Femanon here I'm basically a skeleton with 0 muscle I never step a foot a gym is SS a good prog to start and get me...

Femanon here I'm basically a skeleton with 0 muscle I never step a foot a gym is SS a good prog to start and get me into it? What other prog can I do?

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Fix your anorexia. Start eating. Lift. Run. Learn make up.

>google exists
>youtube exists
>sticky exists
>Jow Forums gives usually contradictory and almost exclusively retarded advice
>asks here to get attention anyway

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Guy here post tits
You're fucking anonymous, first thing we needed to know is IM A GIRL.

Just lay out you just started lifting, what your stats are, someone will go oh r u a girl, you'll get a few real responses and mostly mfw thinking of u hurt and London replies it's pretty fuckin simple

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Retards like you are why other femanons can't discuss things properly. Read the sticky and then commit suicide.

SS is fine, but I recommend training with a higher volume and lower weight because females progress different from men. Remember to eat more than before

Do a bit of strength training. Stop when you hit 1 plate squat, half plate bench, so about in a year. Most importantly start eating, look that you exceed 3000kcal everyday. After a year of doing that you get surgery and remove the fat from places like your arms and face. Then come here again and spam your thicc bootey and fulfill your destiny in life.

post tits or gtfo

>Femanon here
No you aren't
>skeleton with 0 muscle
Eat and lift weights
>is SS a good prog to start
Read the sticky

why would you do this female skellies are the epitome of aesthetics

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SS GOMAD, 900 test 700 tren and 6 days gym a week, do like 2 to three hours of compound lifts, you will see slow progress at first but it will be worth it in a years time

Increase your calories 200 a day and get pregnant four times by the same man.

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OP you have my dream body. You should hold onto it.

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Quit lifting you'll never make it hole

this girl has a cardiofit non skelly body, and god tier 99.9th percentile fat distribution to have a good figure at this bf%. very, very few women could look this good at this level of muscle and fat

SS is for people starting strength training. Not building muscles, building strength.

building strength is the first step for any skelly, user.


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I blame Winehouse for my skelly girl fetish.

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Become I'll train you. Become my wheyfu/varbie

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>literal Jewish crackwhore

did your grandma rape (you)? how the fuck can you have a taste so bad?

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

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Well I'm a jew so there's that
I mostly grew out of it once I began lifting and seeing what a healthy woman looks like in a tiny spandix outfit.

Don't do SS as a woman
Heavy squats and deadlifts expose you to very high internal pressure if you want to maintain proper form. Women's pelvic floor muscles can not handle this stress, which leads to incontinence and increased risk of perinneal fissure during childbirth.

pls post body

8/10 sarcasm

Eвaлa, лицe

came for this post, thank you user

Any sources other than your ass

How do skelly girls grow tits? I really want this girl I fug to have tits.