Tank-ass calves

Show me your calves, posers.

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Skipped brain day, forgot how to rotate pics

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Calf is life

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Do you have Thomsen disease?

calf routine?

Never heard of it but just googled it and I doubt it very much; prominent symptoms seem to be short stature and lack of body hair. I’m 6’ and hairy. Here’s a closeup of calf hair.

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I literally haven’t ‘worked out’ for over 5 years. I have a physical labor job though and lifted a lot as a teen (24y.o). When I lifted I occasionally did machine calf raises for fun with as many plates as I could fit without being a dick to others in my weight room looking for 45’s. I found that calf raises do a lot for secondary calf structures

this is it, Jow Forums? i'm seriously not at all impressed. i have better calves than this and i either don't train them at all or only do unweighted raises

I also go about my daily activities barefoot when possible and naturally walk fox-footed, which I’m sure helps with musculature retention. I live in the forest, though, so that’s more feasible for me than others. I was hoping to see some developed calves of those with regular routines

Post pics then, loser. Show me up

alright what the fuck is fox-footed. google has no results, i’m assuming typo
>i have nice calves from being really fat and then losing the weight

pretty sure it's that fag weirdo spergs do where you are always on the balls of your feet. it's cringe and hilarious when you spot one of those weirdos at the mall or some shit hahahahahahahahahahahah

also usually just as dyel as op

Jelly much skellycalves?

P.S. fox footed is the way you walk when you aren’t a citycuck going around flat-footed in chucks like a bitch. Try wearing a pair of boots, or walking around on any natural surface, like grass littered with acorns or a gravelly plain and you’ll start using the arch and ball of your foot real quick. Go look at a painting of cavegrugs hunting; look at the way they position their feet—your barefoot footprints have a curved section for a reason.


i still don't understand. are you walking intentionally on your arches? or wtf? are you saying you walk without heel striking first?

Hmm still not seeing anyone’s calves, I wonder why that is. Could it be that /fit is populated by fakers?

Yes, exactly. Normal humans do not walk with heel striking first. That’s not something you’re biologically built for. Walking like you’re in slippers all the time will make your legs look like a little bitch. Wow shocking who knew

The cringe part is being an adult male at a mall in the first place. Have fun with your fantasies

Where else do you buy clothes?

Go outside. Have sex.

Holy shit what is it like to genuinely be this autistic and ignorant of the most basic functions of the real world you literally don’t know where to buy clothes besides a fucking mall? Go back to hot topic.

I usually have sex inside, and I guarantee I spend more time outdoors than you. Now show me your calves, bitch. Oh wait, you only have noodles

I'd post a pic but I cant on the phone, if the thread is still up in a bit I'll post from the laptop

Wow yeah I understand, must suck to have one of those phones that can post to a Korean imageboard but somehow can’t post pictures

Yo OP, you alright. Imma call you the Fox.

Me? Just call me Former Fat

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I was eating two McDoubles and drinking empty calorie bud light when I took these. You’re all fucking pathetic spaghetticalf losers if you can’t even muster up the courage to compare your calves to a couch potato’s.

Hey man op here, nice! I like the nickname. I’ve got a red fox skin salted and drying right now, they’re beautiful creatures. Got a routine or just been letting what’s already there develop? Don’t let naysayers get you down. Former fats have the most bomb-ass calves there are, plus they worked their asses off for it. Taking a shot for your steely tank treads

These are the kind of leg guns I wanted to see! Keep on keeping on, calf friend. May your legs lift all the burdens of life

One man! But one man from all of these witnesses has challenged me! How can this be? Surely /fit izens are not wholly cowards, save for ONE man???

Cluck, cluck!! BACAWK!!!!

Weird. For guys pumped to the brim w/ test, y’all sure don’t have any balls

Imagine having such adolescent calves that you’re afraid to post them on an anonymous imageboard

< You after scrolling past this thread without posting

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Only 6 months

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Wait... do you kill and eat foxes?!

imagine your calves and thighs being the same size holy shit lmao

Looks like my left nut

Is that a fucking parasite?

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Someone squeeze it like a pimple

...do..you not?

Remember kids, spray the silly string OVER the skin

not sure if it went through

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Now we’re cooking with crisco! Those are some base ass insertions bruh, I love it. You could kick down a palm tree

Pretty sure everyone does that, retard

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How the fuck do I build calves? I do a bunch of calf raises every other day, they don't really seem to grow

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do a weight where you can get a stretch at the bottom and lock it out at the top and do at least 12 reps. Training with control is pretty important for accesory muscles

do you wear their faces? like make clothing or anything with them? or put them in folders in filing cabinets? ever jerked off into a dead fox face?


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how old are you? don't think anyone younger than thirty-five would say something like that

>he wears light wash jeans

what in the name of god is that

A girl once told me I had sexy calves, never thought about calves before that

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>that one fatty with a calf fetish

Weird but ok?

my hairy legs are hiding all my mediocre definition.

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mirin vascularity

> that one projecting reddit ambulocetus too pussy to post their nasty-ass kankles

Weird but ok

>ITT: everybody flexing
For me, it's simply turning leg outwards

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>He shaved his legs and still they look like drumsticks

Stop skipping quad/ham day, user. 13.5” round from ankle to hip ain’t gonna cut it in these parts

>he says, hurrying to take a picture while he’s still got a fresh pump unlike everyone else in this thread

>implying posting more pics weren't part of my master plan

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Nah m8 u lookin good. Day to day, hairy calves are where it’s at. No point in building tank-ass calves if you’re gonna walk around waxed like a woman all year

Solid work, I like the overall balance of your mid-structures. Critique: pretty thin right around the ankle. U gotta train that Achilles unless you wanna get pet sematary’d, bro. ps here’s a badly lit flat footed pic. U right, can’t always be flexing

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You’ve got a good base going, keep at it

i dont even lift

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Former fat #2 here bros. Check out these monsters

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Bruh chicks dig calves. Big ole tree trunk thighs, too. Women generally have weak, untoned legs— If you’ve got well-developed ones and can get a girl to feel them briefly, you’re in. I’ve had women tell me I have the calves of a Greek god when I was barely breaking 16”.

That’s what ‘a good base’ means, boyo. Go lift

>I’m so much better!
>doesn’t post pics
A day in the life of Jow Forums

Another angle bros

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fuck i fucked up

>pretty thin right around the ankle.
>U gotta train that Achilles unless you wanna get pet sematary’d, bro.
aware me on this

They’re mainly for post-lifting jerky; helps build muscle when consumed during the period that muscles are repairing themselves. I throw a face or two in my bag whenever I know I’ll have a particularly physically strenuous day.

Yes, obviously I wear their faces sometimes and make clothing with their flesh. What kind of retard question is that. We’ve been doing it for thousands of years. Do you even know anybody who doesn’t? Don’t ask stupid questions, goddamn. And I feel like you’re being satirical about this part, but only pathetic fucking basement dwellers jerk off on their kills. You’re supposed to actually fuck it until it falls apart, not beat off on it like a cornered cuck. And it wouldn’t provide me any benefit to perform the ritual with a fox. The last comparable event was when I necro-irrumatio’d a grizzly w/ my manlet friend. It gave me strength but I don’t think he grew any taller, he chickened out before he finished

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Calf literally means child. And yes, those do look like this the legs of a child.

Pathetic. Maybe start lifting?

I don't train calves but I bench 400 squat 500 and deadlift 650

my calves look like a dyel's



Mhmm, mhmm right, totally. So go ahead and show me what a real man’s calves look like, pencilknees

anybody else getting a weird magical realm vibe from OP? like this is a type of foot fetish thread or something
super strange

in awe at the size of this calf

Go atg when you squat, focus on engaging lower calves

Op here, I think people with foot fetishes are creepy, not sure why. No, I don’t have a calf fetish either. Just looking to get advice, critiques, general discussion on leg training, etc.

Ps visit different magical realms if that’s what yours are like

Like half the replies in this thread are doing the same shit. Funny and sad at the same time

Fuck calves,I wanna see some heifers. Show me dem gams boys

I don't think you can train that to go thicc brah

What a fag ...

post calves

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>nigga with joocy calves


>getting a tattoo of yourself and your favorite food on your calves

First 3 pics of thread

Your calves are fags you scared-ass cigaretteleg bitch post’em


Your turn, basedboy

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Autocorrect turns basedboy into basedboy? Not at all based

Changed my mind I love it

Meant to reply to >he asks, while posting a strained flex, not knowing that it was already posted