
>394 lbs
>gf threatening to leave me if I lose weight
Is she trying to kill me or is she just a feeder?

Attached: reJoroC.jpg (320x320, 13K)

Let me guess, your gf is fat as fuck as well

She's not skinny, but better then me. 5'4" and 188

>Is she trying to kill me or is she just a feeder?
Leave her and start your journey to the center of your lard

Out of curiosity, could you post what your daily food intake is? What does it take to maintain that weight?

We just get delivery every day and do a grocery run once a week, it's usually random. We work from home.

Today I ate a 2 chicken parms from the local Italian place, a home made sandwich, some chips, some soda, and a pint of Ben a d Jerry's for desert. This is my diet intake, I was worse.

She’s definitely obese

Dude, start browsing /fph/ NOW

>This is my diet intake
Serious question, do you want to change or not?

>I was worse.
Based. Keep improving

If you lose weight, other females could potentially gain an interest in your new figure. She has control issues. As long as she keeps you fat, you're hers.

Break it off.
My ex was the same way. We were together for 5 years. Eventually, she'll disregard her "Keep my boyfriend fat" phase and somehow fool herself into "My boyfriend is a fat pig and won't better himself" and end up fucking someone else.


Or, better yet..

Stay and work out.
Work out behind her back.
Go for long walks.
That way, when your gf finally decides to inevitably leave, you won't have too much work to do in order to attract a new mate.

>We just get delivery every day and do a grocery run once a week

I physically cringe when i picture you disgusting fucks togheter

so she is normal in Burgerland

how much are you spending on food in a month?

>people like this can get gf

i must be really fucking broken

Basically everything after rent and utilities, around $1400 or so.
Just literally be yourself.
We met online while playing Battleborn and realized we were only 20 minutes apart.

Dude she's taller and half the weight of this guy

$1400 on food for two people in a month wtf are you doing



Fuck her OP loose the weight now before you die because if you don't it WILL only get worse

post body

these are the people telling you that they are fat because of the cheap and unhealthy food from fast food

Listen user, you have to change. Also if your "gf" is serious then this is bad. She wants you not to change for the better so you will be dragged into the mess with her. You have to realize what is going on

That is disgusting, two people can easily eat for a month on like $400
