Here's a redpill Jow Forums:

Here's a redpill Jow Forums:

Going into the military is the OPPOSITE lifestyle of what you want.
>Knees get destroyed
>No sleep
>No drugs allowed
>Women want you for your rank and not your body or personality

Don't do it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


what if you join the air force

>free education
>free health care
>free lasik
>nothing to do but train
>200k/yr security contracts after

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Was going to join, until i found out my country (Australia) was rejecting men by the hundreds even for combat positions, just to fill up female quotas.

Not fighting for this garbage country, or all the nigger Sudanese here.

>be oldfag
>be bored with job
>just got married

I just want to fly helicopters and blow shit up for money. Thinking about going army

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k/yr security contracts after

Yeah, for those that served in the special forces, and deployed. Moron. It's also not anywhere near 200k.

.t 4 years infantry, and got rejected.

you know whats gonna happen to your marriage right? also youll just end up meming around in training, doubtful youll get deployed

>dying for israel
>babysitting African, Asian, and Arabic civilizations
>get yelled at by a manlet who I'm smarter then

No thanks

yeah but then I can get out in 6 years and go back to teaching and or flying helis with sexy government benefits

sucks to suck

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have sex incel

Anyone work in a STEM related field in the military? I was considering having them pay for my masters and PhD, was wondering what the work environment was like.

get cooked schlomo

On the 3rd year of my 6 year (Ch)Air Force enlistment.

It isn't a bad deal. I've done a few classes, I have ample time to lift, my body isn't destroyed, been saving up my money. It really is what you make of it.

Only thing I'd say is there are a lot of crabs. One out of every two guys I know that are in have that bullshit mentality of "If my life sucks, yours must as well". Its easy enough to avoid them if they are your rank, but man when they are in a supervisor position it sucks. E-5s with fat wives destroy lives.

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Going into the military is a slave mentality move unless you're doing it to get out of a bad spot. I mean you could go into the Air Force for payed technical vocation skills but you're going to be a complete faggot when you get out and can't stop mentioning about your time enlisted, trying to flex on people.

Got out 7 years ago and I don’t regret it, it does destroy you physically and mentally tho, but the benefits afterwards are worth it. It paid for my education and now I make a comfy 6 figures

Air Force SSgt here. One of the best decisions i’ve ever made, do I have to deal with a lot of BS? Sure, but it’s given me so much in my life that I don’t regret anything

That's not a redpill for anyone that doesn't live in Murica. Military fucking sucks, and the only reason it's any good in America is because your education, healthcare, and job market are fucked up beyond belief while billions pour into the "defense" industry. Move out of your 3rd world shithole.

Served my time and the government still wont pay me a dime.

>who I’m smarter than
You know the military tests IQ and it’s a factor in promotion right? You’re not as smart as you think you are Sargon.

Anyone seen the comic called "Terminal Lance"?

>it really be like it do

To many stupid kids that're horny will marry these disgusting land mammals to move out of barracks, thanks to military incentives for marriage...

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What do you do in the Air Force?

mfw im israeli and im gonna get conscripted soon

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If you genuinely think that promotion in the military is based on intelligence then there is no hope for you or your future. I wish you nothing but luck. You'll need it

>he didn't go for intel or cyber
Are you a brainlet, user? Because those two are where the comfy post-sep contracts are. It's the least bullshit you have to deal with while you're in for the most money you can get after.

2M0X2 is my AFSC, nuclear missile maintenance. Not a bad gig. Non-combat obviously, I originally wanted to be TACP but I was a skinnyfat dude when I joined and there was 0 chance I would pass the PFT. I don't want to come off like a recruiter, but joining was probably inadvertently the best decision I have ever made just because it exposed me to lifting through a bunch of friends I made in my job, and lifting is probably the only thing in life I actually love to do.

Woah there, I'm not from the USA. I see you're in the maintenance crew, alright. What would you say about joining combat units? How is the pay?

>>who I'm smarter then

Love you user, never change

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I would never ever under any circumstance join a combat position unless we (the USA) were in a war I actually cared about. No amount of money to me is worth risking getting my legs blown off to die in the wars going on right now. If you're in a country that is in a war you support, if you're joining for the cash you're wasting your time. You're not going to make bank at any rank, even 4 star generals make fuck all in cash compared to the amount of responsibility they have.

post body

You'll basically just work a day job. You can still find decent women but it's not easy, male-dominated career and all. Your knees will probably still be destroyed.
t. 7 years active duty, getting out soon

>join up to die for jews in some desert
why do people do this in 2000+19?

really depends on your country and branch. i get paid to lift and jerk off but my country thinks im a retard nazi.
>t.german artillery

>free education
>free health care
>free lasik
Even third worlders have that shit, do Americans only pay taxes to give Tyrone chicken and free puppets to Israel?

>fighting for Israel
Yeah fuckin hard pass buddy

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>You can still find decent women but it's not easy
Do not, under any circumstance, get married while in the military. All you will have access to are enlisted women who get have 100% had trains run on them, base thots who live in the city outside of base and get dicked down by enlisted guys, and if your sweetheart from back home sticks with you odds are she cheated on you while you were both separated. Don't do it to yourself.

I see. Thanks for the information.

I almost went marines, didn’t really have anything I wanted to do with my life other than die and I figured it would break me and make me harder. Ended up deciding it was retarded and got a dumbass tattoo that DQ’d me. I still might go army for 4 years after I finish getting my shit together just to do it.


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Shut it zog shill

>me then
Wow, you're in the military?! Youre so bad-ass! Cool! Wow!!! Thank you for your service, SIR! I would salute you but I know that would be meaningless coming from me, may I shake your hand instead? God bless you, sir, thank you!

>me now
You're in the military? Aw, good little goy. There is little to nothing about you that I even respect, you brain-washed, order-following, slack-jawed, moron. Wow, you can do some push-ups? COOL (yawn).

An intelligent man would never join the military unless his country was legitimately threatened.



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Any STEM PhD program worth doing will pay you to do it (teaching/research assistant). If your primary goal is getting your PhD paid for you dont need the military.

I have had a real bad impression of military guys. First and foremost, both of my grandfathers were veterans... WWII pacific and Korean War. So the bar is very high, they were both good men...

However, since then I've met A HANDFUL TO SAY THE LEAST of marines and army guys who to be perfectly honest, with no insult intended, just left me with the impression that the military (without a """real""" war to fight) is just a tax-funded fraternity summer camp. These guys were such macho-dumb-dumbs it fucking hurt to be around them. Fund to drink with though, but even then, they are constantly "bro-ing" in the worst way. We're talking head-smashing the beer can tier here. Not very cool when you are 21+ And these guys were like 25-35, Jesus.

Next was navy, in which I attempted to join but eventually lost interest. Every single navy person I met... was a little fucking weird. I would later learn that the other branches refer to the types of people that join the navy as "goobers" which is a lot like how we at Jow Forums define autists. Just weird fuckin people who are socially awkward and lack charisma and are just... a little gross in a weird way, like too sweaty or clammy, either too shy or too eager to please idk man. I couldn't imagine being stuck on a boat with a ship-full of those types.

Air Force, haven't met too many of them but they seem alright. I think it's because the ASVAB demand is much higher, so it tends to attract a different crowd. And then its hilarous how the other branches call them "pussy" chair force. Like what are they expecting, a standing round of applause, BRILLIANT DISS, GOOD SIR. They truly are the PUSSIES of the military! Cheers! It's all so tiresome!

Finally, I've had MULTIPLE different experiences of someone not hearing what I said, and they make some reference to "too many grenades" affecting their hearing. None of them were vets... it was painful to experience this attempt at impressing me. Cringed IRL


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True, but we need still whites in the military or else it’ll be Fall of Rome 2.0

>muh drugs
>wanting women to want you for body/personality
Time to grow up and accept how the world actually works

>friend joins navy
>literally just russians and turks
>has never even once been in any danger for his life

>Fall of Rome 2.0
Is this available for PC?

>Knees get destroyed
how exactly

Was there ever really a death blow? I mean they got stagnant for a while, but did the city itself ever get sacked or just lost the empire?
Is there a good book on this that doesn't read like a textbook?

wenn ich mich zur Marine melde, werde ich dann jemals in Lebensgefahr sein, außer es kommt zum Seekrieg ?

Don’t fight for your Zionist apartheid state
Defect to Hizbullah

>4 years
>never deployed
You're just a POG with a blue string

As a h’white man, if this civilization was threatened, I don’t think I would care. A government that hates us would suddenly expect us to die for it to preserve it? No thanks.

Once the government started non-stop third world immigration at the expense of white communities and blue collar white jobs, I no longer care for its continued survival.

Get Jow Forums lads. Own guns. Learn survival techniques, and do your damnedest to survive this nation’s slow decline as we start grappling with peak oil, resource depletion, third world hoards, government incompetence, and declining services and living standards. Raise your children with survival skills and LESS (less energy, stuff and stimulation). Get used to the world that’s coming, not the world we live in now. I might be crazy, but I think the next 30 years are going to be pretty interesting.

>get yelled at by a manlet who I'm smarter then
>who I'm smarter then
> smarter then
yeah im sure you are faggot

Fucking faggot, I bet you haven't even been in for 2 years. Complaining that you can't do drugs. What an unwashed, shitty unkempt facial haired, civilian thing to say.

Everything you said is mostly wrong or depends on your job, which most jobs would never experience what you talked about.

If your knees are gonna go, then they are gonna go. The military doesn't destroy knees, or they would all be in wheelchairs dummy. You just didn't have the knees for an active lifestyle. Not shitting on you for having bad knees, it happens, but don't push this bullshit as if it's the standard thing that happens to everyone.

Women want you for your rank? Literally never had a gotl ask what rank I am, and after traveling to multiple continents over 9 years, I've been with dozens of women. Most women, american or otherwise, don't understand rank, so they don't even think to consider it.

Guess what? You were gonna complain and bitch and cry no matter where you worked. The problem is you.

Welche Marines? Royal Marines? Wahrscheinlich ja. US marines? Einer kleiner Chance, nur, natürlich, weil die US marines so viel größer - die Gefährlichkeit ist über einer zahlreichere Gruppe verbreitet

>>Women want you for your rank and not your body or personality
this happens outside of the military too

What took the Roman Empire was it’s complexity combined with declining access to resources. The complexity of the empire started to become a net expense than I net benefit. All the trade routes, bureaucracy, large un-manageable border eventually led to a huge drain on the economy. Of course when elites and “managers” are threatened, they push the costs and job losses and the lower class. Soon, there was a lot more unemployment, and the situation became worse and worse. The decline of the empire happened slowly as different sectors of the empire and economy underwent triage. Things were slowly abandoned. Things slowly got worse. Eventually the triage took out the empire itself. One of the most interesting things about the final fall, is the average person was relieved. The tax burden imposed by the empire was more than anyone could stand anymore. The benefits of no empire out weighed the benefits of having one.

Tl;dr highly complex empire, resources stretched thin, some thing get cut, military advantage diminishes over time, things slowly scale back, empire tries to maintain itself at the expense of it’s citizens, everyone relieved when it finally goes

>live in a city near Camp Lejeune marine base
>every non boomer knows how dumb, impulsive and horny marines are
>drive to Jacksonville occasionaly for work
>literal idyllic burger-land, fast food chains on every corner,
>tattoo shops everywhere, strip clubs all over
>virtually devoid of small businesses, just mega brands that gobble up zogbot paychecks
>real estate agents even talk about shuffling fresh marines into shitbox houses
>drive thru these neighborhoods on occasion, huge trucks, motorcycles, boats in driveway
>two car garage full of chintzy walmart shit
>older neighborhoods turn to squalor, developers just keep moving on to teh next, buiilding 250k vinyl boxes

Also the city and groundwater in Jacksonville is literally poisoned from military waste and jet fuel seeping into the aquifers. They try to keep it under wraps but the base is constanly paying out money for birth defects and cancer. If you live there you're truly fucked.

It seems to be a lot of mid-west kids with no where else to go, pretty sad honestly. And yes, the women are almost always fat and ugly. Everyone also seems to only drive Ford and Chevy vehicles, i think there's some kind of incentive. Too bad the cars suck and never last, just like the houses.

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>>Knees get destroyed
Just literally go for one of the hundreds of jobs besides infantry you never served retard cunt
>>No sleep
Kinda true. Just learn to ration your free time like an adult.
>>No drugs allowed
Imagine being such a degenerate you let availability of drugs influence your decision of whether or not to get free college,health care, guaranteed income, etc
>>Women want you for your rank and not your body or personality
Speak for yourself, incel.

>Art Schaap, owner of Highland Dairy in Clovis, New Mexico is facing a unique kind of devastation. He’s dumping 15,000 gallons of milk each day, had to let his 40 employees go and plans to kill all 4,000 of his cows because seven of his 13 wells have been contaminated by toxins called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that entered the groundwater at nearby Cannon Air Force base.

Wow. Thanks Air Force. Very cool!

I dropped out of high school and spent 6 years popping mdma daily and make 6 figures now. It’s not hard if you have a brain between your ears

Go die for Israel

You're right- let's everyone just stop joining the militsry. I'm sure America, the most hated, powerful country eill be just fine without a militsry, right?

>Women want you for your rank and not your body or personality
I imagine it's a very small percentage of women who even know what military rank is. You've got your women in the military who fuck upwards for perks and status, base bunnies who live and breathe military life, then past that? As long as you don't run into a superior officer while out on the town and he decides to show you up for fun, women just see the uniform and think it's all the same.

America’s main export is homosexuality. It probably should just die desu

>mfw watching an entire platoon ruck marching at a slow jog on concrete at a deployed location.
Fucking army is retarded.

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Like everything else it is what you make of it. You can go, get fit, save a bunch of money , learn all sorts of things and be squared away.

Or you can go and spend your weekends drinking and partying , blowing all your money and have nothing to show for it but an alcohol problem, an ever increasing gut, and the misery that comes from having no direction.

>Knees get destroyed
I don't know about that but mine are ok
>No sleep
We need to not explode ourselves so we sleep a lot at the air force, even if our sleep hours aren't regular
>No drugs allowed
>Women want you for your rank and not your body or personality
That's why you go to military undergrad to start with a high rank
>but you fight for jews!
My third worlld country does not have money to go to war

Holy shit how reddit are you?

Lots of officer corp jobs in the Navy for stem, civil engineer corp, oceanography, medical, etc

Be born with a vagina tranny

The military is full of cucks.
They literally get no say in their lives and their women sleep around like mad.
Hey man it's worth it though, think of all the totally not gay touching you would have missed if you weren't dying for Israel in the desert.

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Not him but I would like to know more.

OP isn't a faggot for once

>he thinks that's how it works
you can be the most qualified person for any branch or position and they'll still try to put you in a fucked job

The pic itself literally says rotc. None of those people are actually in the military. Just a bunch of kids in high school

You sound super upset. Some military guy bang out your girl bro?

In Usa military is basically a government job for people who are unsuited for workforce or higher education otherwise, so mostly it is people from low socioeconomical backgrounds. Might sound great but truth is you are likely gonna hang out with worst spergs ever

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What I did was I used squats to strengthen my knees and I didn't give any fat bitches my paycheck for some attention. I used cocaine on long weekends and I slept for like 4 years straight after I got out.


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Yeah and?

>tax-funded fraternity summer camp
Holy shit this is absolute truth. My buddy fits your description all the way including every marine I’ve ever met. I still prefer these idiots over your typical leftist basedboy but damn we need to start invading and subjugating shitholes so they can experience actual combat.

Incredibly accurate and true of my own experiences as well. Based post user.

Most military guys end up horribly too. Lots of drunks, bad with money, and suicidal.

If we could, we would cut off all welfare.
Too bad many Republicans are religious cucks and are okay with their churches housing and helping illegals.

You're an idiot if more needs to be explained to you.

No they arent, idiot. They act like they care. Public programs have been getting defunded for years, and the highest most corrupt echelons of bipartisan government have been working to keep wages stagnant vs inflation, requiring people to fall back on those public programs, all to please their multimillion/billionaire donors. Given the amount of work produced by the average employee, compared to how much money the company makes, a $15 an hour minimum wage still wouldn't put us where we should be in ratio to how much increased money a company/CEO makes since the 1970's. The wealthy make more and more, YOU make less and less, have shittier school systems to keep you dumb and angry, then you can't focus on the actual threats and blame poor people with no power at all for your minor life inconveniences. "Shaquanda" isn't why you have student loan debt, idiot. Sit down.

Funny how morons blame everyone for everything - except the actual people who literally signed bills into legislation to make your life worse.

Bro, are you even out of high school? Honestly, how old are you?

Die for Isreal

>sit down
Don't you have a 50s lunch counter to protest?

Half of that list is free in Europe (where we don't spend our budget on new military toys and the great rabbi desert)

Good job with that sentence. You didn't say it right, but you did your best.

You're welcome.

My sister is in the military right now and she says military men are terrible and always cheat that's why shes 28 and a virgin that's never dated.

It's because she's deathly afraid of commitment. Tell her that.