How to unlock this mode?

How to unlock this mode?

Attached: b2045a94d9cb445-VideoToMp4.webm (720x1280, 2.04M)

That's impressive.

You do realize this is CGI?

Shit ton of calisthenics

>step 1: weigh 105 lbs
>step 2: gear

You could do that too when you were the size of a child with a little training.

Powerfatters out in force.

he's the size of the average american 12year old and weighs as much as a 14year old

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extreme core control

>the coping fatties in this thread
be asian

Attached: 1481252409832.gif (640x480, 1001K)

Posts ronnie Coleman winning contest

>its easy if you have roids

>ding ding ding this

The amount of absolute COPE in this thread

based asian man

Don't know about the mode, but most of girls in pole dancing classes able to do that in 2 years of training.

Okay, everyone tell us why your fatass is so much more impressive than this guy.

>Dude does something cool with body
>Jow Forums freaks out and starts screeching

the only one who's miring is that little child

Be a manlet
Never train legs

What did people want everyone to do in this thread other than explain how to do it and how it is easier when you are small?
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obese coping

>manlets seething so hard they have to strawman
keep it comming

old guy in the back seems to be absent-mindedly looking as hes talking to his bud.

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5'11 175lb keep coping little guy


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This is more difficult (linearly) as you grow taller because your mass is distributed along your (longer) moment arm.

Mime school


>tfw no neighborhood boomer park.

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OG shit

If my lower body was smaller I could too. I'm working for this mode none the less.

t. bottom heavy

Dragon flags and different types of planche

pop locking is literally just muscle contraction and timing

any two year old can learn how to do it