Is it possible to "workout" a mental illness? I think it'd be cool if I got like light schizophrenia or bipolarism. Diets, sleep, etc?
Is it possible to "workout" a mental illness? I think it'd be cool if I got like light schizophrenia or bipolarism...
There is no light version, you’re just genetically predisposed to some level of fucked. You don’t know when you’ll peak, how fast, of if you can recover.
>i think it would be cool if i got like light schizophrenia or bipolarism
another dumbass edgelord who thinks mental illnesses are cool
Clearly you have at least one by thinking this post was a good idea
>I think it'd be cool if I got like light schizophrenia
Yeah cause not understanding what's real and not, having retarded delusions and constant paranoia is such a great thing.
Yes. Take adderall heavily for a week straight and don't sleep for 5 days. Worked for me. 10 years later and I'm still paranoid that people are staring at me and that there is a secret conspiracy against me.
Very interesting
Come on it would be super cool. Imagine going to the gym and constantly glancing around like a paranoid while others wonder what's wrong with you, or going from being as cool as a cucumber to bawling to yelling at the staff as your mood fluctuates. Plus chicks would probably find it super hot
start taking an anti-schizo drug like Olanzipine, you will acquire the illness they are designed to prevent
actully don't do this, it would be a massive mistake, you don't want that, don't seek it
stay clear
Cure? Probably not. Help you manage symptoms and overall function better? Yes.