Dom (((Mazzetti)))

Is he still natty? He's been spending a lot of time (gay time?) with Bradley Martin, and I think peer pressure may have gotten to him.

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Daily reminder that a scorpion tattoo is a symbol for being HIV positive among gay men

He looks totally natty bro what are you looking at

I had a friend who got a bio hazard tattoo around his belly button for some stupid reason, and then I saw a documentary, I think it was called The Bug about gay guys who intentionally get HIV, and it turns out that a bio hazard tattoo around your belly button means you are gay and have HIV. He wasn't too happy to learn that, or at least he pretended to be. I don't remember anything about Scorpio tattoos

He's a lot bigger than he used to be, and his shoulders do not look natty

hes been this size for ages what are you smoking

did he really get all those fucking terrible tattoos?

Yeah I remember that documentary, I think it’s called “The Gift”

I'm not sure he's much bigger than he used to be but he doesn't look 100% natty like he used to either. He looks sort of drier if you get me
Doubt he is juicing though

he's natty. If he weren't he'd be bigger

Yeah it was The Gift

Hes literally been lifting for a decade or so, and hes barely bigger than he used to be. Sounds like natty limit to me

He doesn't compete, he's not selling programmes or nutritional advice, why does it matter if he is or not?

Bradley on the loose again, making threads and shietz

My nigga Dom listed at 6'1" lol.

Sadly he's a manlet.Def. under 5'11'.

I'm more concerned with those fucking tattoos. I guess he's been working on them gradually and I just never noticed until this video. But they look fucking stupid. Sleeves like that also obscure the biceps, which is kind of his gimmick.

shirt looks very good

Dom is a good goy. unlike bradley (roid) martin

The manlet cut off 6'0 your (not so) highness

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the tattoos ruined him
the "going full seeling merch mode" killed his vibe
while he was selling t-shirts only he was great
after starting to sell supplements it went a little down and videos stopped coming regulary
now he is... well.. he pumps out videos just to make more money and lost what made him good.


I'm almost sure they are fake. Atrezzzo for his vids.

He was natty for a long time, and one of the few natty fitness guys. But no longer. Right around the time he got basic bitch tats he got on roids.

And btw, yeah they're basic bitch tats. Yeah, you're the one guy with those kind of arm tats? Way to stand out and be "unique".

When I learned about that big catcher shit I actually became disgusted with fags. Never had a problem with gays before learning that, have always had gay friends. Fuck that. That’s literal human trash, even if it’s not all of them.

have u ever considered most people dont get tats to be unique and they just like the design

What design? Sleeves are meant to be a sportaic mess of symbols that don't mean anything specifically.

He got it because everyone is getting them. Everyone. It's just a dumb fad.

Dude his size jumped like crazy since like 2 videos ago.

prolly not, he looks the same as always. maybe those tats influence his appearance overall, but no i dont think hes on roids. to guys saying he jumped in weight since last videos, thats bc he didnt really take lifting seriously this past year to fuck around with cars and shit, and it looks like hes back on track with the gym. in 2014 he was this big and much more cut, so imo he's not even near his peak natty self

>when her weight starts with 2



The "arm full of tats" style was only once reserved for actual criminals. Then it caught on and now everybody's doing it. This has only been a mainstream thing for maybe 5 years?

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>tattoos mainstream for 5 years

deluded m8

Go back to church, boomer

it's still reserved for dumb criminals and impulsive manual labor workers

and it will always be like this

I said that specific style of sleeve or arm tats. Before people would just get a tat here, or a tat there. Now the full sleeve tats.

If I saw a guy with an arm full of tats in 1990, 9/10 he's an ex-con in and out of prison type. Now I see the same guy? Probably has a uni degree, interested in fitness, nicest guy you ever met.

Sleeve tats are a millennial meme.

Sleeve tats? It's considered hip now. The original wave were actual criminals and tough guys, then a few pioneers tried to emulate them. Now they're starting to become uncool simply because everyone has them.

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You are so uninformed. ask me how i know you're 55+

I don't know a single person with a full sleeve except baristas

Tattoos mainstream for a bare minimum 50 years

Looks natty to me
>tattoos are degenerate. Fight me

>Is he still natty?
bruh he looks like shit now

he last videos have no soul behind them and just done to shill his products on the description area.

Before he and his tiny asian friend (who co-writes and directs, and edits) were just comedians. now they're businessmen with a businessman mindset. Videos are secondary to that.

btw, suppliments are snake oil bullshit.

He still looks like shit so yes, he's natty.

This is very much the sense I get Dom feels like a played out commercial but they wont let him die because they cant, they have nothing else.

They moved to LA, and guess what, LA costs a LOT of money. If you're a youtuber, moving into a big city is stupid since you can make your vids literally anywhere. Makes more sense to live somewhere cheap. My guess is that Dom wants to get into acting or something.

And have you seen his place? Big apartment like that in LA must be a lot of cash.

>t. Actual boomer
Good luck in the zoomer inquisition faggot

He is a bro either way. Love Dom, no homo.

>even if it’s not all of them.
it's practically not any of them though. this is like hearing a story of a heterosexual pedophile and saying:
>Never had a problem with heteros before, have always had hetero friends. But fuck that. That's literal human trash, even if it's not all of them.
it makes no sense and you were basically always looking for any reason to hate fags that you could find. and of course, you went fishing for it and found it.

He's on dat dere creatine.

He's absolutely natty, OP. Definitely bigger than some years ago but nothing too crazy. He isn't 6% bf at that size; he carries the natty curse with him, so he's actually doing a great job at balancing size and leanness.

or he is doing a low low dose just enough to look good without tons of effort.

> Dom wants to get into acting or something.

He does a car show, check out gnarpm on instagram. It also comes up a lot on his non-broscience insta whenever they're about.

It's impossible to say.
He's dyel enough to be natural. But that doesn't mean he is.

Yeah, because his videos are 6 months apart, dumbass.

If that's the case then he's roiding responsibly, which is a feat in and of itself.

>check out gnarpm on instagram.

Oh interesting. I'm seeing preview videos, but not much else. Does it air on tv or something?

Yeah no shit, but he went from fluctuating around the same weight for years to a big gain in mass.

would a trt dose like 150-200mg of test/week do that to him? he is balding after all so maybe thats why he's low dosing

Dubs of loneliness

>I've only ever known the losers from my high school/local college the post
sick bro. tell us more about everyone having full sleeve tattoos *hang loose sign*

Man i thought about the same thing when i saw his most recent video. I thought maybe he cut down or its the new ink giving him the bigger look hiding his lack of cuts. But he sure looked a bit suspicious, especially the delts. Maybe low dosing some test ? Idk. I wouldnt blame him tho who isnt juicing these day ffs

Tattoos are for faggots

You're the kind of person to wake up, take a shit, shower, dry off, brush your teeth, get dressed, and then flush the toilet

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