Tfw gyno

>tfw gyno

God dammit bros, I wouldnt wish this fate on my worst enemies

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lets see it lad
we won't be harsh

fellow gynobro here, getting surgery this august

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Nobody here is stupid enough to fall for that.
Y’all are just gonna spam queer shit about OP’s nipples. Can’t have a serious discussion about gyno here without half the thread being filled with “GIB MILKERS” etc.

I got gyno surgery, cost $3000 CAD and it was done by a specialist in gyno/breasts so that is a steal considering general plastic surgery hacks charge like $5000.

Point being, best decision of my fucking life. I had real bad gyno and now you can't tell I ever had it at all. Guy did a perfect job. Would strongly recommend getting it done.

Sucks to be you guys. I got rid of my bitch tits with some yohimbine and exercise. Luckily, I only had the same "gyno" that 99% of Jow Forums has and not actual gyno.

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Ever heard of aromasin? Fucking taking it.

Had real bad gyno got rid of it with 40mg tamox a day

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Not op but I have gyno too. Here you go

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That’s the before i know I’ll get tons of shit here for being brown and roiding but I don’t care at least you got some pics to see what some pills can do to reverse it

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Gyno here too bro, feel better you're not alone

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>one chance at life

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Mirin’ them shoulders user

Can't afford surgery, I'll just keep taking cold showers and applying super glue for now. I live in Sweden though, maybe I should try to get the state to cover it?

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I live in Canada and got an opportunity for the state to cover it, I'm still going with a private surgeon though since I don't want to wait a year.

Yo Ellioth said that after getting gyno surgery you'll just get a new body insecurity and that the problem is not with your body but instead with your head. Is this true in your experience? Because I love my body after a shower

those nips are slightly erect. they look like triangles when normal right? i have the same but not the bear body type, im skinny

True. I have gyno myself but thats the first thing I would post.

For real? Did you lie and said it hurt and you couldn't sleep because of it or something like that?

>laying on your back to make the fat compress

Nope I was pretty honest and just said it wouldn't go away after a few months of working out. I don't think it would hurt to embellish if you can't afford a private surgeon though.

Mirin so hard on those shoulders.

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crazy shoulder separation. mirin.

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How long did you have your gyno before starting to take tamox? How long did it take for you to see improvements?

gyno doesn't mean shit unless you have wide hips like yours truly
>tfw borderline klinefelters

quit your bitching cunt

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Thx Bros don’t even really work them it’s genetics and Tren
I had it since puberty then it really got outta control when I blasted Deca and test it got really ugly for a year with hard lumps underneath then I went down with Test only 250mg as a base instead i use more Tren and mast
The mast also really helped.
I started tamox 4months ago at 40mg a day I didn’t see anything but kept at it and suddenly at month 3 it was way better! Then i noticed weekly differences and now even the lumps are gone I’m so fucking happy

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