So how does your girlfriend feel about all the time you spend at the gym?

So how does your girlfriend feel about all the time you spend at the gym?
Is she proud of you?
Does she encourage you?
Does she brag about how big and vascular you are to her friends?

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your mom really loves it when i fuck her right up her shit hole with my big, vascular dick so yeah, she's totally on board LMAO

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dubs of truth op, gtfo.

holy shit lol

At first she bitched about me "being so focused only on myself", but now she's following along and improved her lifestyle too.

she supported me the whole way trough and tells me that no matter how i look she'll always love me the same, and it's true because when we started dating 5 years ago i was a bit of a chubster.
Now i mainly work out so that when we have kids i'll be a strong father, and she really loves the idea.
she's the best

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That's one smug best girl

dad, go back to work

Normalfags out

This one got me

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Good man

:) how nice

She works long hours and I usually go while she’s still at work. On weekends sometimes she would rather me stay home but knows that I will feel bad if I don’t go. I tell her when I hit prs she says “nice!” But I know she doesent know what “I hit 155 ohp x 2” means so I keep it short and don’t want to bore her like I’m boring you with my blogpost

you're not bothering me user

Based and wholesomepilled

She goes to the gym with me and slaps me on the ass when I'm on the treadmill. It's good

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stop bragging you fucking asshole, I have been lifting for 6 years, martial art maxxing, education/jobmaxxing, but nothing can fix a balding manlet (5'5) with an ugly face. I went bald at age 18 and never had any female attention, I don't even know what the point of living is anymore, I am a total failure from an evolutional perspective, I should just end it and kill myself. Another piece of advice for anyone who wants to have childen NEVER procreate with a woman below 5'7 you will create hell for your son.

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i have a homegym
and i do 3x full body a week, takes me 4.5h total
she is proud of me, considering i lift close to 2/3/4/5 (still kinda chubby tho) and motivates me every time i dont really want to workout.
as for the bragging, she used to, but she told me she got used to me size, and now thinks its normal (even said that "normal" sized guys all seem small now lol)

so i really couldnt be happier with her
they're not all gains goblins, just have to be lucky i guess

My ex didn't really mind when I started going as she had a pretty busy schedule but I could tell it was starting to bother her that I was getting more compliments from my female friends, and that they'd feel my muscles in front of her.
Told her not to worry about it and that if I wanted to just fuck random chicks I wouldn't be dating her.
Ended up cheating on me and hit me with the
>I was worried you were going to cheat on me first
I pretty much told her that she was retarded and kicked her out of my house that night.
So I guess in a way it made me look better, feel better, and allowed me to dodge the biggest bullet in the world as I was saving up for an engagement ring.
Haven't had a girlfriend since then and it was like 4 years ago now but I hope that when I do get a new one she's supportive of my hobbies.


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