Does it honestly matter what the fuck do you eat as long as you get your calories and protein in...

does it honestly matter what the fuck do you eat as long as you get your calories and protein in? im starting to think this dieting shit is a meme

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cico is all that matters

>as you get your calories and protein in
Bingo. The rest is just optimization

yes and no
yes, calories in calories out is the basis
no, insulin sensitivity, hunger responses, brain chemicals, the randle cycle, and gut bacteria are all key factors to overall health and make dieting much easier

i can easily get my entire day's worth of calories in at KFC, but i'm going to be hungry later and to get enough protein you'll have to eat way over your calorie limit

The quality of fuel effects the machine. Will it get the job done? Sure, but the machine is more likely to start malfunctioning or breaking down sooner.

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calories and protein is like 99% of it, yes.

Protein and calories are really all you need in your lifting pursuits but you should still eat your vegetables

IMO when I eat clean I fee better overall and I peak in strength. When I eat a lotta processed shit and dirty cals I bloat like a mofo and retain more water.

>calories and protein is like 99% of it

t. shit looking retard with embarrassing lifts

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My cutting diet is pretty much shit since I’m poor and lazy. I don’t mean two McDoubles a day but my variety is just garbage.

My average day is
Breakfast - 2 cliff bars or protein shake
Lunch - protein shake
Dinner - five eggs with two tortillas, pico de Gallo salsa
Snacks throughout the day - banana or some type of oats bar

I’ve been doing this for 2 months and I probably only eat meat and veggies maybe twice a week.
It’s working out fine and the biggest thing that matters is how much sleep I get.

post body

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>shit looking retard who thinks calories and protein is 99% of what matters

not how it works, dumb fuck. post your body/lifts to substantiate your stupid horse shit or fuck off.

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Yes, consume 200 grams of carbs from sugar and take all your protein from gluten. You will be fine.

It is, though.

>Doubts about the advantages of having a well-thought balanced diet

Yeah sure bro, you can live just on ground beef, protein shakes and water.

Just leaving a couple of tips for that diet:

Nutritional hierarchy
>energy balance
>macro nutrient breakdown

Watch the video

all these meme diets are just for people to feel like they belong to a group, giving them validation. They don't need to be right to feel right. Just eat greens and a lot of protein, fill rest with quality dairy and nuts.

Just drink soda and eat processed food, die painfully couple of years later

If bf% is your only indication of health then yes, I personally am systematically decreasing inflammation in my guts microbiome to increase my serotonin production and accelerate my celluar regeneration so I can have the biological age of 25 by the time im 35

cutting is literally protein and calories, don't worry


Micronutrients (from real food, not synthetic or fortified shit) are actually more important than calories to build muscle

>this dieting shit is a meme
Lrn2meme fgt pls

Totally. Micronutrients are a meme.

Most cars don't need Premium fuel, but it does make them run more efficiently. If you're into working out for girls or just the sake of being somewhat fit then you're fine eating whatever really, but don't try that shit if you're training for anything.

Yes it does.

You need minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates for adequate energy supply.

It doesnt matter just use the magic words

Grow grow grow

Guys. If i had to guess my protein intake is around 120 gr. That enough?

The daily protein recommended intake is grossly exaggerated

> carbohydrates

Name one that is essential

You can't

Try eating carbs but without getting vitamin C big boy

Carbohydrates are essential for human health, like other vitamins. An absence of carbohydrates creates cardiometabolic disease which is why all expert panels on the planet recommend that they be consumed. Carbohydrates are also essential for athletic performance.

Some foods curb cravings better than others

for starters not all protein is the same
you can get away with less protein if it's coming from dairy, you have to consume more protein if more of it comes from non dairy sources.

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an absence of carbohydrates causes death because your body just like that of any animal needs glucose
the good thing about our bodies just like that of any other animal is that we create our own glucose from other substrates that aren't derived from dietary carbs, such as some gluconeogenic amino acids and glycerol, every single animal including herbivores derive the vast bulk of their glucose from gluconeogenesis, not dietary net carbs
that's why most animals in the wild don't have rotten fucked up teeth or diabetes, only we do because we keep eating carbs all day, lots of them.
look at chimps and gorillas and monkeys in zoos who used to be rampant with diabetes and metabolic disease when they were fed domesticated fruit in the early 1900's instead of wild fruit and domesticated vegetables(which is much lower in net carbs and much higher in fiber and protein)

high carb diets are literally not even natural for any species, not even frugivores.
most of the plants chimps naturally eat are flowers and leafy greens, which are mostly protein and fiber.

It matters when it comes to your health.

>An absence of carbohydrates creates cardiometabolic disease
>source: dude, trust me

in theory it doesn't matter at all what you eat, as long as you get all your macros and micros
in practice however, you will find that it's almost impossible to find the right balance without making a concious choice about what you eat
fried chicken will likely top you up on calories before you get enough protein and you will have almost 0 vitamins and other stuff with that

Of course food matters. Fast food Is produced in the cheapest way possible and it is full of plastic, preservatives, pesticides, hormones and antibiotics, all of which will lower your testosterone and gut microbiome. Radioactive fish, lead and chemical waste in your tap water-made beverages, there is an attack on the human species and we have to protect ourselves by filtering our water

The honest truth is that this works fine for some people depending on age and genetics. For others, this does not end well.

Cico is all that matters, but if you aren't getting your nutrients in you are going to have uncontrollable cravings.

Enjoy fighting that shit your body will beat you eventually.

I have found that the best way for me to lose weight is to get used to the constant feeling of hunger.
I eat the same shit I always do, but basically have a period of fasting every or every other day or so.

just started on this track since I've fucked my ankle and couldn't exercise for quite some time

2~3 days fasting every week and eating clean on the other days has kept me somewhat in shape for this whole time I've been off

Not all. If you get all the calories but no protein you're gonna become a chunky boy

People that just eat ground beef and water don't get scurvy or gout

If you are
>not fat
>physically active
No, it doesn't fucking matter. Your risk of premature death is mostly gone.
I have made a highly scientific graph to demonstrate what I mean.

Attached: Mortality Risk, Highly Scientific.png (742x935, 18K)

It does matter. If you eat unhealthy foods like processed seed oils that increase inflammation then it will reduce your gains in the gym and lower longevity.
Although the one exception is where you find it too difficult to eat healthy foods (as they tend to be more filling) and you're a skinny fuck, in which case it might benefit you to eat junk food. I still wouldn't recommend it though.

Lol retard. Keep wasting your money.

>Most cars don't need Premium fuel, but it does make them run more efficiently
You do realize that using a higher octane fuel in an engine designed for lower octane fuel is actually damaging to the engine, right?
This is bait, right?