Plz fucking help me lose weight. plz

plz fucking help me lose weight. plz.

my appetite is so god damn out of control. I have to eat fucking fat ass greasy shit or I have no energy at all. I get light headed worried I might faint feel like shit cant think straight. every time I dont eat greasy food. ive been eating more vegetables but now its only like half my meals are vegetables and fruit I cant go all the way with it

I literally get god damn sick if I dont eat my fat greasy salty carb food

ive been weening myself off slowly its barely going away. ive been starving it just gets fucking wild I feel literally sick like my body will have something seriously wrong with it if I dont eat that food and then my brain just fucking turns into a crazy rabid animal and it just plays any fucking game it can to make me eat food

ive been dieting so fucking good and I ate 3/4 a bag of chips and 3/4 of a FUCKING PIZZA today. ive been trying so hard to eat fruits and vegetables

dont laugh at me please. this is serious I have a problem with my body and brain. im fighting it so fucking hard harder than you will ever know. please just help me. please.

do I start throwing up or something? so my fat brain gets the cravings but my body learns to live without it?

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You should just fast for multiple days at a time. Will kick your food addiction.

How old are you?


Work out five days a week 20 min to start. Your appetite will change.

also you have to learn to forgive yourself, accept you've made mistakes and that you have created bad habits and understand that you are going to have to experience some pain and difficulty to undo those habits and teach your body how to feel good again.

It's not going to be easy and it's definitely not going to be quick.

tl;dr the most dangerous diet in the world is the one you can't stick to. You have to reaffirm to yourself what it is that you really want and that you are really going to commit to the change you desire.

Watch this video

slaughter a goat on the third wednesday of the month of the jupiter ascension then drink it's blood
you'll be 15% bf the day after

I already work out more than that. I walk for miles and bike every day

I try every time I get really deep in there I cant sleep I feel like im gonna faint like not even being a fat pussy I seriously am worried I get light headed I cant focus or move around I feel like I might pass out on walks

im not just being a fat bitch my bodys fucked

you are getting light headed because you are low on electrolytes. You can fix this by drinking bone broth or taking an electrolyte supplement, both easy and cheap.

you promise? I dont feel like itll be that easy

yes bro I'm 99% sure that is what your problem was. I myself and anyone else who has fasted without knowing what they were doing knows what you are talking about, that feeling is a bad one.

Do some more research on fasting before you try again. You have to know what you are going to do before you actually do it successfully.

You can do this bro, you clearly want to make the change so put in the effort to figuring out what kind of fasting routine you want to do (OMAD, IF) and then prepare a start date and go for it.

The first day or two might be hard but realize it's a mental battle and you can absolutely do it if you put your mind to it.

Go look at and sort by top to see the changes people can make, it will motivate you.

Download a calorie counting app, eat lots of clean protein, get lots of sleep. And make sure you use the calorie counting app every day, you want to eat less than 2000 calories a day. Once you make a habit of it, its easy. Also you can do cardio for bonus points.

>im not just being a fat bitch
yes you are

Attached: I lift for jpg.jpg (500x839, 78K)

can scan bar codes enter amounts calculates everything

Seriously dude you think it's funny that someone comes here asking for genuine advice and you try to do stand up comedy? I don't know where you're from but from where I am from we do not tolerate this sort of disrespect. Tone it down and keep it to yourself, I'll accept your apology here. Try to grow up in the future.

>I literally get god damn sick if I dont eat my fat greasy salty carb food

Step 1: Accept the fact this is wrong. Literal cope. Then you can move on.

no mean I get light headed feel like I might faint I literally have fainted from fasted before

If you get a blood test they can tell you what you are deficient in.
Calorie counting apps aren't just for monitoring calories, they also tell you if you are missing stuff in your diet. I prefer cronometer over myfitnesspal, but whatever floats your boat. Just don't trust the user uploaded nutrional info, it's often wrong by a lot.

Also, if you are embarrassed about getting a blood test because you are fat, don't worry.
You will get one once you start going to the hospital for fainting/diabetes/heart blockage, etc.
You can count on that if you wanna stay in this timeline.

lol im amerifat no health insraunce=death here

Didn't you make the exact same thread with the same pic some days ago? I provided detailed help but you never replied.

You will get one once an ambulance takes your passed out ass from Mcdonalds to a hospital for fainting/diabetes/heart blockage, etc.
You can count on that if you wanna stay in this timeline.

oh no I eat healthy starve diet and exercise if I have diabetes my body better cure it on its own because needles are a huge fear for me.

it does make sense tho god is out to get me. he would make it so I have to stab myself every day

nope i am starving until my diabetes goes into remission

im not heart blockage fat. im 180-190 and 5'11

You should reward yourself for making this thread. Admitting you have a problem takes a lot.

ITT post cheat meals

Attached: pizza.jpg (590x393, 280K)

he does. its gotta be bait or he's actually retarded

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its all in ur mind bro. if your mind decides your body isnt having chips or pizza, your mind wont go and buy chips for the body to eat

its that simple