let you know deep down what is right for you.
Whatever nofap affects testosterone levels or gains, I can't say. Picture related is the last time I took my test levels. They got higher than back when I was fapping to porn. Whatever it was due to nofap or something else I don't care. You all believe what is best for you.
Similar. I cut out porn. I once in a while fap to imagination, but still no porn.
Erections are way better now, wake up with erections at night too. Sex life is way better.
No other big changes. My testosterone levels haven't budged.
Have been doing nofap for a month and I went through ego death. From there I was able to unlock Ultra Instinct
He lives with his father
Day 5 here because I had ED saturday night.
>2 years dry spell
>went to see a girl I knew would be down to fuck
>she's cool, we talk for a while and go to the bar
>go back to her house, head to bed
>my dick is rock hard
>we start making out
>dick goes limp
>dick goes hard again
>put it in
>2 minutes in, goes limp again
>hard again
>put it in
>2 minutes in, goes limp again
>hard again
>put it in, cum in 30 seconds
>she doesn't want to see me again, even tho we had fun otherwise
This shit hurt. Help me Jow Forums, beside nofap are there any other things you would recommend me ? I'm 21 so I'm not impotent.
who could that be
>Constant brain fog
>Dizziness, lack of energy
>No motivation whatsoever to be productive or lift
>Became paranoid with my gf
Ask me how I know you also smoke weed
You really needed to quit jerking off in order to work again?
I am nofapping to achieve a touchless orgasm, how many days should I nofap to achieve this? Also what kind of exercises should I do to nut with only pure willpower?
Wait what
Ah, hands-free ejack, a powerful but rare technique, no one here can tell you the way
Please help anons, I'm feeling so bad about this...
I use my lesbian friend as a fleshlight. Usually when she's "unwilling".
She usually makes me breakfast, post workout snacks, and hops onto my lap to watch whatever I'm watching on the tele the next day.
Always acts pissed after and slaps me around a bit, if she still has anything left in her.
There's no love there and it's more like a physical need to unload compbined with just wanting to dominate and feel powerful.
Jamie pls see a shrink about your mom dying when you where young. I'm serious, you need help.
I'm nearing day 90. I have fewer friends and I'm actually pretty happy about it
>There's no love there
not yet (at least for you). Your situation sounds pretty great but be careful friend
Kek 3x is low test bud. Try 6-7 times a day
>I'm doing this completely out of the desire to be closer to god
And there you have. NoFap has nothing to do with science and everything to do with retarded Christcucks afraid of their own libido. Pathetic.
Don't over think this. Porn did this to you.
Fapping in general isn't what messed you up so much as the porn component. Fapping alone only is an issue if you're doing it more than 1x a day if porn is not used. Doing it more than that alone just makes you less horny, but doesn't fuck you up like porn.
The use not fapping can be at the moment is helping break the porn habbit. Eventually you might be able to fap to imagination again, but that could be a couple months.
The end goal is to simply no longer use porn. It's the main culpriy here. Other lifestyle changes are good, but most guys turn this into a religious experience and attribute too many things to positive results and make it more work than it needs to be.
tl:dr - quit porn, fapping now and then without porn ok, dick better in a few months
>Don't over think this
t. overthinker
His symptoms are classic alcohol limpdick symptoms, nothing more
How do I stop nocturnal emissions?
I blow my load everyday and feel like shit. Lately I have been feeling self consciius and comparing myself to everyone and feel like if someone is stronger or taller or more intelligent than me they are better. Does fapping play a role in why I feel like this lately ?
Nigga u gay
Doing no fap since 2 hours
Also known as: fuck, why did I do that
Keeping busy seems to be the best for nofap
Whatever, I do it at least once a week just to stay healthy.
Thank you for these kind words user, I knew deep down porn was the problem. I'm nearly at 10 years of consumption, I'll stop this shit.
I rarely drink tho. What do you mean by that ?
Didn't you come straight from the bar that night?
I drank one glass of wine and one beer in 4 hours user. I don't think this was the problem
No, they're typical PIED
He gave no indication that he was intoxicated and his story sounds very much like every story of PIED.
>day 18
My social skills and behavior with girls improved dramatically.
I feel way better, more confident.
I don't care if it's placebo, I notice improvement.
Bery Welcome.
It will take time for your brain to reset, and don't panic if you go through a month of a flatline phase where you're uninteresred in sexual stuff. In some extreme cases it can take 6 months to regain full function - but very worth it. In the mean time focus on your other pursuits and life and personal betterment so that when your cock springs back to life you're more attractive and have more opportunities to use it.
Day 5 and it's like I cant get an erection anymore, is this normal?
Cold water helps.
Tonight will mark day 60. Skin clearer, muscles bigger. Date tomorrow; girl has a perfect ass. Uni said I can retake exams I fucked up due to depression. Speaking of, depression is going away, not self-harming anymore. Rarely think about my ex, and am even begining to feel sorry for her. Mutiple seccond glances from women on the street, speak with more confidence, read more and drink less.
None of this shit came with NoFap btw. This is all the things I've had time to do instead of fapping, showering, hating myself then fapping again.
Working towards pic related. I'm going to make it.
>I'm doing this completely out of the desire to be closer to god
And there you have it. NoFap has no direct connection to health and nothing to do with science, it's just a bunch of retarded Christcucks ashamed of their libidos.
I kissed a girl in the mouth thanks to nofap.
and i received a cheek kiss from my crush also.
>believing in the universe because people in white coats tell you so
That's gonna be a yikes from me, buddy
>something good happens
>"it's thanks to no-fap"
mmhh..Sure, buddy.
I plan on seeing a girl next week. Haven't fapped since Saturday. Should I blow one out right now or wait and unleash a huge load on her face?
Yep, flatline. Avoid Porn. Stay the course
Before nofap i couldnt talk to girls.
You want to fuck. Your animal side comes back. Simple biology faggot, keep going.
relapsed yesterday, the nut wasn't even that good...
I do not!
I want to keep my semen.
i just want kisses not sex.
A succubus succed my bus last night and I had to wake up because i sprayed everywhere.
Daemon cunt is my weakness lads
Hahaha, you're just confirming my hypothesis about NoFap = Christcuck pseudoscience. Better to believe scientists than your holy book.
practice fragmented urination everytime you must pee in the bathroom.
Sleep with your legs crossed in yoga position,this applies pressure on the crotch and makes cumming more difficult.
scrotal tugging also makes cumming more difficult.
this are the best ways i know after years of trying.
what does nofap do? whats the gains?
Dude is getting hand jobs not having to do SHIT while everyone else has to take the chick to dinner to chicken express at least! It's not fair bros
Read the blog friend. Its the dad jerkin him off.