What are some things to do at the gym so I look like a deranged psycho so people wont mess with me or take pictures because I'm DYEL?
What are some things to do at the gym so I look like a deranged psycho so people wont mess with me or take pictures...
Nathan Peterson
Aiden Hughes
If you were to do these things, people WILL want to mess with you and take your pictures
Gavin Gray
Colton Phillips
Tip receptionist
Easton Roberts
clean up the weights and spray clean your sweaty asscrack from your benches
Sebastian Ramirez
don't be an insecure bitch
psychos aren't insecure bitches
Nicholas Butler
Mixed grip OHP
Adam Garcia
Re rack your weights
Levi Clark
Neckhangs xF
Jacob Morris
t*rkish getups with barbell