I’ve been exercising and merely relying on capsuled supplements, no whey, no creatine. So far, I am quite satisfied with the results, post your supplements and share some recommendable ones, let’s go bros.

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You must have some expensive piss

Fish Oil
Protein Powder
Allergy Medicine

All I take. I don't feel any different when I do or don't take them. I just take them because why not.

Forgot this one, big deal.

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Very clear and almost odor-less, I drink lost of water.

Try L-arginine, it will make a difference.

DNP. ACA and ALA. I don't need more.

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I’m shooting next month for these, research says; they deliver.

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I can tell you from personal experience: the results are baffling when I look back at progress pics.

You mean laughable? I’ve been on it for two months, I’m not ready to bulk with whey... maybe, i don’t know, it’s a lot to take on.

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No. Not laughable. Baffling as in "good progress".

Vitamin k

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Not pictured protein supplement and BCAAs

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Oh, okay. Excuse the misunderstanding, and yes, I am baffled myself, bulking is gonna take me by surprise lol

Dude! Probiotics, yes! I take some along with flaxseeds, I switch the supplemental intake ever other week and throw some probiotics along in there.

How’s that piracetam, worth it or can’t you feel the effect?

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You can but it's not what retards on sites like reddit pretend it is.

Only thing worth it money wise is, creatine and slighty beta alanine. This is it for performance besides steriods. Can add caffeine or DMAA for stimulants.

Nootropics wise, modafinal is good. Noopept, phyenl piracetam. Caffeine and l-theaine. Bacopa is amazing for memory. These have the most research. Phyenl piracetam is banned by the world doping association.
EVERYTHING else you can get from your diet.

Before you buy anything, do research to see if it DOES ANYTHING at all.

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i'm taking 1g of phenny every night before bed. it chills me out for work the next day. how long can i keep this up before i crash and burn?

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That should be every OTHER night and you need to take at least one week off or two weekends a month from most advice I've gotten.
Anons were pretty serious about it too. The ones who said they didn't cycle and got hooked claimed withdrawals were pretty bad.

yeah don't fuck around with that shit
if you want something relaxing that won't fuck you maybe try ashwaghanda or bacopa

on Jow Forums's advice i started taking 5000 iu vit D and 50mg zinc picolinate. I'd taken vit D before so was used to that but had only take other forms of zinc before and not as much. def boosting test, penor feels more substantial and stronger erections.

can I just take vitamin D or just do a blood test beforehand?

>can I just take vitamin D
yeah. it's possible to overdose but you need a ridiculously high daily intake.

I'm gonna ditch my multi and switch to zinc, d3 and fishoil then.

Most of these supplements can be ditched, just make a proper meal plan with perfect nutrition using Cronometer, then top up Fish oil, Vit D (w/ K2) and Zinc.

Do I have to take K2 with vitamin d?

You don't have to, it just helps the absorption

Creatine (for extra reps), ZMA (for max'd T levels), HMB (prevents muscle breakdown) and melatonin (sleepgainz) are the only supps that work. Feel free to confirm to Webmd.

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Rather than taking probiotic in pillform, you're better off drinking stuff like Keffir (delicious fermented milk), Kombocha (fermented tea), and Greek yoghurt.

They have more variety of bacteria cultures.

Enjoy looking bloated thru increased water retention for 1-2 extra reps
Meme supplement and waste of money, just buy Zinc and Mag separately (also better absorption separately)
Too much/too often fucks your natural melatonin production and disrupts sleep patterns

Haven't seen Boron yet. It's a good one

Same guy here. You can get really good deals for ZMA these days that match getting them separately, price wise.


Also true. I only dose it once a week on Sunday nights, just so I can start the week with a guaranteed perfect sleep.

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I've taken every supplement in the book, I use to spend 100's of dollars every month on bullshit supplements. I've narrowed it down, and these truly are the best supplements and nothing else is worth taking:
> multi
> magnesium
> fish oil
> vitamin D
> Taurine
> whey (if you consider it a supp)
> sometimes NAC, away from pre-post workout though (helps ocd/anxiety thinking)

These all have huge success rates with tons of studies pointing that these are effective, also tons of anecdotal evidence online from what I've seen

Cod liver oil is great and tea-tree oil is lovely to put on achey parts, its like deep-heat pads, just its a component chemical instead

Why take NAC unless you're doing oral cycle fuckery like SARMs or prohormones?

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Redpill me on nootropics.

My instincts yell "SCAM", but my heart says "Take more drugs faggot". The eternal dilemma.

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Because it actually helps with my mood, like I said I sometimes get very OCD/repetitive/obsessive thoughts, also helps with anxiety. Take 1000-4000mg a day for this effect tho

Huh, neat.

>not taking Alpha BRAIN

Lmao typical beta BRAIN.

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You buy the Walmart brand vitamins?

What a poor fag. I never waste time buying offbrand supps. that's sad you're a poor moron.

fish oil

Fish oil 3000mg
Multi vitamin
Gingko biloba
Daily fell much better. Maybe placebo but oh well.

Isolate whey
Omega 3

Fish oil
Vit. D
t. Sticky reader

red pill me on SARMs bros. Are they worth taking? At least they're "legal" and seemingly don't have terrible side effects (though long term we got no idea).

Not worth it. They're not illegal, but not approved for human use.

They give mediocre gains but the long term risks are unknown. At least one literally causes cancer.

MK-677 isn't a SARM but is lumped in with them. It's basically a mild HGH boost. It's probably fine, in the sense that there's long term studies with no side effects. The longest study is 2 years of 20mg a day, with no negative side effect.

It isn't anabolic but if you're looking for an extra kick it's the least harmful.

Side effects include water bloating in your lower body, hand pain and incredible appetite/sleep.

tl;dr just roid. Literally safer, cheaper and better effects.

How much carrot to eat per day for dat dere based carotenoid tan?

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It's not safer though senpai, what about all those side effects

based Ilya pic

Vit D
I heard these help boost testosterone, but I don't feel any difference if I do or don't take them

Fish oil
Considering to start chugging vit d.

Please don't make fun, i still need to buy q10, k2, B-complex, L-argenine and D3, but i'm a poorfag.

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ZMA, DHA, Vit D and creatine. Modafinil on weekends to study for 8-12 hours.