What is the biggest cope you have seen, Jow Forums? Regarding physical appearance and health of course

What is the biggest cope you have seen, Jow Forums? Regarding physical appearance and health of course

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why do american women hate their own femininity?

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unironically jews did this

Jesus christ everybody loves long hair, why is this bitch so in her own head. Both men and women get jealous of men who can grow long hair, someone mentions she looked good rocking the longer hair and this is how she responds? Is this bitch retarded?

Srry, I meant that you look like a disgusting ape now but with longer hair, you still looked like a ugly human

I actually know a lesbian with short hair who used to have long hair. She bitches all the time about people thinking she's a boy and how much upkeep her lesbo-side-shave takes, and how she wants to have long hair again.

But she still keeps getting it cut... because it's more important that she look gay I guess.

biggest cope is probably either "yeah he's big but he doesn't know how to fight" or "yeah he's big but i have endurance"

>”my speed is superior”

Short hair is qt, but those radical feminist types are gross
Typical copes that normies use to justify being fat would be
“It must take way too much work to look like that, live a little!”
“He is just naturally athletic teehee!”
“I have a thyroid issue” (but have never been to the doctor about it)
And so on and so forth, the most appearance copes are about being fat for sure. If someone copes about something they can’t really change that’s more understandable imo, though facing reality is still better

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A fag wrote that

>things no attarctive woman ever said

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This is funny to me because I had long ass hair and my friends (male) told me I looked terrible and I should cut it. I. As soon as I did they started laughing at me and I realized they were just being jealous goblins but I'm balding now anyways so I can't get it back.

that's a good question

See, she actually looks cute with that short haircut, the haircut on op pic wouldnt look good on a man either

That's a woman? Damn.

Brainwashed by third wave feminism taught by fat females of Jewish descent.


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These guys get it

This is from the /fph/ down the street.

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Jews seeking to undermine the family unit and social cohesion.
Gays hating women and seeking to undermine the family unit and social cohesion.
Gay Jews seeking to undermine the family unit and social cohesion.

I can't tell if that's a dude or not so long hair wins again.
Short hair is for old women and cancer patients.

n-no homo

Its women that dont want to compete with hotter women for mates. They are trying to argue men into lower standards.

It's just the other side of the coin of mra's that try to argue women back into more traditional roles that they believe would get them better or more mates.

In short, dumbasses online using text to try to argue people into being mates, instead of improving themselves and leaving their house.

would still look twice as good with long hair


If a girl is small and cute, a short haircut will put her face center stage. It brings out her eyes and smile like a glowing beacon of joy. Bonus if she has a nimble refined neck, ears or nose.

Guys that say otherwise either want to fuck their moms or compare everyone to their last girlfriend.

If you are really looking at a woman, with zero bias, there is no way to not like short hair on a pretty girl. It just puts so much beauty right in your face.

the source: instagram.com/thongria/ she was better looking with long hair

How the fuck does she have such a large ass, probably bending it for insta and wide hips

I like women with shorter hair, but only if they're pretty to begin with.

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yeah I don't get it lol, thank god nobody I know is like this

i think this is only a problem on social media, not real life

literally this lmao

shes still cute with short hair but with long hair she would look like a goddess and thats FAX

Fucking based

>Be woman
>Be told to do things like get a career, go to school
>Do ok
>Realize people only like you because you're beautiful
>Realize if you weren't effeminate and beautiful no one would like you
>Recognize you can't be an ugly female and succeed
>Be disturbed by this redpill

based+sweeping generalization pilled+due to ethnocentric nature of said demographic still warranted pilled


>a whore
Saged. Why on earth would ANYTHING a prostitute says or does ,matter to me or anyone with self respect?

Depends on field, in STEM you'll do better if you're fug

This is pasta i believe

Roiding is the biggest cope of all.

Who is this thot? Google gives nothing.
Also fitness.


When a cope becomes reality

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Karen Gillian


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Objectively wrong and bluepilled

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women only do this shit because male attention is a constant. They can purposely make themselves ugly fat monsters, and there is still a simp out there who would cherish her.

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Never mind that taco grande there obviously has muscle under his rolls.

Thanks brah!

>women only do this shit because male attention is a constant. They can purposely make themselves ugly fat monsters, and there is still a simp out there who would cherish her.

This. Which is why I'm planning on getting my career and everything sorted then purchasing a wife from a sex trafficker.

Fucking kikes pushing this shit

This. If you can’t look like pic related naturally then you were born as genetic trash, roids = cope

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Yeah good luck with some trashy eastern euro or asian chick that has been raped a few times and has a substance dependency

Considering that my last ex was literally a trashy bisexual EE grill with a coke problem I think I'll be ok.

>user outs himself as Irish

Is she that commentator from the Overwatch League?

There’s a reason (or more) why she’s your ex

One of my exes went from waist long hair to a pixie because she would work with children and got tired of dealing with lice. I dunno, it felt really weird, she had a really cute feminine face and big green eyes, but when she cut her hair something was off

Soe? No, but she looked better with long hair too. Now she's another short hair gamer gurl with tattoos

Nah, she does look a bit like tracer though

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Yeah, her hair, literally

You wouldn’t want to marry a girl like that though unless you have self esteem issues

Or bait

Gross but I’d still fuck her. Hottest short hair girl is wyonna rider and the bitch from overwatch.


The it never was about being fit and seeing what you're capable of or just trying to be something, I'm gonna "make it" and be a Chad or queen and then get the gf/bf and stop doing those things because you "did it".

Fitness is a thing not some bucket list checkmark, of course you can fuck off but dont talk shit or talk a big game because you are but will never be again because you'll look stupid.

That's why I personally dont serialize my fitness status and progress with pictures and media posts. Someone looks back and goes dude you were fucking huge or you talked a big game and...

Long con > Short term gains

Do you like ugly guys? Or are they shunned at work as weirdos because of how they look?

Most people have too much self-esteem. Most people are self-serving pieces of shit.

Long beautiful hair is a sign of sexual fitness. It’s why guys like it. Women often cut their hair off and dye is weird colors in times of stress

>Be man
>Be told to do things like get a career, go to school
>Do ok
>Realize people only like you because you're beautiful
>Realize if you weren't masculine and beautiful no one would like you
>Recognize you can't be an ugly male and succeed
>Such is life


I only value women when they are attractive to me

Girls who can pull off short hair mog the fuck out of those who can't

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But males are having less sex than ever nowadays. It seems that their strategy backfired. Fact is that most men would be content with a normal woman if she had a normal personality (wants kids, wants to be loyal and wants to be a mother, hygienic and keeps home clean). Nowadays tho, we have these weird as fuck females who prefer a dog over having own children. They cannot cook and they cannot clean. Basically they degraded themselves to glorified fuck holes.


he's got concrete slabs for quads

Hope u aren’t planning on fucking your mother though

they're the equivalent of guys who look good bald or with a shaved head

they would be very good looking anyways, and happen to have the right facial shape/structure to pull it off


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I actually think that being big and not being able to fight is a cope. Trying to look dangerous instead of be dangerous. What good is being big if someone trained and smaller could fucking kill you?

That looks like a dude

Kek, I must have broken a girl with my dick because she cut and dyed her hair a few weeks after a ONS.

This seems too genuine to be bait

I dare any of you gentlemen to pretend like you would not rip these overalls off of her with your teeth.

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such a waste, grow some hair

correct answer

Buddy you don't have to be so defensive about being gay

>130 lbs vs 195 lbs
>"I'm gonna press in his chakra points with my superior speed"
>get fucking suplexed

What's wrong with cope?

I don't mean like in OPs pic, but just people trying to cover up their flaws and shit?

Like this whole fucking board is one big cope, since we all lift to not be out skinny weak ass normal self.

You two are genuinely retarded. Thanks for giving another baiting shitposter even more attention.

Ok homo

Not wrong.

I would throatfuck her into oblivion

I'm in love

>looks at woman
>ha that’s gay
My friend, you are homosexual

>See a girl choosing to look more masculine
>Think shes more attractive than other girls
There's only one explanation for that bro

user, it's 2019, you don't have to be ashamed.

They don't have to be
But they should be

>Implying that the trained 135lbs wrestler isn't more likely to suplex the 190lbs untrained guy
Untrained people don't ever use their fucking legs during a suplex.

