My testosterone and sexdrive just stopped almost completely. I use to fap 2-3 times a day now nothing. Will I ever get it back? Anyone go through this? Im 37
Low Testosterone
What's that face trying to convey
>Im 37
Mine is almost completely gone. I exercise 5 days a week am healthy weight, and eat well. Im only 24 im fairly confident my test is at zero because ive always been a bit of a pussy but i put muscle on fairly easy so honestly idk
Start weightlifting
Get on test. Never look back. Do a few cycles of roids as well, you have nothing to lose. Start today. If you can't get test legally then take vaca to Thailand, fuck a few ladyboys and come home with a two year supply. Of test, not ladyboys.
Blood test
Free test
Only way to be sure whats happening, don't waste your time and energy rattling your head trying to figure it out you'll just wind yourself up
Lmao hes 37 and he fap 2-3 times a day
Have it.
>i use to fap 2-3 times a day
Mine's gone at 27. Sex still works for me but masturbation just doesn't do it anymore. I used to go home early at weekends to jerk off at home
what is she holding on to and how is the water being contained? wtf?
It's an above ground pool with glass walls, like a giant fishtank
Mine's gone too at 25, no porn, no fapping, regular cardio, good diet and hydration, D3 and zinc supplements. Morning wood is but a memory.
Same brah, 25 and no libido, still get morning wood sometimes, my Estrogen is high though and my prolactin was until it was nuked by some cabergoline,working on lowering it now
Really, what is a vacation to Thailand without fucking at least one ladyboy?
A brief question interjection if I may:
During adolescence I fapped 2-3 times daily, every day, generally every morning before school and before I went to bed.
I am already well aware this fucked with my brain, what kind of effect would this have had on my physiological development, if any?
Also 25, did a bloodtest last week and prolactine is so high it drove my test to below 100. no problem with libido but if test doesn't return i might aswell die
LMAOing at you low test faggots. I’m horny 24/7 and it is invigorating. White pussy is gods gift to us Puerto Ricans.
I'm a bit like this.
I dont know.
I still look at women constantly, and im still chasing women, but i have very little desire to masturbate?
Whats the deal.
50 mg of zinc with a meal and a spoon full of raw turmeric mixed with water every day. God mode. Tearing pussy up left and right all week long.
Lift heavy naturally 3-6 reps for 3 sets will boost natural test production as well.
listen, I'm not a no-fap missionary, but you guys should by now understand some shit about stimulus and conditioned response. You will naturally stop responding to the same repeated stimulus. You will require either a greater quantity of stimulus or a greater intensity of stimulus to achieve the same previous response. This is just basic science, and has nothing to do with your or my opinion on the morality/health of fapping.
So stop fucking beating your goddamn meat on the internet.
When you start out, you can get off to just a really pretty, or really fit solo girl, then you need her to be fucking someone enthusiastically, then you need her to be fucking a chick enthusiastically. Then you need that chick to be her twin sister. Then you need them to be rimming each other, then you need them to be fisting each other, etc.
And the internet never runs out of variations and quantity of new degeneracy for you to seek in order to get your stimulation. You will physically reach your limits before internet porn does.
>raw turmeric
any evidence?
This. Getting a late start on healing my brain, but it's a start.
Get some cabergoline and nuke it,1 mg a week, low prolactin has no side effects in men
Like going to Turkey and not getting a kebab
These all help
Fapping daily through adolescence destroys your brain's natural reward system, which is what allowed animals for millions of years to gain pleasure from acts necessary for their survival, such as eating high-caloric foods and having sex.
Consequently, you get a lower dopaminergic response to pleasurable activities in your daily life, which has the twofold effect of making you enjoy life less, and be more prone to addiction in which you require more and more of the same addictive substance or activity to feel pleasure, until eventually you feel nothing at all. Hope this helps.
I'm 19. Used to wank once a day every day without fail throughout all of high school to porn. These past few months my sex drive has dropped. I masturbate once a week and cumming feels way less good than it used to. Porn now kind of disgusts me. If you're reading this, quit porn NOW,
Is there a good place to get hormones tested besides a doc?
Like I said: I'm already well aware it's fucked with my brain. Hoping I can undo some of it.
But what about my body? Does it stunt growth at all?
Excessive masturbation may decrease testosterone during critical periods of development in adolescents.
But the true answer to your question is a mute point. Whether or not your teenage habits negatively influenced your development, it is done. Clinging to lost opportunities only breeds discontent. Only now exists.
Ashwagandha root my man. The extract has been shown to boost test levels by 18%
Imagine the smell
I'm 20 and morning wood is nothing other than memory but I do have erections throughout the day is this normal?
>cope much?
this theory of yours would then apply to having regular sex with the same woman.
which would mean that you would need a constant supply of different woman. which is unsustainable. leading you to have a broken family and mentally unhealthy offspring.
it's called the coolidge effect and its a well studied phenomena in mammals.
Not sure if knowing this helps or not, but thanks.
>The Coolidge effect is a biological phenomenon seen in animals, whereby males exhibit renewed sexual interest whenever a new female is introduced to have sex with, even after cessation of sex with prior but still available sexual partners.
thats exactly what i said...
Start a TRT. That's about your only option.
It's glass. She's holding back the full force of the Atlantic with sheer strength of will.
Like visiting Japan and not having a nuke dropped on you
Learn how to box
Whoa i can almost see her pusi
Are you planning on having children? Do you have a spouse? Are you attractive without hormones? What is your income? Do you have a legal business? All of these are questions that will be asked if you plan on taking these drugs. I don't want people stealing girls.
This. Remember to get yourself some pharma grade Dianabol and Anadrol for bulking and cutting, respectively. And remember to start with low doses since the pharma stuff is way more potent than what most internet roid monkeys are taking.
I’m 38 and felt a huge drop in libido and the drive to do anything other than sit on my couch around age 35.
Supplement wise I now take 50mg DHEA and 5g Creatine everyday. For food I now focus on eating more fat. My diet is mostly beef and eggs and dropping grains from my diet helped. I rarely eat anything that I wouldn’t be able to find if I were lost in the woods. For lifting I do more volume training rather than focusing on increasing the amount of weight I lift.
I don’t feel like a teenager again but those are the things I did and are still doing and it solved the problem for me.
Another thing that’s helped is while I haven’t quit drinking alcohol entirely, Inonly drink socially and I no longer have mixed drinks. Just whiskey or vodka with water. Haven’t had a hangover or the day after drop in motivation since.
In the US, privatemdlabs, legal except in like 5 bullshit states, get the female sex hormone panel for starters, unironically check out Jow Forumssteroids wiki for more information.
of course it helps you fucking beta. because it means you need to change TODAY. you aren't broken forever faggot
humans, some species of prime apes and dolphins are the only mammals on earth that feel pleasure when having sex so no
I never had a sex drive at all. Even during puberty.
I wish I didn't have a sex drive. I'm tired of being turned on by women who have zero interest in me.