>stop working out a bit
>gf tells me I look better with a bit of a stomach instead of being flat and that dadbods look better
>try it
Day 20 of not working out as a 6'3 male with a broad chest to flex on manlets
Stop working out a bit
>no one will evere love me so much she encourages me to get fat so other girls won't get me
You're gf is a fatty and is avoiding improving herself by bringing you down with her.
Your gf is scared you'll leave her so is sabotaging your goals.
she doesn't want me to get fat she just complained that my arms and stomach is "tough" when she touches me
my gf before this one always encouraged me to eat like shit, not sure why i think it was a fetish thing
>listening to what a women wants
never gonna make it
Did she watched Avengers:Endgame?
You can always predict the sort of replies these threads are going to get.
which one? other one was years ago and i havent seen endgame so my gf probably hasn't either
She wants to ruin you enough to stop you running off but not enough to make her look bad for being with you. Leave her