How is his waist 54"?

In what world does a guy get a 54 inch (137cm) waist without basically sagging over his belt line and muffin topping rediculously?

Do steroids with heavy lifting cause this?

Attached: Thorcommercialforwaterbubbles.jpg (1392x1317, 960K)

Because he's tall as fuck, you simp.

Because he's an absolute stack of muscle. You can literally see his abs.

you're retarded

Being 6'9, 400 pounds, and with visible abs causes this.

his gut is clearly sagging

So is his face just permanently paralyzed now or what? I dont really keep up with him much.

>without basically sagging over his belt line and muffin topping rediculously?
But he does have that.

yeah, he's like over 6'2

Yeah it's probably a stroke he tries to hide with that palsy excuse

How did Zydrunas do it for his entire life and not fall apart like Hall and probably soon Thor

How was his stroke limited to his face?

I mean, usually a stroke survivor doesn't win the WSM contest of total over 1100kg in powerlifting.

Steroids, pretty much that's it

There are different degrees of stroke faggot. My grandfather had a stroke at 70 and didn't go to hospital until a day later. He only suffers from lack of vision in one eye and still does discus throw and hits the gym.

Was he able to do those activities 5 days later? Thor won ESM 5 days after his stroke.

Also, if he continued doing the same stuff that caused the stroke, and even more to win, why hasn't ge stroked out again?

Thor is 6’9”, 410 lbs. and a highly achieved strongman how the fuck do you think he got that waist dipshit

>Thor won ESM 5 days after his stroke.
>if he continued doing the same stuff that caused the stroke, and even more to win, why hasn't ge stroked out again?
It's a sum of many things. Sometimes you just need a bit of bad luck

How is his waist 21"?
>in what world does a guy get a 21 inch (53cm) waist without basically dropping his pants along with the belt and hourglassing rediculously?

Attached: ay107600730warwick-davis-at.jpg (644x997, 113K)

Literally on his IG, he posted about his Bells Palsy on march 31st 2017. He had posted training vids as recently as the 24th. He won ESM on April 1st that year.

Now, for all I know he could be covering for a stroke, but I haven't heard of anyone getting full left side facial paralysis from one and winning a major strongman comp that quickly after.

He's wide

He leaned out a lot in offseasons. He was quite a bit smaller until 2008ish and after that only bloatmaxxed during comp seasons.

He's got very visible abs and vascularity, "ripped" by normy standards at 400 these days and 450 when bloated up... and you can still see his abs at 450. I'm shocked his still alive at all.

>visible abs

Attached: 8901723890123.jpg (640x480, 41K)

people can have strokes and not even know it

strokes affecting the face usually apply to a single quadrant, most often forehead sparing. Bell's Palsy always affects half of the face, which Hafthor has.

If you walk into an ER with half the face, they'll consult the neurologist, but they're not going to call a stroke alert or prepare TPA or anything.

I'm not that user, and not going to debate that he had bell's palsy, but it typically clears up MUCH faster than this. He should've been back to normal awhile ago. What do you think is up with him?

Maybe the constant pushing himself has slown down recovery? Most guys aren't squatting 900+ and deadlifting 1000+ and weighing 450+ either

maybe it's because u dont lift heavy objects with left side of ur face

>being retarded

If he got lean he'd look like a white Big Lenny, with a rock-solid, disgusting roid gut.

Would he have skinny arms and legs on him too? This was the last time Thor got lean at the very end of 2017, he was 400 here still.

Attached: 0008 Photos of “180kg400lbs bodyweight.. in the best shape of my life and about to squat 440kg970l (899x899, 140K)

because these two guys on his left and right are bigger than you

It's his nerves. Turns out roids don't make them grow and he gained too much muscle too fast.

Bell's "typically" resolves within a month or 2 but it's not uncommon to have permanent or semi-permanent residual deficits
