>But you're the only one who does both and sincerely means it
you are literally a pakistani man though
>But you're the only one who does both and sincerely means it
you are literally a pakistani man though
I am not the only one who sincerely means it.
because the cultural decline causes stagnation in creatibity
Dont forget that ShipAnon never misgendered Tilde
Watched a whole 12 episode anime today haven't done that in ages what a life I lead feel like I just sleep and 5 hours isn't e en that much PATHETIC
unironically you have a great life, would you rather be wagecucking?
>we are living in a cutural decline
can you expand on that?
No, lad
I'm just mad at myself im not watching more TV and films and spending too much time sleeping
Atm I'm happy being neet I'd probably. Be suicidal wagecucking
It's in our nature mate, we see something, we colonise it, we spread our culture, we build the modern world
we're the fucking Plymouth Company mate.
Honestly having a great evening.