Too scared to go to the gym

I have low self esteem and confidence issues which is why I want to start lifting and gain muscle. I am 5'7 manlet but with a face that gets me a lot of complements. Motivate me so that I fight through my fear and start going to the gym.

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make sure you take your maga hat

home gym master race

I live in Eurocuck

Dude I don’t get the fear of hitting the gym. I had it too when I first started but its unfounded; you are literally improving your lifestyle and nobody will mock you for that. Good luck

nobody is looking at you, nobody gives a fuck
what country is this?



nobody cares except for you
you will realize this after 30 minutes when you're sure you've made an ass of yourself, but you realize nobody noticed, nobody is even looking at you, nobody is judging you any more harshly than they would if you were to walk by them on the street. everyone in the gym is doing their own thing. a lot of people at gyms are friendly and approachable and happy to give advice to newbies, too, but you can cross the "human interaction" bridge once you get there.
you WILL be nervous walking into a gym the first time. you won't be nervous walking out. i promise you both of these things, and i don't make promises i can't keep!

I live in a flat, can't afford or have the space for a home gym.

Would you judge other smaller people at the gym? No
Same goes for others when they see you

Thanks for the motivation

desu it's not that im skinny or being a newbie that bothers me, its my height that fucks up my self esteem especially when thinking about going to the gym.

In his defense the UK is probably the worst country to gym for self conscious people, especially London. They're full of roided up Indians and Pakistanis who smell bad and hog equipment, black bluds talking shit and roaring at each other for motivation, spics talking extremely loudly on the phone or to their friends.

Not that it should matter but I see where people like OP are coming from, it'd be a lot easier in a small town gym where you have all age groups and body types, urban gyms just have a younger and therefore more dedicated demographic and with it comes a level of assumed arrogance and judgement even though the latter probably doesn't exist.

Good luck OP

get a real job then

required viewing

Ok when you see shorter people do you judge them? Or just not care

Strangers dont give a shit about you. They wont praise you nor would they judge you.

Nobody cares about you, they are just there to do their workout.

Workout in your own space with whatever exercise you are doing, wipe it down before/after, and re-rack your weights

Find a 24 hour gym and go at night. If there are no 24 hours gyms, go an hour before close and there’s usually no one there. Or go as soon as they open in the morning.

Bottom line is no one cares as long as you’re not doing something stupid although I do admit I go close to closing just because a crowded gym is literal fucking torture

Manlet is a meme. It's easy to pull girls at that height.

Britfag here too, honestly just go to the gym. No one gives a fuck about you, the only time someone looks at you is when you're acting like a retard.
Honestly, in the gym everyone is friendly, I've made a fuck ton of friends there. Just do what you got to do, then get the fuck out. Day in, day out.

The first time I went to the gym I drove right past it. Then drove past it another 4 or 5 times before I just decided i was gonna go for a drive.

after a 3 hours drive I went in to the gym 45 minutes before it closed and got my workout in.

You can do it.

I'm 6'3" former super spooky skeletor.

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