Can sloped shoulders be fixed or are they entirely genetic?

Can sloped shoulders be fixed or are they entirely genetic?
Sloped shoulders not to be confused with rounded shoulders, because when you pull sloped shoulders back the shoulders still look like a waterpark slider.

Attached: shoulder-position.png (583x623, 70K)

anything can be fixed, we are the most adaptable creature on this planet.

Don't know if you're trolling or unironically retarded. A person with "broad" shoulders as shown in your pic is keeping them in an unnatural position. It's like people who walk on their toes. Better to fix that sooner than later.

Are you retarded?
The left is closer to normal shoulders than the one on the right.
You know how awkward sloped shoulders look with a hoodie on?
Genetics cant be fixed just yet.

No you nigger, it's based on your clavicle.

Walking on your toes is natural, your calf muscles reduce wear and tear on your knees and back when you walk on your toes.

Dunno, I find sloped shoulders more aesthetic, it's like having traps without the effort of training traps.
t. broadboi

Welcome to Jow Forums.

Attached: Shrug.png (144x424, 116K)

it makes your shoulders look narrower though, and your torso looks kind of retarded because your head is so far away.

I have my shoulders stuck too far up. Currently trying to fix it by stretching my traps.
My theory was always that they ended up that way because I spent so much time on the computer in a semi-shruged position to avoid hurting forearms by pressing them into the table edge.
And why am I doing this? because chest looks way better when it's not stretched out by shoulder being way up.
Also the right guy in the picture is probably way more functional on all pressing movements (more strength, more muscle tears and more gains).
Needless to say, my chest is shit and my back is my best bodypart.

traps are traps and if you have them they'll be visible either way

just build the muscle you fag

It makes you look stupid and dopey with really overdeveloped traps though. Also shorter

>the muscle has to grow - or it dies

Attached: ed2c6e22-d173-4ae4-b9f9-2a288ecdd183_screenshot.jpg (656x480, 15K)

also me. and also the guy on the left can forget about ever doing dips (even light dips).

cope harder slope faggot

Pretty much.

>tfw I’ve never worked my penis muscle
It’s dead isn’t it?

Unironically face pulls.

>how something looks with a hoodie on is a metric for normalcy

Wait what if I have broad sloped shoulders?

Lmao, you literally look like an incel with your hiked up shoulders. Fuck off, mate.

Okay I know he's shrugging, but guys (who clearly dont lift) with shoulders as broad and flat like this pic piss me off.
Its supremely unaesthetic.
I see it, I immediately think NERD.

nah just give it a good jerkin' every once in a while

dO i lOoK nOrMaL

Attached: DSC_5106.jpg (588x781, 34K)

When people are really anxious they also do that. Thats why you picture a nerd a social retard.

Tranny attentionwhore.

the right unironically looks better though

It's a shitty drawing with no traps, but sloped shoulders down below where they should be is an actual problem some people have.

Attached: Common-Shoulder-Irregularities.png (750x750, 101K)


memento trapezius

Attached: trapezius.png (800x623, 170K)

It's really just posture. Letting the shoulders sink / relax looks better anyway compared to ILS

Attached: MV5BMDAzZDc5OWMtNTk3NS00YWEzLThmN2MtOGYyYjA1Mzk1ZWU3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM5MTIxMzk@._V1_.jpg (622x743, 116K)

You have sloped shoulders because you have bad posture you retarded faggot, just train your back, you can even do bodyweight shit at home since you probably don't lift. Give it a few months and your shoulders will look better

Back to fucking Facebook

Every single person has traps

Both of them have the "broad" shoulders.

Dude might be retarded and doesn't know what he's looking at, but it's still basically all posture.

that isn't position so much as shape.
It's probably a combination of the shape of your clavicles and your trapezius muscle mass, and shape/insertions.
If you want to look less sloped, try and shrink your traps.
Huge traps + narrow shoulders looks ridiculous.

This thread is so fucking stupid. Retract your scapula and you get “broad” flex your traps and lean forward for “sloped”

So these people with huge traps, they just have sloped shoulders