What are you eating for dinner tonight fit? I'm having pic related

What are you eating for dinner tonight fit? I'm having pic related.

Attached: fitfood.jpg (4032x3024, 3.19M)

Nothing. I do OMAD, only eating in the morning ight after waking up.

what are those little grainy things

this except I eat at noon

Looks like lentils to me. I'm no expert though.

On topic: I had cottage cheese with pineapple. I'm making a beef stew with onion, celery, and carrots for the rest of the week, and I have brown rice to make to go with it. Pretty excite

Pic related.

Stomach felt funny so I ate light. I think my afternoon coffee didn't sit well with me. Had a mochi for a small dessert.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-11-20-49-06.png (1440x2560, 298K)

Im skipping dinner since I had a night out with lads yesterday and ate like shit

I do OMAD but I eat at dinner time (5-7 pm) when I get home from work. Am I fucking up?

made two blue rare bacon wrapped fillets with meat from a farm I go to, raw lamb liver and raw milk

that sounds amazing.