/fraud/ - friendless edition

Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid), make sure to read ALL OF the r/steroids wiki:

>Reddit link
yeah, fuck off

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

ABSOLUTELY no source talk.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.

Don't ask us to help you schedule your pinning dosages. Use steroidcalc.com/

If you're going to ask a beginner question, make sure to include:
- age
- bf%
- time spent training

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Other urls found in this thread:


ITT masT has "no friends" because the size & dick argument testiCle has used came up short.

recap of last thread:

> mast posts dick out of anger over internet argument
> anons making fun of his gf for being ugly
> mast is a one man army I AM WINNING
> less than 2% of the thread was about discussing steroids

I see asshole like king in the castle

masT has yet to post a pic of him and his friends. Until he does otherwise, he is a friendless loser.

Cope. You can continue to have friends and build a network. Only losers are anti social, you’ll see successful people having a large network of contacts.

isn’t this every /fraud/ thread since testicle came back?

take this to /SIG/ lets get back on cycle.

so my gf who is obsessed with needles wants to pin me.. should i let her? i dont want her to fuck my shit up.

I have a "large network of contacts." doesn't mean I spend time with them on a weekly basis. there's simply not enough time in the week unless you have no girlfriend and no hobbies.

Let her do it, be manly about it and afterwards pretend it gave you a surge of steroid power and you have become a machine only capable of fucking

what is the bitch subq's me

*what if*

you just stick the needle in all the way and inject bro it isnt rocket science

Probably equally as likely that you subq yourself

it's really hard to fuck up a glute injection. just teach her about the upper outer quadrant and let her stab in there. as long as she goes all the way in/the needle is long enough there's no chance of her injecting you subcutaneously

even if she did subQ, it wouldn’t be a problem

only partly true. if it's a large enough injection you'll end up with a lump on your ass while it's slowly absorbed.

if you're injecting more than just test (see: tren) it's going to sting like a motherfucker. same if you're injecting anything with a lot of solvents

can confirm tren subq is going to hurt for a few days

>I’ll end you

is the turk / albanian on the right MasT?

I want to run 750mg test and 500 deca with 40mg dbol kickstart. That's a lot of aromatization, is it fine to just beat it down with an AI? Avoiding crashing my e2 of course. Basically, can you run big doses for more gains and just run more AI?

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yes you can just take more and more ai

its individual. just have it on hand and be mindful of high estro sides

Whats the steroid situation in Germany? How hard is it to get gear there? How hard is punishment for getting caught with gear there??

netter versuch, kevin
der polizeiwagen ist schon unterwegs :^)

Die hälfte der Polizisten, Bundeswehrsoldaten, und Feuerwehrmänner sind doch selbst auf Stoff. Scheiße, selbst die Weiber dort nehmen Anavar wie Tic-Tacs.

Today we learned that mast is a loser who has zero friends, a roastie girlfriend, and most importantly, takes arguments here extremely seriously; as if his life depends on it.

We also learned that testify out angles mast and has been on steroids less than half of the time mast has been on.

Whew lads.


Trip on, mike

Does taking steroids at a young age influence what you'll be come?
A friend of mine took steroids at 18/19 and I was wondering how much that influenced him being a chad.
Also would it work for someone aged 22 or 23?


have you tried to b ureself?

So it's just muscle? I though test managed everything in males, more defined face, less fat, higher libido etc...
>just b urself

abusing steroids absolutely ruins your looks, and this is coming from someone who is currently on 2 grams of roids

ächt, nice. erklärt warum die schwulis vom ordnungsamt / hilfspolizei voll die aggro knechte sind die 15 jährigen wegen biertrinken oder rauchen eine reindrücken.
der freund unhelfer injiziert sich sterons zumeißt wohl direkt in den hirstamm.

Hairline potential gyno

Taking HGH before your growth plates fuse, can add inches to your height. On the other hand taking androgenic anabolics during developmental age could fuck up your whole hormonal system. You'll get the benefits of developing with unnaturally high test but your natural T production will probably be shit forever.

massive face bloat that makes you look 30% body fat is a real problem

Is 500mg test 300mg deca a week good enough for babies first blast n cruise?

I'm a smol fry 160lbs looking to hit 190 then I'll cut with winny. I was 135 less than a year ago.

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>ruins your looks
Elaborate. It's responsible for making masculine facial feautres more pronounced, which is why females taking it always end up looking like trannies. Unless you already have neanderthal looking facial features, I don't see how much it could worsen the situation.


>ordnungsamt / hilfspolizei

Ich rede nicht über diese Schwuchteln die nicht einmal eine Hauptschulabschluss haben. Ich rede über die Wichser die bei Fußballspielen sind, die Wichsers bei G20 dabei sind. Geh mal zu McFit und du wirst sehen das die hälfte der Wichser dort auf Stoff sind.

Maybe the real roid gains were the friends we made along the way.

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Legit question: If there was a CRISPR treatment available that actually works and inhibits your myostatin, would you take it and stop taking steroids?

Awful quiet here without the trip/mike samfaggging. EITHER WAY HERE IS MY DICK AGAIN MICHEAL. MIKEE MIEKKEYYY where are you?????? with your tiny jew microdick and ugly jew nosed gf that looks like that weasel from ICE AGE


HERE IS MY DICK AGAIN MIKE YOU SEE IT PUSSY. fucking jew microdick. I fucking gas out you and your fucking ugly jew family out. I will finish what Hitler couldn't finish. Fucking annihilate all those ugly jews

Man i love tren. I finally have the that tren vision. Come at me faggots. I will fucking take you all down.

I have told this story so many times already but i will tell it again. UNLIKE most of you incels i basically lived on the streets during my teens. So while you were fucking sitting behind you pc's in your mommas basement like fucking onions boy ugly nobodies i was going out with friends, doing drugs and fucking woman. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THOSE TEENAGE TIME back again fucking incels. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself spending time on 4 fucking CHAN during your teens. The time when you should explore and try stuff in your miserable lives, you rather spend time here.

Either way i was tired of that life. So i had to cutt off all those contacts/friend to progress further in life; finish school get a job, home etc YES i stil have gym buddies etc, but no real friends i used to have during those times.

I have nothing to hide. Real alpha male like me have no secrets and don't hide behind an anonymous name tag like that jew fucking ugly piece of shit

WHY DO YOU THINK I HAVE THIS HIGH-T GOD-TIER FACIAL STRUCTURE? because i fucking grew up in a high fucking t environment.

That's why you fags have a fucking soi ugly shit face. Always protected by your mommi's and never encountered any dangers in life. I am a fucking predator

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Aromasin or Arimidex as AI for my first ever cycle?

CRISPR doesn't work after a certain age. CRISPR must implemented BEFORE you are even born.

Are we seriously forgetting tesTs temper tantrum last night? Yeah okay, mike

autistic fag

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>beklagt sich über Leute, die keinen Hauptschulabschluss haben
>kann nicht mal "dass" und "das" korrekt verwenden
just stop it, user. you're embarrassing yourself

why is this mast guy so fucking obsessed with anime image board drama, why does he fucking spam his dick, why does he write literal wall of texts all the time, what the fuck is going on

post a pic of your friends and you

That shits 6” MAX. I like how you blacked out your atrophied nuts

were all going to make it bro

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I will put this warning out there for everyone viewing the thread. Anyone who tries to actually persue her or confront either of us in person, I will stuff your face with lead. This is my only srs post, try and fuck with me or her IRL i’ll end you.

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Hitler would have gassed your untermensch-slavic piece of ass

Been looking for this. Definitely gonna copy and save it, if I ever have tesTe give me shit I’ll repost it

whoa. now this is how a TRUE alpha handles business. you have my respect sir.

I mean I'm not, but you can user. I believe in you.

>mfw ich mein Abi dieses Jahr gemacht habe nachdem ich die Deutsch Lehrerin durchgefickt habe um die richtige Note zubekommen

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Roid rage....literally

I'm going to find you and fuck you in the ass in front of your girlfriend.

You guys wanna hear a funny story from Mike? Mike never went to school. He went to homeschool and never had 1 friend in his life. He told this story on the discord.

That's also the reason why he always acts like this fucking cringe ass awkward dork all the time. He doesn't know how to interact with people. So he basically just copies what the rest does. LMAO do you remember when he just started to post here and litterly was sucking my dick all the time. He even copied everything i said and i convinced him that putting dildo's in your ass is alpha. Guess what.. HE ACTUALLY DID IT HAHAHHAHAHA. I fucking control his life

Can you fucking read you fucking imbecilic. Go fucking outside loser. You spend time here as a teen while you should fucking try stuff/explore stuff in your life.

it's 7x6. If you post your dick with measurements i will also. Call it. Bring it

Do you guys also ask yourself how hitler would've reacted if he saw this creature in front of him??

basiert und rotgepillt, dennoch
>abi dieses jahr gemacht
das große yikes, kiddos auf meinem chonz stressen mich, geh zurück !

Did you just request pictures of my penis?

Alles klar, Achmed. Geh jetzt schlafen, du musst morgen früh wieder auf den Strassenbau :^)

imagine having a negro schnoz

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So you are telling its easier for you to post a pic of your dick, instead of a normal picture with your friends? Man this is getting beyond pathetic even for your standards. Just admit it masT and say that you don't had, have and likely will never have any friends.

>You'll get the benefits of developing with unnaturally high test
This is what I was looking for. Are the benefits permanent or as time goes you'll loose high test effects?

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Ohne Scheiß, ich habe 4 Lehrerinnen die im gleichen Gym gehen und alle sind Mitte 20.

Is everyone a fucking illiterate here

I just explained the whole story dumb ass. There are no fucking pictures you terminally retarded cancerous shit face

You guys judge me ALL THE FUCKING TIME. WHERE ARE YOUR FUCKING PICS. I see no face pics, no body pics, no dick pics, pics from your fucking gf or right fucking hand

Don't fucking tell me to post a fucking picture while i am the only fucking person who is posting and backing up his arguments with pictures all the time> fucking miserable incest face

you are all a bunch of keyboard pussy warrior, hiding behind an anonymous name tag

Give me a real fucking challenge

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na dann mach das 'penis in vagina' spielchen, ein scharfer jungspund wie du kann nicht gebremst werden

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neck is looking pretty small there

How are you gonna call me illiterate when you
>does you has
Think I forgot about that fucked yo typo from months ago? YEAH ITS ME MOTHERFUCKER.

MasT looks like a roided out version of one of my old high school friends.....who also just so happens to be like 5'3".

Make whatever assumptions you want.

Yo my nigga masT is it true you have no friends? Heard some niggers here saying you got no friends or homies?? Nigga that fucked up man. Like how can you no have homies? Like nigga go outside and make some friends nigga. The fuck is wrong with man?

Mast said he’s 6’. You mean masT would lie???

mast now I know why you don’t want to marry your farm animal girlfriend. she is hideous

I’m masTs homie. He lets me pin him to practice for my ems course

> roiding that long for this

masT you haven’t made any progress. in fact you look bigger in your 2016 pictures than now. tours over boyo

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Okay cool post body big man.

yo mast is my nigga let him suck my dick first

so this guy posts a picture of his dick and crops out his atrophied nut sack? top kek

What about these pics? Better right. EXACTLY

Better than you and everyone else on this board.

Your mother is also hideous but your father was so fucking desperate to fuck her and here you are. Fucking ugly jew nosed ugly piece of cancerous shit

Micheal i have seen your mother and father and your brother. They are fucking UGLY LIKE THAT UGLY WEASEL GF OF YOU HAHAHAHA. damn she is truly ugly bro i am not even kidding. No wonder you never posted a closeby selfie

Every time it gets posted you report it because you know she's hideous af

His arm is only x100 times closer to the camera. Let me take a real comparison pic

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how can anything in this world possibly be any uglier than this and mast proudly shows her off to the internet. will steroids make me want to fuck a farm animal too?

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is this photoshopped or not, because it looks really bad and mirin testifys photoshop skills if it is shopped

no one gives a fuck that you lived on the street like a homeless guy. you work as an analyst now, which is bottom of the corporate chain, might as well be a janitor

looks like it came straight from the zoo kek

ME VS TESTIFY HAHAHAHAH LOOK AT HIS HIPS HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAAHAHAHAH how does this guy even THINK about challenging me. He is right just leave it bro, don't post your tiny dick or ugly weasel gf. You will only make a fucking fool out of yourself(as far that was even possible) HAHAHAHAHHAA

Nice shop bro, i posted my real gf pics in the previous thread. Now it's your turn to post your dick and ugly weasel gf


Dude you are no FUCKING MAN you will never post is because you are fucking afraid. I am your fucking MASTER, i am your god dumb ass

That is not even true lmao. Making up shit is not going to save you ugly jew

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Sounds good, hopefully you have some AI in there too. Honestly the 500mg test would be enough. You'll blow up either way, but throw in the deca and it will be pretty obvious something is up (for people that havent seen you in a few weeks). Then again typing this out hyped me up for my next blast so I'm sure you've already made up your mind.

Like I said take it however you want lol. Who knows maybe he really is 6'5" with a 12" dick and he's just being humble

it’s already been proven that picture was old. testify is a new animal now that easily mogs you

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> I am your god dumb ass
Do steroids actually make you this retarded?

I just read through the reddit steroid wiki and i noticed something called 'Maximum Muscular Bodyweight and Measurements Calculator'
which basically states that the thicker your wrists and ankles are the more muscle your body can obtain?