No bullshit

this is what 1/2/3/4 for reps will give u when following fullbody routine for 1.5 years and a somewhat shitty diet and average genetics

Attached: IMG_20180213_154145.jpg (3264x2448, 2.17M)

You build up core strength and then add isolation to get a better physique

Just get rid of that disgusting fucking gut

fast one week and you will look fucking good
also stop eating rice

OP I think you look great, what is the problem here?

You have legitimate body dysmorphia

nice traps

Oh no no no no no

question would with a "shitty diet"

good training
bad diet
mediocre body
Yeah i think the maths check out

if you just did cardio and ate better your chest and core would slim out and youd probably look pretty good

get a haircut mate.

or your chest would be more pronounced, my bad

nice try male pattern baldness

You look like you're "on your way" to making it, which is exactly what 1/2/3/4 is. There is nothing impressive about 1/2/3/4... no one ever said there was. It's simply a goal to reach for.

Now, 2/3/4/5 on the other hand, now that is a destination. Hit that and you'll definitively look like you lift even with no pump, walking down the street, carb depleted, after your deload week.

Change the diet stupid.

thanks yea just after 1/2/3/4 training really starts to get real u really gotta put work into it and what not just a struggle with a 9-5

the question was "with" a "shitty diet" u change to entire situation...stupid

It's actually a good body, just need to cut. If you post a body with half of this lean mass and 5% BF people on Jow Forums will think he have a better body than this. Most guys here have never lift in their life.

Bicep size?

His chest looks dyel.

not sure never trained arms probably 14 or so not impressive like a curlbro

You need pull ups in your life.

Post body

1 RM or for reps?

Why is your hair nappy?

>stopping at 2/3/4/5
what a pleb, 3/4/5/6 is a true destination. Hit that and you'll be so aesthetic that women and soibois will be bowing down to kiss the ground you walk on.

Not bad OP. 1.5 years isn't your full potential. Some people only start looking buff after 3 years.

even with steroids, I wonder what percentage of the lifting population could hit 3/4/5/6

Yeah, if you're looking to impress any random plebian or senator who happens upon you at the market. I'm looking to turn the heads of fucking EMPERORS, do you understand? Of all the men in history that I have read about, I believe only Nero was on the same path.

4/5/6/7 is the path I walk

"How do i stop breaking my fingers? I won't stop hitting my hand with a hammer though"

All you need to do is cut.

you have to have a softer hammer

Breddy gud. You have a good strength base and now you can do whatever accessories you want.

Part fijian I'm not Jewish I promise

What is 1/2/3/4?

t. Newfriend

1pl8 OHP/ 2pl8 bench/ 3pl8 squat / 4pl8 deadlift

how the hell are you supposed to balance 1 and 3 plates

here we go again

Train core/back, they are most important for stability, using arms helps too

Got this far from working out since August. Only background before lifting I got is boxing. Diet is important my guy

Attached: FE509828-1A04-4A7E-9E40-B2D0DDA6E0DC.jpg (741x835, 112K)

you do a really low bar back squat and wedge the 3rd plate between the crick of your skull and the bar

Do you do ab work? How often?

Looking fit. Pretty good.

Every other day

Haven’t focused on abs recently. I strengthened them boxing by doing core exercises involving getting punched, planking and just regular sit-ups. However I packed size on them recently doing legraises where someone immediately pushes them down when I raise them at 90 degrees (really activates the core). Also weighted crunch machine is good if you got one at your gym. And lastly Russian twists, those really get em working after a minute straight
Thanks man

Oh and do em every other workout forgot to answer. But since I’m going to travel on vacation to where they got beaches I’m gonna do em almost every day a week before just to get em popping more

yeah now go on a cut and you'll look good

Alright man, thanks for the info, i'll probably start slow since i know my core is very weak and do them on fridays. Might do them 3 times a week after a while. Hope you rock the abs this summer.

I definitely recommend giving intermittent fasting a try, it slimmed me down quite a bit. Diet is just as important if not more than lifting. Keep at it, by next year you’ll be a chiseled chad with a clean 8-pack

1/2/3/4 gives me a Jewfro?

what program do you after 1/2/3/4?

>OP: I have a shitty diet
>user: how shitty is your diet?
>you: change the diet, stupid

1/2/3/4 is a common goal for Jow Forumsizens to aim towards, regarding 4 of the big compound barbell lifts.

The 4 lifts are...


1/2/3/4 is sometimes referred to as 1pl8 2pl8 3pl8 4pl8.

To lift 1pl8, you put 1 plate on each side of the bar.
To lift 2pl8, you put 2 plates on each side of the bar.
To lift 3pl8, you put 3 plates on each side of the bar.
To lift 4pl8, you put 4 plates on each side of the bar.

Therefore you are actually lifting...
2 plates + bar, when you lift 1pl8
4 plates + bar, when you lift 2pl8
6 plates + bar, when you lift 3pl8
8 plates + bar, when you lift 4pl8

A plate is a large single disk of weight that is placed onto the bar before lifting.

The weight of a single plate is as follows...
20kg for Europeans.
45lbs for Americans.

European 1/2/3/4.

1pl8 overhead press = 60kg.
20kg bar + 1 x 20kg plate on each side.

2pl8 bench press = 100kg.
20kg bar + 2 x 20kg plates on each side.

3pl8 squat = 140kg.
20kg bar + 3 x 20kg plates on each side.

4pl8 deadlift = 180kg.
20kg bar + 4 x 20kg plates on each side.

American 1/2/3/4.

1pl8 overhead press = 135lbs.
45lb bar + 1 x 45lb plate on each side.

2pl8 bench press = 225lbs.
45lb bar + 2 x 45lb plates on each side.

3pl8 squat = 315lbs.
45lb bar + 3 x 45lb plates on each side.

4pl8 deadlift = 405lbs.
45lb bar + 4 x 45lb plates on each side.

Of the four lifts the GOAT lift is
Must be performed so STRICT it makes your conservative great-great-grandmother look like a liberal.

nice troll attempt, how do you get the 3 "american" plates to balance retard

1 kg = 2.20462 lbs
20kg = 44.0925 lbs

yet, according to you...

20kg = 45 lbs?

Mods, remove this troll from my sight.

you lack comprehension
he is saying that there are two different categories
euro and USA
so you have to lift more in the states cause life is harder and measuring systems are bunk
t. canadian who opts for metric

You got nothing better to do today?

trying too hard
try and be funny next time

An American pl8 is a bit heavier because they use the (wrong) Imperial system

name one way in which metric system is superior

hardmode: don't post until you have your monarch's permission, eurofag

>t. canadian

lol. Please, Canada. America and Europe... we both have our problems, but please - for the love of Trudeau, please fuck off while the adults are speaking. As you maple cucks would say just after catching your wife cucking you, "thanks!"

Because my monarch lives rent free in all your measurements amerifat

No, it's not. They are the same weight which is 45 lbs. A plate is always 20,4 kg. They just don't list decimals.

Wtf is with your head, you look like a fucking potion seller.

Attached: fuck maplecucks.jpg (233x216, 10K)

>this is what a beginner milestone looks like
Yep sounds about right

No it’s not. I do 1/2/3/4 for reps and look way better than you.

reps of what

Go for a fucking run a few days a week, eat the same food, you'll lose a bit of that fat.

Bench , deadlift, and ohp

Even with subs I don't think you understand, to truly walk amongst the gods as I do you need to at least hit as hard as


I'm at 6 months and no where near those lifts, and look way better. My diet isn't shit though.