QTDDTOT - Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

Lay it on me, shills. I unironically want to add face pulls and other rotator exercises to my routine (non negotiable). How do I do this in the home gym, resistance bands? What brand and level do you recommend?

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If a coworker asked my sister everything about my personal life but ends it with "I have a boyfriend tho" is she into me or not? I'm confused.

sorry if I derailed the thread, now here's a fitness related question:
best supplement for baby smooth joints?

Water fasting a bad idea for fat loss

Is it okay to combine tricep day and shoulder day together?

Can I do push ups/pull ups on rest days? I do SS, the squat is looking good but I can barely do 3 pull ups with good form and got laughed at for piss poor pushup performance.

She likes you but feels guilty for wanting to cheat. Or she wants to play head games. Either way don’t get involved in drama. Either ask her out once if you like her or move on. (Assuming work policies allow it).
Also you are a fag for derailing.

Results vary. It’s fine and works for many. If doing often or for more than 2 days make sure you’re also getting snake juice or similar.

Depends what exercises.

Yes. Google greasing the groove. Do them often through the day but well short of failure. If you can only do 3 pull-ups do 1 at a time all through the day.

I'm into intermittent fasting yet have some questions about how to ensure I do it right.

1. Does pre-workout fuck my fast? I'm guessing yes bc of sweeteners.
2. How do cheat meals/days work? I'm currently using 2 days of the week as refeed days, is this good in itself?
3. I've come across salt becoming pretty important when fasting to prevent peeing out your nutrients when fasting? Is this a meme?

Are BCAA supplements just a gigantic fucking meme

Do thin or fit people struggle with clothes as much as my fatass? Hate having my man tits pressed against my shirt and worrying about tight clothes I WANT OUT!! I need motivation

i have more grey hairs than i'd like and i'm only 25 years old, what exactly does that indicate/mean?

What mode do I look like in normal clothes ?

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is there an efficient way to determine how many calories i should be eating to gain more muscle? I recently went on a big cut and was only eating like 1200 calories a day for a few months and am not sure how much i should be eating now I'm around 150 lb 5' 11"

1. Depends on when you take it and what the fat / protein / carb content is. Probably yes it will break your fast and make you hungrier.
2. Not sure
3. Salt helps your body retain other electrolytes (calcium, potassium, magnesium), so keep your salt up! I suck on some coarse chunks in the morning before i go to work when im on a fast. If i ever get a headache on a fast I also take some salt because more often than not it helps

based Leskoposter

Skinny dyel here.

How do I have a flatter back? I dont like my bones sticking out.

The back excercises Ive been doing are Dumbell rows, Dumbell reverse flys, Machine reverse flys and Lat pull downs with wide grip and close grip.

What else should I do?

I need some wireless buds. Any of you know of a pair that will stay in during active runs and isn't so expensive I'd fear getting them dirty? Decent sound quality would be a big plus as well.

Thanks user, i appreciate your answers and will def be implementing salt throughout my fast/day.

I guess i should mention that my workouts occur while fasting and while at first I used pre-workout I now opt to just drink black coffee.

Check out Mpow Swift. I'm on my 2nd pair. The first set lasted me ~2 years. They're on amazon for

I started doing starting strength from the sticky on Sunday. I still have aches in my muscles 2 days later. Should I take another day off? I was planning to work out again today. As context this is pretty much my first time doing real weight training.

What are the best supplements for magnesium and zinc?What are the best supplements for magnesium and zinc?

yeah. Overhead press uses a lot of your triceps too. You can combine it with chest day too. The bench press uses triceps, shoulders, and chest.

Google Scoobie's calculator.

General muscle soreness is mostly irrelevant to training. If you've got a sharp, specific pain which hurts a lot when you use the muscle in question, you may have injured yourself and need to go easy on the lifting for a week. Otherwise just ignore it. Take creatine to reduce the pain in the future.

i've heard scoobie talk about it but wasn't sure if it cost anything thanks

Magnesium malate and zinc citrate seem to be fairly well absorbed, reasonably priced and are unlikely to have strong laxative effects. I don't think brand really matters, so long as they are manufactured somewhere that has some regulations on that kind of thing.

Everytime I ask someone for a spot in the gym other guys start looking at me and the fucking spotter starts peacocking and looking around the gym like "HE ASKED ME TO SPOT!"

I dont get it. I just asked a dude to spot me than other guys start watching and trying to come near me and shit

Why everyone trying to get to know me? I just wanted a spot from one guy and the other guys started walking up

This happens anytime I ask anyone to spot or any question at all. Everyone starts looking at me and they want to join the conversation
Wtf is going on.

>the fucking spotter starts peacocking
what does "peacocking" mean

Making a fuss and getting people's attention, like a male peacock showing off his massive feathers.

He makes a fuss but still spots? wtf he knows he can decline, right?

If vitamin C is responsible for they sourness of oranges, and an average orange has 50mg of Vitamin C, why doesn't a 500mg vitamin C tablet taste like it has the sourness of 10 oranges compressed into it?

I'm not the OP, but I think he is just trying to make it a big social thing and be chatty, not that he doesn't want to spot. I think OP just wants him to spot and then leave so he can work out in peace.

>If vitamin C is responsible for they sourness of oranges
I think its citric acid, not vitamin C, that gives sour fruits their flavor.

I thought citric acid was just a colloquial term for ascorbic acid.

What is a good iOS app to incorporate a custom 531 plan into? Should be not a chore to use.

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Thin and fit makes clothes shopping easier yes. But it also depends on height and frame.

Usually genetics. Don’t worry. Dye it if you’re vain.

Unironically Jewish twink.

Deadlifts and chins for sure

I cycle 17-20 miles 3-5 days a week. Is this enough for legs or should I also be doing leg exercises?

What should I eat for dinner today?
All I've had is a can of mixed veggies and my protein shake (2 scoops)

>173cm/5.6feet (>tfw)
>1h session (mostly lifting but including 1km run cardio) x 5 times per week
>want to increase muscle mass & decrease body fat %

Am I gonna make it with this diet? If not what should I tweak?
>337.24g prot //191.8g carbs // 38.03g fat // 2766.8(*)kcal per day
>2.5g of protein per lb of body weight
(*) slightly underestimated since it doesn't include condiments (mostly evo oil and parmesan) and some veggies

Give it to me straight boys. Do I need trt?

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Ppl with Friends user from last thread, could I do this schedule? I go with friends on monday, wednesday and friday, but I want to go 6x a week.
P=push, p=pull, L=Leg

What’s your routine? Also there’s no need to go over 200g protein. I’d up the carbs and fats a bit instead. You’ll put on some body fat but your BF% will go down as you gain muscle and your overall weight increases as long as you don’t go too crazy on the calorie surplus. Prioritize lifting over running.

Your free T is too low and your SHBG is to high
Just because you have high total T it doesn't mean you're high test.

Go see an endo
If any doc says your total t is just fine while it's not an issue if you can increase your free t % and lower SHBG your total T levels would stay the same or slightly higher but you would feel like a God

You're natty I'm guessing because on gear your free t % is high af

why do my armpits smell sweet?

>What’s your routine?
Brosplit. I do the running first, then do 3 exercises of 3 sets each (plus warmup).

Also, almost exclusively compound exercises.

Is it true that there's no noticeable advantage choosing dumbbell curls over preacher curls? Assuming proper form is used for both.

I’d suggest doing full body 3-4x a week, heavy compounds and accessories to hit your weak points. Your workouts might be a bit longer but you’ll be hitting every muscle group more often

>Your workouts might be a bit longer
Can't do that. I train early in the morning and it needs to stay max 1h long.

Other than that, is the total amount of calories enough?

>be military
>26, with a dad bod
>getting envious of the young bucks with their athletic bodies
>wanna get in shape

Been going to the gym for a week now, I do machine lifts for about half an hour then hit the stationary bike for another 20 minutes. I haven't really been watching what I eat or anything, but if I keep up a routine kinda like that for 3-4 days a week will I get a decent body?

Thanks bro.

Yeah I'm Natty. Of course my Dr says "your testosterone levels look good!"

How do I increase my free test percentage? What the fuck is it doing if it isn't free?

How do I lower my shbg?

Reposting because ded thred.
Imma try a cycle of Ostarine to burn stubborn fat, what am I in for?

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Somewhat related to OP's question
Am I retarded for progressively overloading my facepulls?
I'm up to 3x10 with a 100 pound stack with good form, and I only do them once a week
I know it isn't necessary, but is it harmful?
The only thing I do differently is put a band under my feet for extra traction so I don't slide across the floor.

Its legit. Stacking with nutrabol will give mad gainz

Being not fat is a night and day difference in clothing and being generally comfortable throughout the day

>cut to 150lbs 5"11
Gain some weight you skeleton

I can only do 1pl8 bench for 7 reps but can farmer walk 260lbs, skullcrush 70lbs. I have skinny forearms, but relatively large biceps/triceps in comparison.

Feel like I'm missing some accessory work. For example, core workouts help a lot with deadlift and squat. What can I do to improve my bench?

Any first hand experience? Thing is, I stumbled upon Ostarine when researching about mk-677 aka nutrabol, but apparently mk-677 is more suited for bulking because of the induced hunger, while Ostarine helps burn fat. Is stacking them a good idea? I'm 178cm / 78 kg, looking to lose my love handles, but I wouldn't mind gaining muscle as well.

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I also shake a lot doing 1pl8 for 7.

w2c cheap raw denim? I'm trying to get into it but even entry level raws seem pretty pricy at 90ish dollars

Is this depth?

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How long should I stop running for if I have sharp knee pain on the inside of my knee? A week or a month?

If you half ass your workouts you get half assed results

I don’t see how increasing resistance could hurt you unless you try to do too much too fast. Like, face pulls and similar should not feel like an aggressive compound struggle lift.

Based just on what you’ve said chest could be the weak link

Looks good

Doing SS mon, wed, fri. And then HIIT on tues, thurs. Want to add some accessories in the 4-10 set/rep range. Is it better on my SS days or my HIIT days?

What did he mean by this? Some guy walks into the gym who I have never seen before
Hes jacked and tall. I was working out and this day I was super calm collected and just in a chill mood. This fucking guy walks in, tries to stare me down man he tried to stare me down and I just looked at him like wtf do you want little boy? He puts his head down so fucking quick and he actually said DAMNIT...

Anyway he starts training and keeps looking at me and like I said earlier I was super calm so I wasnt even training but just hanging out. Everytime I see this guy now he walks up to me and talks to me. Keeps looking at me, started talking to me and hes actually probably a chill dude but I dont trust anyone at all. So everytime I see this dude he walks up to me in front of everyone and just starts talking to me like he knows me or something

Recommended chest workouts? I guess the only chest workouts I've been doing are flys and bench.

I have a naturally nice chest so I haven't focused on it as much.

I don't want to come off as insistent, but 0.8-1g per lb is 123-154g/day, it's still a lot.
I mean after 200g of fried turkey breast, 3 eggs, and 50g smoked salmon I can barely make it to 123g of proteins. Do you guys really eat this much every day? Or I am missing out on some hyper-proteic food?
Also aren't 3 eggs every single day going to kill my kidneys/liver?

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What does 5x5 mean in terms of a workout?

Bumping my own question. Nobody uses resistance bands for face pulls? Or familiar with them for other things?

Plz respond.

5 sets with 5 reps each

How much do you wait between sets?

Try more volume on bench or add dips. IDK man. You need to experiment. OHP, incline, wide grip, narrow grip. Evidently you have some kind of weakness

i was thinking about the bands but unless you have something pretty sturdy that'll handle the higher resistance bands bent over dumbell flys. or i started doing the exercise where i set the bench for an incline press but instead lay on my stomach and do a face pull with the barbell. do you know what i mean?

It is tough but you have to be motivated. The science for even 1g/lb is dubious but most of us don’t want to take the chance and figure it doesn’t hurt to eat a little more. You can eat tons of eggs no problem unless you have high cholesterol. You can eat a can of tuna a day, protein shake, serving of Greek yogurt, a few glasses of whole milk if not cutting.

Thanks. I have a good power cage and think I can use that for band face pulls. Don’t have dumbbells so no flyes. The last thing you described sounds like some kind of supported row.

yea a supported row but more flat to where you can do a sort of face pull row/upright row. also i use barbell plates instead of dumbells too for the bent over flies.

bumping my own post. accessories on SS day's or hiit days?

As much as you need to, but if you're waiting over 5 minutes you probably need to lower the weight. Generally you want to rest from 1.5-3 minutes depending on how hard your last set felt

How much do EZ Curl bars usually weigh? 15 or 20#?

What with the "only once squats"?

"Incel only squats" typo

>1km freestyle laps in pool
>2-3km 5kmh jogging
>30-40mins of power lifting
>15mins 4kmh jogging to cool down

Rate my routine for aesthetics. Ps I’m female 5 3 134lbs

What's your weight routine?

When on a cut, do i just drink whey on lift days or even on rest days?

For the first two weeks its better to just push through as doms will be less the more used to lifting your body is. You won't feel as bad once you're under the bar .

How do I fix the issue of relying on legs too much during sit ups.

Pretty light.
>15/3sets dumbbell squats at 5lbs per hand
>15/3sets sumo squats at 15lbs
>100reps arm weights machine at 15-30lbs

They say to aim for quantity versus weight especially for girls

Pendlay Rows or Bent Over Rows for a beginner strength routine?

Is there a way to train bodyweight skills but with machines? In my head the idea behind it is leg extensions could give you a half workout for l sit. Something like this.

is it okay to do HIIT on rest days if i lift MWF? or maybe only twice a week?

you drink whey when you cant get protein else where, on a cut you shouldnt really need whey unless you are on a budget

whats a good barbell for a home gym?

Rogue Boneyard bar

Rate this PPL program

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Cutting by decreasing caloric intake to 1300. How long do the hunger pangs continue before my body readjusts?

Can I OHP using the squat rack, or will people tell me to fuck off?

yes, most people OHP in the squat rack

Thanks fren, I'm still new

Just use the squat rack

Anyone who gets upset should be told to try and stop you

What is a good routine for swimming?