Friendly reminder
90% of people here cant hit 1/2/3/4, and 90% of those who claim they can are lying. This place is full of noobs who have never made a delt or quad striation, and if they have, its because they are 5"8 and weigh like 100 pounds.
>bonus reminder
Alphadestiny is on some kind of juice and if you dont know this, you are retarded.
Friendly reminder
Do you fall under the criteria you've set OP?
bitch I hit 1pl8 OHP this weekend eat my ass
it's also only 20 lb short of my bodyweight so it sounds more impressive when I say that.
>He fell for the shredded meme
>evryone bigger than me is roiding
Have sex
lmfao 155 lb noodlekin
keep talkin shit I'll step outside and block out the sun soiboi
m8 it's great that you're hitting your goals and I believe you'll make it but step the fuck bacl with your 1pl8 ohp and 155lb body ain't nobody gonna be impressed with that shit
take this user's advice
whoops mean this one to take advice
1. fuck you
2. you and noodle boy take the advice
Projection : The thread
ah, i got you nigga. almost pulled out my 9 on that one, fuck
I fucking wish
Been lifting for about 6 months...really been focusing on form the last 2-3 months, scared to death of injuring my shoulders.
I am so close to OHP 1 plate. 5-10 more lbs.
Hit 2 plate bench finally.
I have been neglecting my squats...2 plate.
And i just hit 3 plate deadlift. That one i've made the most strides on. Getting closer!
1 rep doesn't count you fatty
im 176 lbs at 5 feet 11 and LEAN have 6 years of lifting under my belt and can OHP 225 lbs for reps
there are some strong mofos on /fit
Jelly of Bench, I deadlifted 195kg and squatted 185kg before I ever done 1 rep of 2 plate bench
>90% of people here cant hit 1/2/3/4
>in here
Seems legit, OP.
Now, I'm real close to reach 1/2. My diddly is 3 and I quit squatting after reaching 2,5 and getting fucking bored of it (amidst starting to get T-Rex mode ON).
Me: 1,68m height / 70 Kilos. Nothing special.
Im at 1.5/2.5/3.5/4.1 bitch, stop projecting.
6 months bullshit, tards like you are why OP makes these threads
or you are just a fat ass
>some kind of juice
whey isn't juice you jealous bitch
>2 pl8 bench in 6 months
Ah yes I bet you also graduated with an electrical engineering degree in 3 years and were immediately offered jobs paying 200k/yr
Crazy coincidence how this anonymous loser corner of the internet seems to attract the most gifted people of our species! Wow!
What the fuck is wrong with my life, retard? I'm a qualified electrical inspector with a sweet gig and my net worth is ~1milly. I hit the gym 6 times a week, and sometimes I like to take phenibut, not because I'm trying to escape some NEET virgin purgatory, but because I like to take some phenibut now and then. How about not telling other people how to live, fuckface?
I can deadlift 520 x 5 and squat 445 x 5 and bench lmao 230 x 5. The fuck you talking about OP?
It's perfectly normal progress for healtht adult male you idiot
I'm 6ft 1, 180 lbs.
Started at 207 lbs...
Why is it so inconceivable for me to reach 2 plates in 6 months at that weight?
Actually makes me feel pretty good that i making a few people angry.
Whats 1/2/3/4
SAME FUCKING QUESTION. really confusing when the faggot op doesn't goddamn clarify his fucking cunt terms. FUCK OP
1 plate OHP
2 plate bench
3 plate squat
4 plate deadlift
it is 1/2/3/4
>select all images with tractors
it's ok, user, I hit a 400 lbs x 5 squat in 7 months on SS and got told I'm a gay lying larper every time by these weak dyels
Actually feels pretty good. Makes me feel like i'm ahead of the curve.
its in terms of body weight,
ohp 1x your body weight
bench 2x your body weight
squat 3x your body weight
deadlift 4x your body weight
pretty achievable in under a year
>Why is it so inconceivable for me to reach 2 plates in 6 months at that weight?
with proper form, yes. Unless you had an athletic background already. Not impossible, but the likelihood that you are using an incomplete range of motion or bouncing it off your chest is high. If you can do a controlled 2 plate bench touching your chest with a 1 count pause at the bottom in 6 months you should be quite proud of yourself.
>under a year
> 800 lbs deadlift
> 600 lbs squat
> 400 lbs bench
for 1RM?
I don't think I've done the 1 count pause after chest touch. I'll have to see how much that hurts the rep.
I don't bounce though.
How much harder is it to reverse grip bench 2 plate vs normal bench 2 plate
Guy on OP's pic is on juice 100%
Lets be real here. 1/2 are easy and achievable in less than a year of training. 3/4 isnt that easy for most people. Imagine a 150 pound guy pulling 4 plates. THATS FUCKING MASSIVE. A 150 Pound guy benching 225 is nothing unusual though.
I recommend that you stop thinking in plates and start thinking in xbodyweight.
Also Alphadestiny is a fucking pussy and nobody needs to be reminded this shit is breathing our precious oxygen
>Alphadestiny is on some kind of juice and if you dont know this, you are retarded.
Doesn't matter. Small clavicles and frame with big traps is very unaesthetic
Not hard if you bloatmax you fucking ss victim t rex