How the fuck do you guys stay rested enough to have motivation to work out?

How the fuck do you guys stay rested enough to have motivation to work out?

I elevated the difficulty of my work out a month or so ago. At a reasonable rate of course, but for the next day i'm so fucking tired i just dread that i have to go work eventualy.

I'm hanging in there but i just feel like at this rate eventualy i'm going to start to skip days and i'd prefer something more comfy than just forcing myself.

What are some resting tips you guys would reccomend?

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You never told us how much you sleep so i’m automatically gonna assume you eat like shit and stay up until 3 am watching Netflix bc you think it’s quirky.

I get off work late so i have to do my work out around that time.

I do an hour of cardio then an hour, most times more of weight lifting. By the time i get off the shower it's always 1am or later. I wake up at 10am most days.

please respond

Caffeine for me. 200mg to start day at work, 200mg after lunch. Then 400mg usually around 8 or 9 before gym. Lift till 10 or 11.... Post workout (either whey isolate or a double dose of BCAA), 10mg THC edible, shower, oil pen, eat high protein meal, deep sleep and up at 8am to repeat.

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caffeine, ephedrine, eating at least 1800 cals a day, taking a rest day off cardio, getting good sleep

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Just pick yourself by your bootstraps and suck it up!

I always think, i never regret doing a workout. Also Just keep at it evetually it will Just become routine like making dinner or brushing theeth. If i dont work out i Just feel like more shit.
I often work 16h a day, and generally only have free one Day a week, so if i can you can

All I think about is bettering myself and doing this for the long haul, the super long haul. Every rep is going to benefit me for the rest of my life, every obstacle I overcome will only make for even greater challenges that much more obtainable.

And if I have a bad day where I am feeling sluggish, wanting to quit, struggling, I just accept it and forgive myself and do my best. Tomorrow is always a new day, as long as I am a better version of myself than I was yesterday, that is enough to help me sleep like a child. Just knowing I am doing my best. That is good enough for me.

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I should have specified... The 200mg x2 per day is via coffee or boomer energy drink. The 400mg later is from my pre-workout, also has a lot of other ingredients.

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Just don't work out if you don't want to! Nothing wrong with some rest...

Lift before work.

Drop cardio, it's unnecesary.

I dunno, I just suck it up and do it cause it’s good for me, kind of like squats or studying.

Not op but is it fine to do 2 consecutive workout days then rest? I'm doing SS and the sticky says workout every other day. But the thing is I can't workout every other day because of work. If I can workout on 2-consecutive days, does that mean I'm not working hard enough?


You need discipline, not motivation. You are not going to be excited to workout many days. But you don't need to be excited to workout in order to workout. You need the discipline to power through no matter how you feel

No, the sticky is the law. You have to do what it says or you’ll forever be a 120 lbs. turbo boomer manlet.

True but you also need to get obsessed with the pump like Arnold says. Get hyped about doing another set and doing each rep perfectly

This sounds incredible, but what about free time/going out/socializing?

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That's the sacrifice m-f. I am drained by the end of it and sleep in Saturday. I feel restored after, usually run the next workout due in my split on Saturday around noon. Gives me one free evening / night. Sunday I am lazy all day and let myself recover (zero caffeine). On Monday restart back at Might not work for everyone but I am 32 and partied too much in my 20s. Seriously didn't stop going to festivals until last year.

I was built from 19-24ish, let work and partying take over during my late 20s. I never reached my own gym maxed state though and it's my main focus the past 6mo.

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Reduce that cardio to 20-30 minutes

Don't need it more than 3ish times a week




Work out less but harder and sleep more and eat more proteins, you'll get better results AND feel better.

take the 2 day a week gym pill bro. All you need is 2 days....

Bench, squat, deadlift, OHP, powerclean, split and fit all those in 2 days and voila you are complete. 60-90 min a session twice a week