What do you guys take everyday and what are your goals? >1000mg of fish oil >1000mg of Vitamin C >750 of creatine before the gym >300-500mgs of cafine from dawn to dusk
I’m trying to bulk from 150 to 178 and lower BF (also increase cognitive function and mood)
How exactly do you expect to put on almost 30lbs of muscle while losing fat?
Angel Walker
guys should I buy fat burners? Do they actually work?
Christopher Green
Best fat burner is to eat at a caloric deficit, do cardio and hiit. Don't believe the fat burner pills as they can fuck you up. I fell for the green tea extract meme once and almost fainted in the gym once. Thought I had a bad day, so I tool em again the next time, same effect. Left em out for a couple of workouts and it was great. Took them again just to see if it was reallly those pills and yeah, same dizziness etc. Don't fall for fat burner pills. Stay aeay from sugar for a while, especially coke and all kinda of soft drinks. Also applies to the "ZERO SUGAR GOYIM!!!" ones. Do your workout and after a couple of months you will feel better, look better, fuck better, lift better. Dont give up after the first week because you see no progress. Nothing that is worth it just falls easily into your lap mate.
By doing an hour and a half of pretty intensive lifting and cardio after 12 hours working on a farm, while eating roughly 3600 calories. I’m curious about Zinc, do you see/feel any of the noticeable differences preached by Jow Forums with just 50mg?
Nathan Lee
Sure, it’s a great stack >White Power >Caffeine (monster energy drink) >Protein >Hot babez >General disgust for minorities
Tyler James
>750 of creatine What units are you using there? I can't imagine any where 750 is a good dose of creatine.
Julian Morgan
1280mg Fish Oil 50mg Zinc Picolinate 400mg Magnesium Glycinate Vitamin D-3 5000iu B Complex 500mg Ascorbyl Palmitate 500mg L-Tryptophan 450mg Ashwagandha 3mg Melatonin Probiotic 10-25 Billion Whey Protein Creatine Beta Alanine and generally 3-4 cups of coffee + green tea a day.
Oliver Nelson
Kratom Gorrila rush
Jaxson Hill
someone redpill me on best stack for growing taller
Jack Phillips
Crack. Goal: crackhead energy.
Jayden Thomas
HGH Not having closed bone plates
Caleb Carter
Only one that's a meme is fish oil. Canned fish is cheaper and it's more protein for you. Get the normal 5g of creatine when you run out, you don't need more than that. You're going to get used to that caffeine amount really quick.
Eggs and milk before your growth plates are done.
Cooper Wilson
taking supplements means your diet doesn't work. You're are just wasting your money and supporting big pharma
all 3 in the morning and probiotics again at night.
Kevin James
this i took collagen shark cartilage vitamin c everything for my lumbar and did nothing as soon as i quit supplements and began lifting with low weight for months and stretching before and after my hernia healed
only one isnt a meme is creatine, WHEY PROTEIN is a fucking waste wont make you gain any weight just will bloat you and make you farth
creatine is legit tho, i could never put on lean mass on whey
Aiden Anderson
thanks. I'll look into creatine.
Jordan Brooks
>supporting big pharma
Pharma bro here, we do not want you using dietary supplements, in many cases dietary adjustments work better than the drugs we shill. What we want is to put you daily maintenance drugs: for the rest of your life/our drug's patent.
Jace Wood
ITT: Faggots waste their money
Jackson Diaz
Now this guy knows how to work
Alexander Garcia
Is kratom just a meme? Or does it work? Same question about CBD stuff too, what kinda dose should I take assuming I’m 4 years sober but used to do heroin?