Behind the Neck Pulldowns

Will I fuck myself up if I do behind the neck lat pull downs? Just how bad are they for the rotator cuff?

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If you actually care about your rotator cuff and all of the other negative things behind the neck lat pull downs will do to you. Then don't fucking do them.
This is by far an inferior exercise and should not be performed if alternatives exist. When viewed from a health and gains standpoint.

Doing anything behind the neck is an instant red flag to everyone around that you are a fucking retarded mongol no matter how jacked you are. It is:
-Unnecessarily dangerous
-Looks fucking retarded
Dont even think about doing presses like this as well. Every time I see someone do ohp on the smith machine with the bar behind their neck I want to smash something.

wtf this is my favorite excercise

i love doing it in the morning right after i wake up

why is it bad?

>after i wake up
>not training in sleep for maximum bodily confusion
never gonna to make it

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g*ogled lat pulldown front vs back and first article said front is just superior. don't worry about your rotator cuffs, behind the neck isn't even worth doing.

Why do people even do BTN anything?

Yes. Literally just use common sense. When in your entire life have you actually moved like that? If its not something anyone anywhere would do outside of the context of a gym there's a good chance your body isn't made to do that and its just going to fuck you up.

Some dickhead probably just did it once back in the 80s, swore it made better gains and got a bunch of other retards to do the same thing

Jeff the Cavaliere says yes, so don't do it.

apart from rotator cuff problems, it can also cause problems for your upper spine and neck.

your neck is pushed all the way forward, putting it out of alignment with the rest of your body, and then you are bringing the weight down behind your head. puts a lot of stress on your neck and upper spine

>"Well it hasn't happened to me, so it can't be that bad"

Not even joking, my rotator cuff hurts just imagining doing this

Whether you actually will fuck yourself up depends on a few factors including the shape of your shoulder bones, your posture, especially in the upper back, whether you have previous injuries in the shoulder tendons etc. In my opinion its not really worth the risk, plus I would assume you are new to lifting so probably still have pretty poor posture and will cause unnecessary wear and tear on the shoulder tendons.
Either way, just do weighted chin ups on a neutral or angled grip, they are vastly superior
Better isolation of muscles, lat in this case, for shoulder press you get more delt and less chest

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They're unironically the best exercice to build your upper back once you know how to do them properly.

Faggots and cuckpilled.

This thread is anothee reminder that majority of Jow Forums dont even lift at all. Like how fucking retarded do you have to be to unironically do BTN exercises?

I've never seen anyone do BTN crap apart from a turkroider half-repping ohp 40kg once and some skinny DYEL zoomerfags lat pulling with their skelly arms on Friday. Take from this what you will.

Klokov would like a word.

Basically, if you have the shoulder mobility and you do them correctly, behind the neck work is fantastic. It finally twigged the lat MMC for me a few years ago as I could never get them firing on BO rows which just aren't for me, honestly.

If you don't have the mobility either don't do them or work on your mobility. You should probably work on mobility anyway.

No amount of shoulder mobility will ever make this a healthy position for your shoulder capsule

t. doesn't know shit, likes to get on the internet and pretend he does

cool. gonna parrot any other information you've read on internet forums from DYELs today?

woooowwww you sound like you did SO much research. fuck off.


sort of how you think you need to squat, huh faggot? stfu. please.

also said by jeff: CLICK HERE for GAINS! Please CLICK THIS VIDEO. Please ;-;

Yeah, your form is shit.

yea, and my dick gets hard imagining fucking your mom.

Holy fucking shit balls, i still have 3-4 more gay ass responses from DYELs to go. Fuck it, I've made my point. This board is filled with DYEL twiinks who have been lifting all of 3 months and think they know everything about lifting because they also spent 3 months reading fitness forums. Absolutely hilarious, hahahahahahaha

Why people come here for ACTUAL fitness advice is beyond me There are 2 reasons to come to Jow Forums, EVER:

It's obviously not an exercise you go heavy on, you fucking retards. You do this exercises light and for a lot of reps, using the range of motion that works for you. The fucking nerve of some of you DYELs is astounding. What ever happened to just admitting YOU DONT KNOW SHIT.

now go home and get your fucking shinebox.


I’m just guessing but I suspect there are FAR more “torn rotator cuffs” from Bench Press.

post discarded, you don't know science I know science