Yeah, I take creatine. How did you know?

>Yeah, I take creatine. How did you know?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Does creatine really make you BAWLDD

>he doesn't take HGH supplements while using creatine.


i only heard it accelerates the process if you are already prone to balding
i dont take it tho, dont wanna get too big haha

thats broscience, the fact is regardless whether you are prone to balding, it WILL recede your hairline.

heard this was found in one study out of many, many more done. And apparently the participants were taking more than the reccomended serving size.

Imagine going bald with creatine when you could have steroids instead and amdr 20x the progress lmao

[citation needed]
Until proven differently creatine does not cause hairloss.

tl;dr is creatine does cause but we don't want to admit it

Should i use creatine while i cut?

Steroids make you super bald. Look at any steroid nigga and how they always end up wearing snapbacks


It does not, did you even read that all?
>only 1 study
>no control group
>only 20 guys IN TOTAL
>DHT STILL within normal range in the creatine group, just elevated.

I`ve been taking creatine for nearly 7 years now and my hair is still full and hanging lower than my nipples. I will continue to think that this bullshit til you bring up some real evidence that it`is bad for the genetically disadvantaged.

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Re read the study and actually try to understand whats happening. It HEAVILY contributes to hairloss. However, I just shill that it doesnt so Jow Forumsfags go bald lmao.

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I don't even take creatine you faggot, but I hate misinformation

Am I balding guys? 19 years old

Attached: C35DF46B-B2A2-4FFE-8960-2FD08F1794B5.jpg (750x688, 128K)

probably, but you'll be good for a few years.

If you want to lose your hair

Post hairline

Yes, looks like a mature hairline or around Norwood 1/2. Not considered "balding", many men stop hair loss at your line. However at 19 it may be worth taking some precautions. If the hairline is receding and thinning at the same time that's a sign of balding.

Nobody in my family has gone bald, even my 70+ year old grandparents on both sides.

Doesn't matter you're not your grandparents

balding always starts at the crown, a receding/maturing hairline doesnt mean shit and is pretty common between the ages 17-25
my hairline looks like shit compared to what i had during puberty but it's stayed the same for at least 3-4 years now, you shouldnt worry too much about it.
one of my friends started balding prematurely and didnt have a receding hairline

Then go ahead and take it if you think it doesn't bald you

might do but on the other hand I've been taking creatine since 20 (26 now) and my hairlines pretty fine even though my dad started balding at 20 but all the lads on me mams side of the family had god tier hair genetics so I might not have bald genes

also even if it does you can buy shit like dht lowering shampoo and finasteride online without leaving your room so just take them and creatine

that looks like mine but i've had the same hairline all my life

I'm same age as you and the same thing happened to me. Have you tried anything to stop it?


No it doesn't. Never take advice from Jow Forums. 90% of people here don't even lift and are fat manlets.