At wagie job

>at wagie job
>middle aged black lady says "damn, you look good!" And walks away after I ring her up
>unironically my first mire

Is this what making it feels like

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yeah. i mean, i think

I’ve got faith in you bruvva

She was talking to the food

Old black women are top tier mires

>go to McDonald’s

That's how it starts, yeah
Basically this is the trickle right before the flood.
Good work.

This, I had a mutt gf at uni and apparently her mum would always ask her
>how’s your big hunk?
When she asked about me
Also I was invited to family dinner once with her mum and dad, her brother and her brother’s gf, and their two aunts. my gf told me it was secretly because she wanted to show off to her sisters how attractive her kids’ SO’s were
Felt good man, I miss her family they were fun

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This is my first mire story:
>One of the first days at a new job
>Gotta unload shit from a truck
>Boomer boss with old man strength delegating who gets what
>hands me a box, then says "no that's too light for you" and hands it to another guy, then hands me the biggest one
>mfw I mog the fuck out of this poor dude in front of everyone
>voice instantly drops three octaves
>jawline becomes more defined
>dick size increases
>all my female coworkers swoon
at least that's what it felt like

>nametag isn't backwards

>Walking towards building
>See black lady behind me
>Keep the doors open and let her in
>"Not many like you left around handsome"
>tfw first compliment ever

Fat middle aged black ladies are the only ones who openly and overtly mire me and outright tell me I'm good looking...
I wish I could be mired by a girl my own age though

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I don't know what it is, but anytime I'm like really down a random old black woman I encounter will compliment me. Old black women are the first ones to notice your gains as well.

if black ladies say it, lots of females are thinking it. young girls are obsessed with appearances and seeming cool/aloof about other people, especially attractive men (if they're not drunk), whereas older black women don't give the slightest shit
god speed user, you're gonna make it

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we dont care you son of bitch
summer is coming and smell of pussy are driving us mad
all we want is to fuck
if you are tired to jerking off in front of your phone and want to smash pussy at the speed of a fighter jet
than leave that faggot op that infortunately survived abortion

my first mire a week after my 18th birthday
>be me
>get out of shower
>step mom walks in without knocking
>”goddamn user how the fuck is your dick this big you’re like 2 inches bigger than your father”

we dont care you son of bitch
summer is coming and smell of pussy are driving us mad
all we want is to fuck
if you are tired to jerking off in front of your phone and want to smash pussy at the speed of a fighter jet
than leave that faggot son of bitch op that infortunately survived abortion

You're scum for calling your girlfriend a mutt

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No, it depends. If some black girls say it, it doesn't really mean lots of women are thinking it. If girls were thinking of such you'd KNOW, so don't delude yourself lol

A 40 years old lady (she told me her age) asked for my number and wanted to fuck me. She wasn't really my type so I didnt do anything.

just like my american pornos

it's the accepted Jow Forums term, you think i called her mutt to her face or would refer to her as such in real life? i loved that beautiful mutt to bits and we're still friends to this day, wtf does how i recount it on Jow Forums have to do with that?

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Who cares, he's probably a facelet race downgrading lul.

similar experience many years ago
>be 20
>living in my own apartment
>dad comes in, because he has my key
>Ever since I started living alone I had been working out naked
>Doing some squats and listening to music
>Dad watching me from door for like 5 minutes straight
>Finally notice him and get super embarrassed
>He tells me it's fine, and that he's shocked to see I look like a bodybuilder
>Proceeds to tell me stories about when he tried to be a bodybuilder
It was a real boomer moment

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i had a 2 month thing with a 30 year old when i was 20. it was great cos there was no pressure, no games, no shit tests or psychological bullshit, we both knew it was going nowhere so we just hung out, talked shit, watched movies and fucked like mad. she taught me a lot about how to have really great sex actually, i have a lot of great memories from my time with her

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>implying mixed race qts aren't considered really desirable in the real world outside of Jow Forums, especially in a majority white northern uk town where she was a rarity

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fuck off back to redd*t nigger

Theyre a downgrade if you're white lol.
To an average white family nobody is going to say "wow im so proud of you for bringing such an attractive mixed girl"
Over this.
To actually good looking white guys, they look like deformed white people

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She's the one on the left btw.
Cope, wyatt facelets

>t. man who lives on the internet

>"wow im so proud of you for bringing such an attractive mixed girl"
Hardly anyone cares anymore. You should really get off Jow Forums if you think this is reality.

Dude, I'm white and I'd take the tan qt over that ayy lmao snowgoblin any time.

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i mean i wouldn't give two shits either way what my parents thought about my gf, but as it happens they liked her a lot more than they liked my two previous (hwhite) gfs
>that dyed hair, fake eyelashes, caked on make up push up bra tinder slut
>preferable to a wholesome qt mulatto
but whatever jerks your gherk user. not to mention,
like don't get me wrong idc but apparently you do

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Cringe ishygddt

I just wished qt females my age would mire me the same way

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based and caramelpilled

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t. Never went outside

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Did she feel up your arms?

don't tell me you forgot her mcchicken

Something something mcchicken

I know this feel all too well user

>be summer wagecuck at McDonald’s
>have a very deep voice (think of the chocolate rain guy)
>also a pretty big guy for you
>take customers order
>pulls up to window
> “oh and a body to match the sexy voice”
>th-thanks 40 y/o fat white lady smoking a cigarette

happy for you user

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I bet he jerked off later thinking about your body.

>go to mcdonalds drive thru for dat dere dirty bulk
>order 2x mcdoubles and a mcchicken
>pull up to window, qt black girl hands me my food
>"you look like you could be one a dem hollister models"
>t-thanks you too
>drive home feeling good about myself
>get home, open bag
>stupid bitch forgot my mcchicken

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You're probably just ugly so you couldn't get a good looking white girl. No guy actually dates laquisha over Stacey if they're good looking. That's a fact sorry

>be a 32 year old bartender
>tell some dumb 24 year old chick I'm gonna rip my dick through her
>she gives were her number
>we fuck that night after I'm off work
>never talk to her again
>she finds me on Instagram, idk how, tells me her husband is a director of VMware and she jacked off to the thought of me railing her three times this week
>random shit like this happens about twice a week
>I wish I was making this up
>somehow dealing with this feels like a burden

I probably sound like a prick, but sex ain't shit.

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Give us virgins tips on how to be a slayer then instead of humblebragging you fucking cunt


seething mutt, or otherworldly bait

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Oh no no no no no no

Kek. You don't know how wrong you are little man

Treat them like garbage. This was probably the biggest for lack of a better word, redpill for me. I hate myself for how I viewed women before, I was 100% wrong. As long as you have social cred you can usually walk up and say really perv shit and she will lap it up about 85% of the time. I honestly hate that I ever treated women like respectable creatures ever, they aren't. I honestly wish this was a joke. I still need to get my rocks off but when you get to my level you just lose faith in everything you ever thought you knew. I wish I could go back and this isn't humble bragging, seeing women for what they really are is really unsettling.

The bubbles of puss disgust me

prove it

was she hot?

Face >>>>
Even with money he's still getting cheated on.

>tfw only get mired by white mi- twenties thots

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I work as a teacher and a student wants to bang me

She says she will contact me after she graduates

Should I do this? I think its legal in my country after she leaves school

Also she's hot as fuck

No that would inmorale user

>only get mired by widow millionaire cougars that play golf at the golf course I work at that my father owns
Fuck this shit bro

Fuck her when it's illegal and tell her you are going to murder her family if she tells anybody.

fuck that. spend a weekend inna ATL or New Orleans. aka black hollywood and score yourself an ebony queen

As a fellow teacher I must say - do it. Unless you're a primary school teacher.

If there's grass on the field play ball.

If there's no grass, play in the mud.

You dropped this

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I think it's time to get off Jow Forums and actually experience the real world

Not if it's full of cucks like you, no thanks

Your shit sounds autistic af but it's real I know from real life. Fucking thots doesn't make you feel like a Chad, it makes you hate women.

>than leave that faggot op that infortunately survived abortion

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Lads, how do I get lolies to call me handsome at the store while buying chicken? I just need one mire so I can check it off my list.

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I'm willing to bet I have a wider scope of real life knowledge than a fucking tripfaggot

>That's a fact sorry
If you hate nigger women so much, why do you type like them

Take tips on dating from anonymous strangers who have no reason to tell the truth


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holy shit

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Have sex

This is now my favorite picture. Too bad its an old meme

>cucking the director of VMware
I fucking hate VMware

I smell a lie

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>Red Flag: The image

The black QT's are out there. Just make yourself stand out from the pack.

Imagine the smell

And again ladies and gentlemen, thank you based mcchicken poster. Truly you are a content provider.

what did he mean by this?

God I love black girls so much they enjoy fucking 100x more than white girls, loyal to white cock, and if they like you they'll straight up grope you in public I miss having a qt black girl but I settle for hispanics

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enjoy the next 35 years of wagie life


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i've banged a "stacey" before, but i'd never date one, they're the most vapid, boring people on earth. also this particular girl had an UMC dad and she was smart, well-mannered and funny, but i guess my selection process of who i date isn't based on
>what's the hottest girl i can get to show off in a social situation?
>what will other people think of me for having this gf, at the most superficial of glances?
if you're just with someone for sex and validation you're never gonna be happy long term. find yourself a girl you like as much right after you nut as you do right before, personalitylet

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What happens in 35 years?