Is it possible to "workout" a mental illness? I think it'd be cool if I got like light schizophrenia or bipolarism...

Is it possible to "workout" a mental illness? I think it'd be cool if I got like light schizophrenia or bipolarism. Diets, sleep, etc?

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There is no light version, you’re just genetically predisposed to some level of fucked. You don’t know when you’ll peak, how fast, of if you can recover.

>i think it would be cool if i got like light schizophrenia or bipolarism

another dumbass edgelord who thinks mental illnesses are cool

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Clearly you have at least one by thinking this post was a good idea

>I think it'd be cool if I got like light schizophrenia
Yeah cause not understanding what's real and not, having retarded delusions and constant paranoia is such a great thing.

Yes. Take adderall heavily for a week straight and don't sleep for 5 days. Worked for me. 10 years later and I'm still paranoid that people are staring at me and that there is a secret conspiracy against me.

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Very interesting
Come on it would be super cool. Imagine going to the gym and constantly glancing around like a paranoid while others wonder what's wrong with you, or going from being as cool as a cucumber to bawling to yelling at the staff as your mood fluctuates. Plus chicks would probably find it super hot

start taking an anti-schizo drug like Olanzipine, you will acquire the illness they are designed to prevent
actully don't do this, it would be a massive mistake, you don't want that, don't seek it
stay clear

Cure? Probably not. Help you manage symptoms and overall function better? Yes.

Lmao, misread OP. wew

It's honestly more common than you would think. This place is a breeding ground for mental illness.

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>I think it'd be cool if I got like light schizophrenia or bipolarism

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ask me how i know you beat off to pete davidson

Fill your room with funhouse mirrors and I bet you'll get dismophia.

>I think it'd be cool if I got like light schizophrenia or bipolarism

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Bro I've been there and I've been using working out as a way to get rid of it. It fucking sucks hearing voices be angry at you or being mean to you. I literally have to yell at these voices to be nice. It's horrible and draining

I sometimes kind of wish I could hear voices like schizoids do, or I had synesthesia or something. Is it possible to hear voices in your head but still be sane enough to realise it's just part of a mental illness and not to actually burn shit down if you hear a voice tell you to?

So working out helped you beat the voices? My little brother has voices too.

And gain 60 pounds

I've given myself psychotic/schizophrenic symptoms before from doing a lot of 3-MeO-PCP, staying awake for several days, and reading a bunch of occult/conspiracy stuff.

Go on a few drug binges and you'll get something sooner or later. Everyone that did too much drugs like I did at my teens is more or less fucked up in the head. Some of them are talking about going to build mudhuts in africa with poor children while never moving their ass from the couch, others believe in reptilian-tier conspiracies or think that occultists are following them. I'm a strong minded boy so I just pretend to be normal but what's going on inside my brain is another topic.
And for some of them it wasn't even that much like dropping this research acidlike NBOME substances x10
Snorting random beta-ketone at the party x20 mixed with vodka of course
Two or three weekly benzo rides
10x molly at edm event
5x substances like ketamine or metoxetamine at high doses (important)
And if you're lucku enough you'll start to come close to madness (protip: don't make long breaks between intoxications, preferably mix substances)

I was just thinking the same thing the other day. You're onto something OP.

Get a mental illness AND have a good time doing it? Sign me up

+1 on that op. maybe having mild schizophrenia as i would enjoy seeing my tulpa face to face instead of having to imagine or seeing it on my dreams.


you faggots believed that you'd be able to see it after a while
what happened to that?

i'm actually a beginner. been a month or so since i started with my tulpa.
maybe i'll be able to see it one day, who knows. but it's actually a good company even through you're not able to see it. talking and not feeling completely alone is good enough for me.

After not sleeping for 10 days hallucinations start do with that what you want

Start a heavy diet of LSD, coke, and MDMA. Just regular coke however because the Jews dump their chemicals into human bodies so something will actually filter the crap. Notice how FEMA camps served coca cola? Really, for American refugees? Meanwhile in Europe and even Mexico they don't give them coca cola, just people they need to keep down with drugs. Take lsd to open your mind and molly to open you're pants to the Jewish overlords. Just kidding you're already snipped, aren't you? Notice how I said "snipped" the same term they call turning your penis into a vagina. Which is what coca cola does to you (chemically)

>tl:dr take drugs, don't sleep and don't
>take Jewish "anti-psychotics" because
>the only "anti-psychotic" I NEED IS A >FUCKING SHOTGUN

Stop thinking logically. Dont learn any logic or arithmetic, geometry, or music. Do stimulants and hallucinogens. spend a lot of time with normal people and as much time on social media as you can. Listen to violent music, wu tang clan should be the softest stuff you listen to. Fulfill your base desires as much as you can until you have multiple addictions. Enjoy the descent.

Sounds ideal

take heroic doses of amphetamines while reading some of the craziest shit you can find, have a complete psychotic breakdown, and recover somewhat

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Hope this is bait user or you're genuinely autistic

i will fucking rape you.

> Imagine going to the gym and constantly glancing around like a paranoid while others wonder what's wrong with you, or going from being as cool as a cucumber to bawling to yelling at the staff as your mood fluctuates. Plus chicks would probably find it super hot

no no no and more no

you idiot


>Is it possible to hear voices in your head but still be sane enough to realise it's just part of a mental illness and not to actually burn shit down if you hear a voice tell you to?
Yes. This is often the state that well-medicated psychotics who have done a lot of therapy manage to achieve.

Concentrated autism

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Do you mean 10 separate rolls or 10 pills? Because I’ve done 10 pills a few times. Comedowns are a tad rough, but that’s about it. Didn’t even get laid

what the fuck kind of shit am reading? you underage baiting faggot. leave and never return.
>Imagine going to the gym and constantly glancing around like a paranoid while others wonder what's wrong with you
>chicks would probably find it super hot
i cannot begin to comprehend what level of priviliged zoomer retardation you need to be on to think this shit. dont worry buddy you dont need to "workout" being a schizo, you have a mental illness already, its called deep mental retardation.

t. retard

Is it possible to die from paranoia itself? Not from like doing something because you're paranoid, but like your mind just shutting down?

Probably. Look at the game Amnesia, you can die from the loss of sanity

this has to be bait
thanks for the kek

Are you by chance the /mu/tard that wanted to give himself tinnitus because he liked harsh noise?

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Can confirm add 5 sets 5g and tge governments after my additional divine secrets

Is it possible to accomplish this without the use of illegal drugs?