Alright Jow Forums it's time to separate the boys from the men
Alright Jow Forums it's time to separate the boys from the men
Low hanging right nut master race here
My left testicle. It's bigger than the right and feels like a bag of worms sometimes.
My balls are gay but I'm not
Left lower master race here, righttards will hang first on the rope day if you catch my drift
Just lmao if your left nut doesn't hang lower than your right nut. Holy fuck why even live at that point
Left nut cope
>3 femanons
>mfw trying to imagine how miserable life would be if I was a righttard
I'm disgusted to share a thread with your sorry ass
same length gang
Realistically more men have right hanging balls then left hanging balls. But left boys have more charisma, testosterone, muscle, height and intelligence than right hangers. It's why you have all these E-statters claiming to be left hangers, they want to appear alpha online. Left hanging balls is the new "slightly above average" 7.5 cock
Everything but low hanging right nut is literally subhuman. Race war, now.
right nut hanger here
what could it signify?
mono-nut master race reporting in
Good lord, rippety bro
>Hey, user, is it true that your left nut hangs lower? Thats pretty hot
>He cute!
>I wanna breed that whiteboi
>Tyrone's nutsack hangs to the right, thats so ugly
If you could compare you nut size to something IRL (fruit, object, anything) what would it be because I'm feeling like I have small testicles.
Mines are the size of a lychee
now I have to post pictures of my nuts to prove it
You fucking low-test faggots wouldn't last 5 minutes without tranny porn let alone a whole war
It's not a varicocele mate, variocele is massive and visible on outside.
t. Doctor
Dunno, hard to measure it up by touch only, I guess about the size of boiled egg yolk?
Nigga go the doctor already
maybe the size of a peeled orange slice?
Ur nuts are fine. If you are tall they will look smaller though
When I was but a boy, I had a varicocele and I was part of the lower left hanging faggot group.
Luckily I had the surgery in my teens and my now half mass left nut doesn't have the gravity it once did, so I've joined the lower right-hanging masterrace.
>not doing testicle press-ups
>not keeping both safely inside your body
hangtards are the worst
Ha i said femanom but im a boy eat shit
also voted femanon.
im man
>same length
Wouldn't mind getting a 4 tho desu
I voted right nut, but my right nut also goes back inside me sometimes when I do leg curls, so maybe I should've voted same length to account for that.
righty here
also I've just noticed that my right nut seems to hang horizontally while my left nut is vertical
>rightoids getting BTFO
rolling for dubs
who varicocele here
5 and dubs are the only breed-worthy ones here
Not true. I found my varicocele when I was a kid and was small and not visible from the outside. Doctor said it was a cyst. Went back a few years later and had an ultrasound confirming it was a varicocele
8 get
My right nut is like 5cm under the left one. My IQ is 152 and I'm ENTP if it means anything.
My dr is a girl tho
I unironically wouldn't have sex with a single one of them. Just how many nonwhites/french people are on this board?
Pls anything but 6
sorry about your small balls bro
I'm white and I would have sex with any of them before finding you and defiling your boipussy.
When I was a kid I thought everyone only had one nut but it turns out my other nut was just perma-retracted into my body and I had to get surgery.
TL;DR: Don't joke about mono-nut, it's serious
Imagine being this gay
that's what happened to me except it eventually came down and then died and that's why it was removed
>tfw skinny guy
>crotch always uncomfortably hot when i have pants on
>have to wear boxers, can't wear even boxer briefs
>try to wear slim (not skinny) jeans and literally have to buy a waist size up (to 32) to give my balls enough room to breathe
>wonder why no other guys have this issue
>realize that it's probably because i have a low hanging ballsack , no idea if my balls are bigger than average, but they definitely seem to hang really low which probably released a lot of heat
feels bad man
unwitting frenchmen detected. Those faces are hideous and you'll never convince me otherwise
Wow what a freak.
Left nut master race.
1 is my pick
Funny story about that
>Bro has one ball as age 4
>Dad is chiropractor with some crazy belief he can fix this shit
>Mom take bro in to doc, says he can have secrond ball if surgery
> Dad dose some mumbo jumbo chriopractor shit for 2 years
>Does weird hands in mouth, tape and mineral shit
> Bro ball drop, and normal
>Doc finds no shit wrong with my bro
I have a few other stories if interested about crazy shit he did in malpractice
Let's hear them user
what the fuck is a lychee
might as well
i hate this board
It is common in mammals for one testes to be larger than the other. Only high test womb babies have testes that are both prominently large
My left nut is like twice the size of my right nut and hangs a full inch lower.
Here is clayshakes:
>Dad regularly ajustus us on Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays because of divorce and before this, it was every day
>I am 13, middle bro 11, young bro 8
>He gives us extra minerals and shit because of sot treatment
> Supposedly if you get through all sot you no longer have to be ajusted
> He encourages us by giving us a weekly allowance to take minerals (20$)
>We have some weird ass fields in Wisconsin, and we (Bros and dad) go out in his red truck to recover some clay, which we move to the barn
> Dad likes making shakes with yogurt and berries specifically because: healthy
>Typically used strawberry, raspberry and black berries
>Me and middle bro notice he has added clay to the shake
> Me and middle bro refuse to eat shake, dad is like ok
> He puts this shit in front of little bro
> Little bro has no clue
> I warn him, but I am immidiatly threatened to have my allowance taken away
>I shut up but hope he gets the hint
>He drinks it and does not enjoy
>Unfortunately gets brought to police too late
>little Bro enters 6th grade
>Teacher asks class to write a fact on paper the teacher doesn't know about them
> She asks him if he is serious
>True story.jpg
> She rightfully brings this to the school, but too much time has passed
> Have to do some gay consoling, which I have no interest in
That was probably the best, I have others though
This is plain wrong
t. Urology resident
I'M give you 2 options for the next story, glasses or apple cider vinegar
Not isolation training each nut to prevent imbalances....hanglets when will they learn