QTDDTOT - Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
I'm an intermediate lifter with fucking horrendous mobility. Can't touch the floor with my legs and lower back straight if my life depended on it, nor clasp my hands behind my back, nothing. Anyone got a simple and short starting stretching routine for someone like me?
18-21 lose more body fat more reps, kill those pecs
Kayden Perez
I've been eating 1900kcal a day for 8 weeks and gym 7 days a week. I've lost 15kg this way but these last couple of days my energy has completely dropped and i'm feeling more appetite. What do I do to keep dropping weight fast but not be so tired and low energy
Thomas Sullivan
When I take one serving of milk (500ml) I shit it out in less than 2 hours. Does it mean that my body is not able to digest the milk protein properly ?
Jaxon Moore
should i do 100 push ups a day or once every few days?
i'm starting stronglift 5x5 to begin losing weight and get more fit, but i was wondering if i could add some biking to help with the weight loss and improve my cardio too. is this a good idea? if so, does anyone know a good way to balance weightlifting and cardio?
Evan Anderson
how fucking hard do I have to cut for abs to show? I'm 180 at 6'2 and I'm approaching twink mode. when will this last fat go away?
Hunter Reyes
Does mastic gum actually improve jaw muscles or did I pay Greek denbts for no raisin?
Carson Allen
How to find femanon to be varbie/wheyfu??
Caleb Flores
should i add weight every set?
Colton Bennett
If I have quite a bit of fat, should I bother with protein? I typically do a shake after lifting, a shake in the morning and after lunch, and casein the nights I lifted.
I mainly take protein in order to aid in recovery because I don't want to miss lifting every other day.
Jonathan Diaz
Has anyone noticed that they're naturally holding arms wider after gaining muscle to avoid your armpits chafing? Noticed today while jogging.
How long should a workout routine last before switching it up? Before I would do so every 3 months but now I'm seeing it should be rotated out after only 1 month. Advice?
Daniel Jackson
Anyone who changes a routine after a month is literally retarded. You should look at the goals of the routine, once the routine stops helping you reach those goals you get a new routine. You shouldn’t be on a routine for any less than 3 months
Christopher Thompson
I have been doing the PHUL routine in over a month now. Is it fine that I do the legs day first and then the upper body? I find it much more motivating to do the things I like the least first...
I am asking because every time I see someone talking about an upper lower split, they always have the upper part first, and then the lower.
Andrew Fisher
The fat on your body isn’t going to repair your muscles. Keep getting enough protein.
Jacob Phillips
>Go on a cut >Lifts stall as expected >Look leaner in the mirror and my clothes are a bit more loose than normal >Scale stayed the same
18 5'9 140lbs Alright Jow Forums what routine should I get into I did bro split and 5x5 when I was fat. However, I've been cutting for about a year without going to the gym, I'm down 70 lbs from my peak at 210.
why would you want a goth gf? they are emotionally and mentally unstable and almost always cheat on you... after you've gone and fallen in love even though you promised yourself you wouldn't.
Goth is vanity, and we know that is no good.
Find yourself a normal girl who simple dabbles in the occult.
Joseph Mitchell
They’re a meme
Luke Cooper
How much of a meme is intermittent fasting (16:8)?
Xavier Ross
Yes that is fine. As an example Eric Helms has a split that is Lower/upper/lower/push/pull.
Juan Moore
>I've been cutting for about a year without going to the gym dude why
Joshua Parker
Havent had time, I work part time (fast food) and have been taking 6-8 classes per semester
David Butler
I wonder how much muscle you've lost/burnt because of cutting without gym time. Why did you do that, user?
Also shave, makes you look better in most cases.
Jordan Campbell
If you're already used to biking, then go ahead. But don't go to tryhard or you'll fail squats and plateau faster.
Bro, i feel upon picking back up the weights the muscle memory will kick in. Looking good there desu and congrats on the weight loss despite the obstacles of work, school, etc.
Alexander Torres
I'm going to cut so I was planning 3 days weights and 2 or maybe 3 days using the elliptical, is it OK to use instead of a treadmill? I don't want to destroy my knees by running
William Lopez
Thanks. Just didn't want to keep piling on if it wasn't helping.
Josiah Young
Sure, go ahead. I've read one flexibility coach criticise cycling as a form of cardio as it doesn't utilise maximal extension of the leg muscles and therefore conditions them to be short and inflexible. Unless you're an elite lifter I can't see this becoming a noticeable factor though.
Jackson Anderson
Join a crossfit gym. Or an old school powerlifting/bodybuilding gym.
Henry Long
Invisible watermelon syndrome
Henry Morris
What the fuck
Henry Green
>I'm a witch! Teh power of wicca is awesomez! Joyful Saimhainn to my kinfolk, brethren and wytch sistren!
Fuck no. Those LARPing bitches are the WORST.
Nathaniel Garcia
Genuine question, was told 3 months should pass before switching up your routine and now I've been reading how ppl are doing so every month.
Ayden Mitchell
Listen to this, had a goth/punk gf for 3 years and she was the most insecure woman I've ever been with.
She was more invested in herself (which i allowed bc i got to fuck her after returning from a night out) and would always go on about her daddy issues. After bailing her out of jail twice i dumped her.
Levi Scott
Starting Strength's latest and best edition is still 3rd, right? Is there anything that I should know before reading it? I'm starting tomorrow. I hear that it's only a meme if you don't read the book?
Clean eating seems like a meme, everything seems to have a little bit of sugar or some form of non natural bs in it, is there any coherent diets that arent memes and make sense? Trying to cut btw.
Does anybody know who this dude is? Lookin for some more quality content but when i do a reverse image search the first 10 pages are full of links to shitty meme sites
>every set on the same day? no, that's stupid. Why would you exhaust yourself by doing progressively heavier sets. Unless you're talking about warmup sets, but those should be much lower weight or lower reps than your working sets
If you are a beginner doing strength training though you should be adding weight every workout though.
Kevin Sanders
anyone else immediately gets sick from eating carbs? been off carbs for about 3 years. only about 10g per day through greens and salads. tried slowly introducing carbs through brown rice, sweet potatoes and oats. the next day i'd get sick as fuck. what gives?
Caleb Jenkins
Have you ever gotten a sudden headache from squats or other lifts? Any stories or advice on that?
Tyler Ward
There is no single time limit for when you should switch routines. Presumably you choose a particular routine for a specific goal, like you want to get stronger and have 1/2/3/4 lifts so you switch to a strength routine. You would stay on that strength routine until you reach your goal (or that particular routine stops working for you for X Y Z reasons).
Then after that you do a hypertrophy routine because you want to get a specific level of mass, and you keep doing that until you have your desired level. But then your volume in your muscle X is not as big as you want it to be so you switch up the routine to introduce more exercises that use muscle X.
tl;dr No set time limit. switch either when you achieve your goals or that routine stops giving you progress towards those goals
Brayden Lee
Lots of curls at different angles (incline, preacher etc), lots of tricep work, they are 2/3 your arm, train like so, find what exercises you feel the most and repeat them till failure, good luck etc etc
Lucas Richardson
Curls and variations like hammers and reverse curls, triceps pressdowns and overhead, as well as compounds like rowing, chin-ups and overhead press.
Juan Lopez
Drinking 2 L every day How to stop a serious addiction in Soda?
Your body stops producing the enzymes that breaks them down if they're unused. I get the same from diary because I don't digest it very often (not lactose intolerant). If I do it for some time my gut biome handles it eventually.
Jacob Wilson
I got rid of it by switching to orange juice. It's got more calories pound for pound I think, but it' healthier and you'll notice it actually tastes better - if you buy a good brand.
Grayson Reyes
As with most things you have to literally stop with willpower and then not do it anymore
Landon Foster
DYEL here, been lifting for almost six months. currently lean bulking at 163 pounds. bf? is a five day ppl with push-pull-legs-push-pull routine okay for a beginner?
How is it healthier? Are you drinking juice with pulp? Do you not have micros like vitamin C elsewhere in your diet?
Benjamin Flores
well, it sure is healthier compared to coke, as long as you either make it from oranges yourself or buy a brand with no added sugar. normal coke is just filled to the brim with sugar, i'll search for an image that's relevant
Thomas Gomez
Start by cutting back. Instead of buying a 2L bottle buy a 1L bottle. Then reduce that to 591ml / 355 ml. And then every other day instead of every day, until you get it down to maybe once a week if you want a treat or quit entirely.
Brayden Moore
If I want to maintain strength while also doing kickboxing and/or BJJ 2+ times a week, would a 2-day Starting Strength style routine be sufficient?
i eat yogurt daily, homemade, so i am sure it has probiotics in it. it's not about the stomach. the symptoms resemble the ones of a flu.
Thomas Reed
Think I fucked up my ulnar nerve. Not painful yet but I notice if I rest on my elbow too much. Anyone else experience this before? will a month off and some stretching exercises fix it?
Tyler Ramirez
lol sure. you'll also look just like posted photo within 2 months of snickers diet
Daniel Rogers
Height 183cm, Weight, 74kg starting to diet, noticed i starting getting a stomach/handles. Tried some light workout to speed it up and get stronger. But heres the issue, I can only do 3 pushups then i just fall to the ground and my wrists hurt like hell. Wristlet/bad genes. Are there any way to avoid this. Never did any lifting stuff ever.
How much volume is too much? I’m doing 10-20 sets per muscle group a week and bjj 6x per week as well
Carson Lopez
just lift dude, follow a beginner program and get stronger while maintaining a small caloric deficit, then lean bulk till the end of days. you can do it, it just takes time.
The yogurt probably doesn't require the same enzymes as brown rice, pasta etc does though. It may have pro biotics but it's not gonna help with this I think. Try eating a little of the thing you have problem eating every day for a while and see (if possible)
Luis Edwards
>took a month off from push ups because pain in right shoulder >finally healed after doing rehab exercises >do 3x5, feel really week, don't want to push too much >now I have the same pain but in my left shoulder Wtf is wrong with my push ups? I do every form check: elbows close, shoulder blades together, squeeze ass, straight body
start with beginner pushups, inclined against a table or something, and make sure your form is good. don't flare your elbows out to the side
Nathan Nelson
buy or make those pushup handles/stand thingys. I made mine.
Nathaniel Robinson
make sure to warm up the shoulders well. If not with 5lb dumbels then with female pushups. My shoulders stop hurting on pushups once they are warmed up well.
Christopher Turner
Will try knee push ups for warm up. And what exercises should I do with dumbells? Lat raise?
Eli Hill
Can i see a picture from the side?
Austin Clark
Hey bros my gym got rid of its scale and im looking to for a new one got any reccomendations ?
I go through every single shoulder exercise. Super light weight, no rest or pause, superset for front shoulder, side raise, rear delt and standing dumbell overhead press, then after a short rest period I do one warmup set of pushups on my knees and then I'm ready to pushup for real. Shoulder still hurts on first 2 or 3 reps of the first set but it's night and day compared to not warming up.
Josiah Morgan
>my gym got rid of its scale why?
Brody Phillips
>tfw 4-4.5 inch dick is there anyway i'll grow any more Jow Forumsbros?? i don't want to disappoint my gf.
Easton Lopez
No idea but its a damn shame, know any scales that are worth my money?
Michael Long
How much would it impact my strength routine if I did some accessory work + HIIT cardio on my off days? Some lat raises, face pulls, and crunches, then boxing bag, would that be too much?
I ask because usually by the time I'm done with my main compounds and dips/pull-ups I am too fatigued, but then on rest days, I'm super energized with no outlet.
its normal you dumbass. I have an 8 inch cock and its not as fun as you think. Because there's so much more blood that has to go into it, it doesnt get as hard as smaller penises, it's harder to keep up, you can't go all the way inside because you hit her cervix
big cock is overrated
Joshua Sanchez
oh wait, it's smaller than normal, i converted wrong
Adrian Diaz
i just got dizzy after training box, i usually dont eat anything before because i get too full if i eat dinner properly. I was eating oats but it has to be prepared in advance. What is something easy and quick to eat before training that wont get me stuffed?
Jeremiah Watson
Hey fellas. I need to gain weight (~10kg) fast. Any tips?
Ian Cook
How low is your body fat %?
Wyatt Clark
Water fasting
Jordan Foster
eat more food
Owen Long
1. I just started working out and I am using Starting Strength but everyone on this board says its a meme. What are some better beginner programs.
2. A few weeks ago I was doing squats and I was turning my head to the left to check my form in the mirror and now my left shoulder hurts. What did I do to my shoulder?
Asher Stewart
if you can't look like connor murphy after 5 months of natural daily calisthenics you have failed to be an uberman
Looking for a recommendation for some new workout clothes. I've been doing c25k and I'd like to get some snazzy new shorts since I'm almost done with the program. I usually just wear my old college shirts to work out so shorts are the priority. Any rec fitbros?