Imagine having this physique but being a 5"3 spic manlet. Has he made it? Is he ever going to make it?

Imagine having this physique but being a 5"3 spic manlet. Has he made it? Is he ever going to make it?

Attached: 44809003_2238737093073530_3639948631990126123_n.jpg (1280x1280, 189K)

It's impossible for a turbomanlet to make it

It never even began

Still looks like a child unfortunately

If by making it u mean bettering yourself then yes he probably made it

He is 17 or 18

He is a professional calisthenicsfag, and tbqh I'm jelly of those bis, but as other anons have said, he is a turbomanlet

By the looks of it, he has made it. esp at a young age. When i was his age i was a fat fuck.

made it more than u, which is evident by u even posting a thread like this lol

Agreed, he is a beast at what he does, as stated before, I'm jelly, but can't help but feel sad cause of his height

He cute tho. I'd carry him in my pocket.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.17_[2018.09.22_21.13.08].png (478x718, 351K)

>be tall
>relatively slim but 1.7 shoulder:waist ratio
>athlete physique
>everyone else in the gym: jacked bodybuilder manlets (< 6')
>all the girls stare at me anyway
Too bad I'm extremely conservative and would never purposely pursue casual sex


Jow Forums is a board of positivity

the guy is shredded, he looks great

Wholesome fellow user

based gemposter

Attached: jxnxgmvsqj521.jpg (736x1023, 84K)

He's made it. Many chicks love that sort of shit. You're deluding yourselves if you think women only want the ugliest men simply because being ugly is biologically "masculine".

It seems you're not on the same page, user

Gohan mode

Who is this?

Manlets always look like they are overcompensating if they lift, if you are short your only option is to be a skinny dyel