Vape vs cigarettes


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no discuss about that here

If your going to smoke, just do it properly with proper cigars.

I intend to smoke a thicc cigar with some whiskey every month to celebrate once i've quit smoking.


Neither. You treat yourself to the occasional cigar or weed in down time after working your ass off for a few weeks straight. Every 3-4 weeks you should take a couple days break to just relax and do whatever you want.

None you fucking junkie

You dont smoke cigars though at least not like the other two, their purpose is entirely different

I used vape to quit now I do neither
I loved nicotine but after about 2 years of vaping I guess I just stopped. It was the strangest thing.
Vaping is way better for you than smoking but it still fucked with my teeth/gums and made my susceptible to sinus related issues.
Would recommend everyone who is smoking more than a pack a week to vape instead.

Both are gay, but vapes are extra gay.

What's a good low calorie high protein food I can snack on instead of smoking? Probably some nuts?

I know some fat old businessmen that smoke fancy cigars and drink Louis 13 but they have empires and millions of dollars
You are probably lower middle class and trying to project an image that you have good taste

>low calorie high protein

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>low calorie

You crazy

Breathing in either is probably not good for you so why bother.

Okay, that was really dumb of me but i'm not going to eat a lot, just 5-10 grams


Reddit gentleman detected

Blueberries if your just looking for low cal. So good.

literally cringed

people who smoke cigars secretly want to suck dick

>used by working class adults
>looks like a dildo
>annoys everyone
>used by zoomer NEETs or underclass adults

Drink some coffee

this desu, even though it isn't healthy it's definitely healthier than cigs and (in the uk at least) cheaper than smoking. 6 months into vaping and my lung capacity is better, i cough less and i can cardio for a lot longer. i also don't have to worry about smelling gross around my parents, grandma, gf etc. i wish i could kick the niccy entirely but i guess i'm still working on it and for now vaping is the lesser of two evils

baked kale chips

I smoke before, during and after I workout so that while my test is flowing, none of it gets wasted by aromatization. Might be bro science, but I trust my instincts more than I trust literal nerd faggot marvel watchers who do le epic "real" science.

I miss cigs so much with the morning strong black coffee after fucking my girlfriend hard and ready to hit the gym before work. Its like filling your body with high test energy and nicotine to calm your mind and to control your aggressiveness. My grandpa smoked 4 packs a day


Your grandpa would be disappointed in you, quitter.

Sunflower seeds

>but I trust my instincts more than I trust literal nerd faggot marvel watchers who do le epic "real" science.
and thats how religion was born

pussy, buy a pack rn

Francis bacon was a devout Anglican. Descartes was a devout Catholic. Even Isaac Newton was a Christian. You don't know anything about science other than what black science man tells you. Modern medical "studies" are not scientific at all.

smoking is only cool if you look like a chad otherwise it makes you look like white trash/nigger

Both gay

Either is ok as long as you aren't obnoxious about it

only thing you should be vaping is THC

Just for the shitty cigaret smell it's worth it. Smokers, even the most careful ones, always smell like shit.

Was life a competition of who could smell the best? No!
I bet you wear cologne, you absolute faggot!

Vaping is better if you only do it occasionally
>tried vaping to quit cigs
>ending up vaping all the time at home because I can do it indoors
Switched back to smoking and just cutting down on it bc my gf hates it

How is this even a debate.

Vaping doesn't fuck you up, smoking does, easy choice brah

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smoking is cool, vaping is not
cancer is not cool, not cancer is cool

so neither is really better, they're about equal

my family doctor said smoking a a cigarette a day has no consequences and i believe him, check mate athiests

Cancer can be cool if you don't give a fuck and just go out in a blaze of glory instead of getting Jewish chemo treatments. Also only genelets get cancer anyway. Japan smokes a fuckton and none of them ever get cancer from it.

Would you rather be a fag and vape or smoke?

You either smell like shit all the time and have no money or you look like a fag. Seems like a loose loose scenario.