>was always a skinny guy but at least had visible abs
>decided to put on some muscle
>train 3x a week and eat more, going on for almost 2 months now
>don't notice any muscle gains
>can't see my abs anymore
you promised me newbie gains but all i got was losing the only body part of mine that looked good
Was always a skinny guy but at least had visible abs
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You probably overate and under trained.
I train 3x a week and never once skipped during those two months. And even if I ate more than enough calories how the fuck have I not gained any muscle anywhere? I feel like all the time and effort not only went completely wasted but also harmed me. No muscle gains but abs loss. And for that I spent several hours weekly training and spending more money on food and whey. I guess it's just not meant to be, I tried to improve my shit but I worsened it.
Either you're lying or you've been fucking up somewhere. Get over the pain and hit some prs, and eat some food. And do more than three times a week. Unless you're cutting that makes no sense. Alan Thrall has a great vid on bulking. It can help you get an understanding of what you aught to be doing. youtube.com
>Either you're lying or you've been fucking up somewhere.
Why the fuck should I lie when I try to figure out wtf is going on. It's like going to the doctor with horrible pain and when he asks what's wrong you say "nothing".
>Get over the pain and hit some prs, and eat some food.
I can't physically eat more, I've been stuffing my face ever since to expand my skeleton stomach. But now I don't even want to eat anymore because I don't gain any muscle anyway and now fat covers up my abs which is literally the only body part of mine that looked presentable.
>And do more than three times a week. Unless you're cutting that makes no sense.
I doubt I ever will. I spend 10 hours daily on my soul-draining wage-slave job. Working out 3x a week is already hard enough when all I want to do after coming home is just lie in bed, watch videos and jerk off. And I'm not cutting, otherwise my abs wouldn't be fucking gone now.
Shit just doesn't make sense to me. Where are the newbie gains and how do I train 3x a week with 8-12 reps and don't gain muscle while losing my abs.
Are you increasing the weight you lift every sesh?
Not every session but every 2-3 sessions by 2kg kilograms so I can stay in the 8-12 rep range.
train 5x a week stop being a pussy
It's been 2 months, what was your start weight and what is the weight you're lifting now?
Read >I doubt I ever will. I spend 10 hours daily on my soul-draining wage-slave job. Working out 3x a week is already hard enough when all I want to do after coming home is just lie in bed, watch videos and jerk off.
Sorry, I am lifting 15kg now, started with 10kg.
I'm not a mathematician but those numbers don't add up. You should be doing 3 sessions a week, so that means in 2 months you should've increased 2 * 8 = 16kg. You need to be pushing your body harder
>be skinny skeleton
>body starts to get stronger, but also puts on fat because weakass skeleton body need it for survival when i stop
You disgust my, your narcissism is unfounded and you were likely a sickly specimen to begin with. Continue down the path of self betterment you decided to take, get more educated on lifting and eating properly, and overcome your retarded ass preconceptions. ATM youre just a dumbass regular npc who think ABS=IN SHAPE when in truth you were an underweight weakling.
Why did you decide you wanted to put on muscle. If It was to accentuate your skeleton abs then you were doomed from the start. If you genuinely wanted to improve your health youve taken the first step down a long road and are feeling discouraged, its happenes to everyone. The difference between brainded
npcs and the gods among them is the will to follow through on the goals you set out to reach.
Sounds like you're a non-responder. Weight training isn't for you. There's lots of other hobbies.
Just keep working towards your muscle goals then go on a cut.
as a guy who started lifting at 16 and 22 right now and still making strenght gains i finally break the 176 lbs mark of LEAN MUSCLE wich costed me YEARS TO BROKE, some gains come after years and years of enough training to the point your DNA is forced to grow and alter your chromosomes ro grow fucking muscles
im also making the fastest strenght gains ever and im natty not even on creatine or whey
it takes years man at 16 i could barely do 40 consecutive push ups at 56 kg bodyweight now i can OHP 200 LBS for reps and bent over row 400 lbs for reps
im strong as fuark never thought of becoming this strong again
it took me half a decade and lots of injuries to reach this state
what is your training program
i was somewhat gifted to strenght since a kid abd when i started to do pull ups i progressed fast to the point of being able to do my first one arm pull up at a bofyweight of 70 KG at 17 year old
i believe every healthy natty male has insane strenght potential inside, you need to train in ways you make gains and do exercises you feel confortable doing
high reps low reps everything, its a fun journey
>all I want to do after coming home is just lie in bed, watch videos and jerk off
you got a lot more problems than a gut, bud.
Probably had too much of a surplus + water retention is going on probably due all that glycogen.
How hard did you train? 3 times a week is fine but you need to work hard
That's less than the bar
What fucking dumb meme routine are you doing?
I only see noticeable muscle gain if I train 5-6 times a week (hit every body part you want to grow 2 times per week). Any less than that and it is either stagnation or barely any growth. Also sleep more.
>I am lifting 15kg now
On what fucking exercise?
A man with no sports background should still be able to start at 45kg for squats and deadlift and 30 for bench.
>it takes years man at 16 i could barely do 40 consecutive push ups
Jesus fucking Christ I can only do 20.
>tfw untrained 16 year olds are 2x as strong as you
well im kind of "outlier" and i wad the typical nerd guy skinny who would put big guys on shame, now im the big guy who can put everyone on shame, some days ago i shake a guys hands and i made him hurt lol
btw i had a good grip for long as i can remember
how much do you weight ? the 40 consecutive push ups i could do at 16 were the half reps ones as fast as possible
going perfecr full form i couldnt do more than 25 if i remember
remember i was 55 kg literally what weights an adult female
many lifters at 16 are already 300 lbs bencher, i started late anyway
whats your bodyweight ?
You need to stick with it. It will get worse before it gets better. I ended up looking like a skelly with a belly when I first started lifting and bulking. Kept getting stronger and gradually I got some muscle. Finally built a base and am starting to lean down. Still like 15% bf though, but it was worth it. Trust the process and keep getting stronger.
>Do a meme program
>Get shit results
Should have done SS faggot
When you bulking forget about your abs. Bulk then cut
>he thinks that abs on an auschwitz survivor are aesthetic
Your diet is probably shit and so is your workout.
You don't need to just be stuffing twinkies and doughnuts in your face. You need to be getting over 100 grams of protein a day, 150 would be even better start with.
If you can only do 3 times a week that is fine, but you need to do it smart. Like full
Monday full body
Tue rest
Wed rest
Thursday upper body
Friday lower body
Saturday rest
Sunday rest
Or something. Or push pull lift routine.
What specifically are you doing now?
>4 rest days
Wasting quads for such shit advice.
lift 5-6 days a week and hit arms every workout, dont eat like a fatass and eat 80% of your carbs before you workout, and you dont need a lot of carbs unless your lifting heavy ass weight
He said he can only go 3 times a week retard. Learn to read.
Lol. So if I say I can go only 1 time per week what will your advice be?
He clearly needs to find more time to work out or he won't have any results. 4 days minimum with 5-6 days recommended. 3 days is just a waste of time.
3 days isn't a waste of time lol. It is well known and well documented that you can build muscle working out muscle groups twice a week. And some people don't have time to go 4 or 5 days a week.
Stop giving nutrition advice, thank you so much
So you will just train 1 muscle group. What is even the point. You will imbalance your body and look like a clown. Better to be skinny all around than to have big biceps and triceps and nothing else.
Full body one day and an upper/lower split is hitting everything twice.
20 pushups and 30 situps a day
You're natty and everyone who posts pictures and brags on here is a steroid user. Welcome to reality kid. Building any muscle at all is hard and takes many years.
It takes 2
You can gain a little bit in 2 years but much less than you would think.
>fell for the starting strength meme
80% of lifetime gains and more than 95% of the male population will have
If this is not bait I will personally rape you
>listening to Jow Forums
You wouldn't listen to Jow Forums for relationship advice, why listen to Jow Forums for fitness advice?
If you could build appreciable muscle in 2 months, everyone would be jacked. It takes at least a year.
>personally rape you
Well ofc, are you going to rape him by proxy ?
>Sorry, I am lifting 15kg now, started with 10kg.
Micronutrients, you didn't count them
Use cronometer
Also, how much is "more food"? I want numbers motherfucker, calories in kcal and protein in grams
Not if you lean bulk
I’m 4 and a half weeks in on my first cycle. 2 shots of test p (1.5 cc a shot) and tren (1 cc a shot). The last week has been weird in terms of my body finally reacting to what I’m taking. Feels fucking amazing, and somehow eliminated my urges to smoke weed every chance i get, chain smoke cigarettes, and drink a 12 pack a day. And i did all 3 for 15 years everyday. I’ve never been happier with who I am inside and out, and what’s even better? I’m only a month invested into this lifestyle.. skys the limit.
> on my first cycle
Nah man, you are doing it wrong