When did you decide to get Jow Forums and why

Last week, I decided that enough was enough and that I would dedicate my time to getting in shape. I use my shortcomings and inadequacies as motivation to improve myself and be the best version of myself as possible. What motivates yall to get in shape and when did you decide to commit to the Jow Forums lifetsyle?

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At my high school graduation, I was called up and no one clapped for me. I remember feeling so bad about myself afterwards and I decided that I was going to better myself

What happened to him and how can we avoid it, bros?

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When I saw the guy heaven skit
Also I went to a very ghetto high school

In high school when I joined football

Last week my first time as well, been browsing /fit again for a few months. Been here before, and lifted before, but if i had to think about my main objective, it's to look and feel good. Main objective in the gym itself, or short-term goal is strength. Long term-goal is keeping that strength and having a physique that feels nice. Like i mean, if i'm laying in bed naked and i touch my muscles, i want it to feel nice.

Maybe they'd have clapped if you had bigger biceps

That sounds rough, user. But I’m glad you took the high road

We’re gunna make it, user. Good luck

Honestly just wanted to lift my gf in a bridal carry, but now I really enjoy it for its own sake (and I can absolutely do a bridal carry now)

hit 260 at 6'6 in January and decided I was too fat. Down to 204 now and I'm about to bulk back to 215 cause my cut has hurt my gains

>be me in college
>6'0" 120lb skelly
>have 8/10 blonde waif gf
>walking with her at 2am
>stocky drunk guy coming toward us
>stops in our way and says to her "what are you doing with him"
>tell him to fuck off
>he says "what are you gonna do about it"
>realize i can do nothing
>just grab gf's hand and walk away

I realize getting fit doesn't make you a fighter but it still embarrassed me enough to get me into the gym.


Was bullied and invisible to others throughout my teen years in school. Started lifting at 17 and now (at 24 and roiding) all other males, even Chads, massively respect me.

I also started lifting for women but I'm still a KHHV

I hope yall get married happily user, good for you

based volcel

Something just clicked with me one day and the first thought that came to my head was "i going to be doing this for the rest of my life" and I never looked back.

I also want to be able to defend myself against niggers and other mudbloods if I ever find myself without any kind of firearm on me and have to go toe to toe with one of them.

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Understandable user. If I can reccommend something, boxing is great for warming up on pretty much any day regardless of muscle group. Just get in the zone, set a timer, and do a few rounds of shadowboxing. You won’t be Mike tyson, but its better than nothing and quite fun

Zyzz movement

I think he said on Joe Rogan he started drinking a lot and stopped exercising
So don't drink too much and exercise fren

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Based af, roid user

Imo It's a bit sad you went through all that just to gain some approval

Fighting in a situation like that is retarded anyway user.

Honestly, it was me being with another guy that made me realize I was straight and I needed to Improve on myself to become more confident. That and also the only person who has kids is my older brother. I would to have a loving wife and 4 kids desu

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I was at the lowest I had ever been. My dad died and I couldn't cope, I ate myself to death and never left my room. I didn't even had someone to talk to on discord or anything, literally just me going insane talking to myself surrounded by piles of garbage, literally like a hoarder's house.

So slowly I started cleaning up, trying to do a push-up (keyword trying), and whatnot.

I did PPL for like a year and a half on and off with home gym equipment that I bought online and relatively recently started fasting. 10kg more and I'm officially not overweight and finally next year I stop being a NEET

>skinny 16 year old
>get first job at CFA
>drink lots of soda
>get chubby
>don't want to take my shirt off when at the pool with friends anymore
>one day at work, drinking soda and becoming filled with disgust
>find that orange couch-to-5k infograph
>cold turkey no soda anymore
>9 weeks later, skinny and fit
>years later start lifting

I got tired of being a skelly dyel
>tfw no matter how much I bulk or how strong I get I still see a skelly dyel in the mirror

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Currently learning martial arts. Because at a certain point I was tired of being a fat fuck.

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>I also want to be able to defend myself against niggers and other mudbloods if I ever find myself without any kind of firearm on me and have to go toe to toe with one of them.
based and redpilled

Glad to hear you're making it, user.

I graduated two weeks ago, and the same thing happened to me, but I had already started working out in the beginning of April. After Spring break I went to a party(I don’t have that many friends but this party was hosted by one of the few) and long story short when I was drunk all of my social inadequacies and shortcomings in the past 18 years hit me hard, and I went into a dark part of the yard next to us and just cried my eyes out. Two other people I kind of knew found me and comforted me, but I could tell they were doing it so they didn’t come across as assholes, not because they actually liked me. I never had any friends until freshman year, and even then it was only one guy until junior year when I found a small group. Our group is basically just the social rejects of the rest of the school. The guy is a good friend of mine who is pretty popular and helped me to start working out too. I plan on using college as a fresh start socially.

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14 years ago.

When I was 28, last year.

I'd gotten fat, and felt like shit all the time, I want to enter my 30s feeling like I did in my early 20s.

because of my friend and I taking weight room and browsing Jow Forums all the time.

I’m glad you’re doing better user. We all make it at some point. Good luck out there

same as you brother, i chose law school (in my country you don't have to do college first) so i either improve my social game drastically and became a new better man, or if things go the same way i'll have to anhero since law is based so much on social shit. let's just hope we all gonna make it

My Dad's super buff and I figured if he could do it I can too. Now I have my own son so I lift to be a good make role model for my son.

We will. Personally I want a good social life because I want to be with new people and hang out with them. I’m going into Engineering and I know that connections can help with getting a job.