How do I get good at pullups?

how do I get good at pullups?

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Do them, if you can't do negatives until you can

I started on the lay pull down machine and now I do 1pl8 chinups for reps

do 1 really slow and with proper form.
then do 2 then 3 then 4 then 5

pull yourself up with good form

do this repeatedly

Start with Australian pullups and/or lat pulldowns. Then do negative pullups.

Also I recommend not doing them conventionally, and doing either chinups or neutral (hammer) grip pullups. Also rows are better in every way for developing your back, you just have to learn proper technique.

Just do them

Do any of you guys have a good progression program to go forward from 5-10 pullups to 20? I've been stuck for a long time.

A lot of guys will snap their shit up "just doing them".

don't come to Jow Forums for actual advice. this land is cursed.