I'm going on vacation on friday in Turkey and Greece for three weeks.
How can I keep my bodyfat as low as possible and not lose too much muscle during this time? I'm mainly going to go from city to city and won't spend much time in either. Anybody have experience with gyms in Turkey? Is it normal to just go jogging there in the streets and are there anythings that I should know?
You don't lose muscle in 3 weeks unless you're starving
Eli Price
Do you know how much cheap ass meat you can get in those countries? I guess you can even find lean meat there, most will probably be lamb though. Just cut down on your grain/carb intake and absorb all that delicious saturated fat.
Brody Cruz
Hand stand pushups = OHP replacement Pushups with feet on bed and hands elevated on books = press replacement Pistol/one legged squats = squat replacement Curls = grocery bags with items in them
Situps Planks
Only thing hard to workout is back.
Samuel Smith
Depends on where you are going in Turkey. If you are going to a hotel or resort in the western/southern coast your hotel will probably have a small gym. And yea you can run in the streets of those places.but if you are going istanbul you probably shouldnt do that since the drivers wont are absolutely insane and will run you over, you might get lost and nobody speaks proper english, and you might get mugged. If you are gonna be next to the coastline justs swim a lot early in the morning when people are sleeping, run, and do calisthenics on the monkey bars in the playgrounds. You will be fine. Dont forget to eat a lot of proper kebab and enjoy your holiday fren. Try beyti, kokorec and etli ekmek. You wont regret it.
Lucas Perez
lmao if you go to a normal gym in turkey you might have a bit of fun..
Some differences: Absolutely nobody racks their weights Nobody even bothers to put the dumbbells back in the same place People won't fucking shut up in the gym and try to steal your gains by talking to you as well Most places don't have power racks, you have to ask for a spot People don't bother with asking for spots You get the picture..
But it's common to find parks with body weight stuff in them, pull up bars etc. Old ladies with headscarves tend to hog them though. Get some kids to latch on to you for weighted pull ups in addition to what this guy said
Anthony Morris
Buy wings and flap them.
Brody Richardson
>tfw lived in turkey for two years and put on 20kgs of weight due to the absolute God tier food and depression
Don't you have to have a piece of paper from a doctor saying you don't have Hepatitis too to join a gym? Or is that only gyms with pools?
Levi Wilson
that is an amazing building is it a church?
Matthew Rivera
not sure if this is a Jow Forums meme
Nicholas Harris
One of the greatest churches ever built, user. But it's a museum now.
Julian Cox
It is a mosque Fuck you TÜRKISH made the mosque and fucking greek trash LIE THAT THEY BUILD IT BECAUSE WH*TE BOIS CANNOT DO SHIT HAHAHA MASH'A'ALLAH
Nicholas Hernandez
I am from Greece but I guess its the same in Turkey. If you jog outside you will get attacked by stray dogs. Try to find a public stadium.
Joshua Reed
I assume you're going to be walking around checking out places and attractions every day, that alone will be enough to keep your body fat low without the need to jog. Combine this with the fact you won't be getting your regular diet, so you might end eating less or not hitting your regular macros. It's just too difficult to plan for that in a different country, especially on vacation. If your staying in a hotel with a gym, then obviously use it, but again don't expect to get your regular work out, but it should be enough for you to do maintenance work. And most importantly, enjoy your fricking vacation. If it means you'll be losing a bit of gains, so be it. It's not like you're going to be there again any time soon, and could always be back to form very quickly when you get back to your routine at home.
Nolan Carter
such a beautiful church
Jose Sanders
just enjoy yourself faggot, enjoy the local foods that aren't contaminated. don't expect any of these places to be clean
Asher Diaz
Go to Albania and eat their food. You'll squirt liquid fecal spray so much you can't gain weight
Thomas Lee
>implying a turkroach could build something so beautiful