Bulk or cut?


2.5k calories a day since February

Weight lifting properly in a gym with a proper routine 5 times a week for 2 months.

I want to cut but I'm afraid ill lose the tiny bit of muscle I've built. What if I continue my weight lifting and cut? Or should I not cut or keep bulking? Or just cut? I really need help

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Can i get a BF percentage estimate too. I really don't know if I should keep bulking or just start cutting

You’ve only been lifting for 2 months don’t worry about cutting or bulking lmao. Just eat and lift. If you want to change your body composition eat at maintenance with 1g protein per lb of body weight. Compounds only isolations are actually the worst thing to the weight room

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BF looks over 20%. I was skinnyfat like you OP (same bitch tits even) and cut down from 220lbs to 185lbs @6'4 and just became very skinny. Not exactly a stick, but I didn't have much muscle to show. Not at home right now so can't upload a picture. So yeah if you want to keep some musculature I'd advice you to bulk.

Thank you. When should I stop bulking? Yeah I hate the "bitch tits" too haha


I don't know :/

It's weird I know

Continue lifting, eat a lot of protein and eat at maintenance or a +250 cal surplus. Do couch to 5k alongside lifting and get to the point where you can run 3 miles a day without lasting soreness. Once you can do that much cardio alongside your lifting begin cutting.

Cutting with serious cardio and cutting without cardio are like night and day.

Alright thanks. So I should keep bulking and lifting and eating a lot of protein but do some cardio as well?


Are you a gross indian ftm?

Cutting isnt going to be beneficial for you at all after 2 months lifting.

Youve got barely any muscle in the chest and your shoulders are small.

All cutting is going to do for you rn is give you the same body but smaller. Eat 181g of protein or more a day and continue to bulk until youve got good muscle distribution to cut the fat into.

Why are you Black?

Black. Born male. My nipples are strange I know

Is this a thread you made for yourself or can others post whether they should bulk/cut?
>in b4 newfag

So how many months more should I bulk? I still want to wear medium sized clothes and not large haha

>Bulk or cut?

I can't decide my skin colour

>So I should keep bulking and lifting and eating a lot of protein but do some cardio as well?

Yes but a very light bulk. You must do cardio, it'll take a little while to improve your cardio but after a few weeks it'll be easier. It'll take a few months to build up to the point where you can comfortably run 3 miles a few times a week but you can build up from there to just about every day. Once you've built up your cardio eat at maintenance for 2 weeks before you do a -500 calorie cut along with daily cardio. You'll see fat melt off you when you're doing that cut along with a daily 3 mile run, I estimate about 12 weeks of cutting will make you happier about your appearance. But you have to build up your cardio alongside your resistance training to even think about going on a serious cut.

Just post senpai.

You can post on Jow Forumsfitness

You should nipple.

What does that mean