Are oats better raw or cooked?

Are oats better raw or cooked?

I mix 100g oats with milk, quark, yogurt and a pinch of brown sugar. Never cook the oats.

How do you make your oats?

Pic related my oats

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thumbnail looks like a toilet accident

ive been mixing 1cup oats with 3/4cup milk, 1/4c egg whites, 1 banana sliced, pinch of salt, and some lowfat syrup.
its actually pretty gross, i need to figure out something else

I mix 55g of raw oats with one of these every morning. Usually drink a protein shake made with almond milk along with it. I never cook the oats either.

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I'm not opening that
But just cook them like a normal person. Oats, milk, put them in the microwave for 3 and a half minutes, stir halfway through

>lowfat syrup
since when does any syrup have fat in it?

idk why i typed that, should of been lite syrup

since 'low fat' and 'diet' became best sellers.
don't worry about it goy.

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Hmm not a bad idea. Then I can mix in my yogurt and quark. Thanks user.

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it's a rare drop from the syrup beast
no prob, I usually put in quite a bit of milk so it doesn't harden up