Tell me Jow Forums, do girls get aroused by the sight of Chad?

I just can't imagine girls wanting to have sex and all, they just act so disinterested in it, all they want is attention and a handbag boyfriend to larp with, it's so confusing.

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They just pretend

At least my exes all admitted to pretending

Really? I'm talking about Chads though. Men with the solid faces, the height, the frame and the right personality. I'm sure you're a normie tier user, not someone like Jensen Ackles.

Bump fellas

Chads are intimidating to any girl, even the IG thots who know deep down they’re just interactive sex dolls to those guys. So yeah, girls pretend to lack interest when really they’re trying to capture his attention by standing out (from the crowd of girls giving him too much attention). It’s a stupid mentality that very few girls outgrow. Chads are nice to look at, but a girl only gets aroused when the chad starts targeting her with attention. If I’m in a room full of bimbos who have better ass/tits than me but he centers on me, I’d be dripping hard

t. Female

My friend tried to persuade me that there are tons of girls that want to fuck me by saying that she goes a little wet every time I take off my shirt. I don't believe her.

Yes girls are pretty much always turned on from Chad. They are always wet around him and good to go when ever. A normal guy has to turn them on first and shiet.

But with Chad, they are definitely the sex crazed gender.

chad gets girls with his personality. girls will feel good just being around him

yes absolutely

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girls are not that interested in sex. they will do it if they get something out of it other than sex.

>t.a grill