can we get a STD general?
I cheated on my gf and contracted herpes, whats the best way to approach this situation?
Can we get a STD general?
first kill yourself, second carmex. It's the only shit that stops my coldsores I'm assuming it'll work for genital herpes too
somehow avoid her until your outbreak clears. Start seeing her again and act completely normal. You'll then transmit herpes to her. She'll have an outbreak. Blame her for cheating on you at this point.
It's been nearly a week and i have told her im just to tired from work, but when i look down at my junk i know there is something serously wrong. I've heard there are pills that make this shit dissapear for life tho
So the only way this ends well for op is if his girlfriend cheated on him or is dumb. Tough spot
Give it to her and then accuse her of cheating and giving you herpes. Cause a giant big fight for weeks and then suddenly say you believe her and that she just have gotten it from a toilet seat somehow
You'll have to come clean eventually. Maybe next time try not being such a piece of shit lmao
Probably talking about acyclovir. That'll stop the outbreaks, but it won't cure you or stop you from transmitting it to her.
Kek, this is retarded enough to work
You see, I stopped having sex because of such things.
Please do go out and fuck the same pool of girls and then go ramble about regret and go back into a girl's ass that was also cheating on her bf.
USA has super gonorrhea, uk donovanosis, Germany has something else they are hiding and all of you stupid fucks not only do not know how to use contraceptives, aborting children like a sport, you also have no capability for responsibility and accountability.
I'd be more surprised that you birth children with STDs instead of flushing them down the toilet or paint the wall with them.
Whenever a girl is interested in me, I only see a disease walking around, scared to be found out that she is a disgusting petridish that people like you helped to nurture and splice those germs inside her.
Keep them, I don't want a part of this genepool of absolute retards.