R.i.p Larry ruedas
R.i.p Larry ruedas
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Man deadlifts don't work the legs at all.. he has chicken legs
> he has chicken legs
u fockin wot
you act like he isn't a world class squatter aswell
idk why i love larry so much, maybe its his name, maybe its his screaming, maybe its his slightly dorky face, either way, what a bloke
He has the mannerisms of a timid librarian but screams like a demon when demolishing PRs.
is this body acheivable natty
yeah, 6 months lifting
Yeah but not with SS or SL. You have to do Reddit PPL.
Larry is cool, I hope he doesn‘t die early
I like him too. He's a gentle giant. Kind of a social media whore though. I bought his wrist wraps because they look cool, they're holding up much better than my Inzers
One of my favorite dudes to watch. So humble, gets along with everyone and gets seriously intense when lifting but not in a douchebag "dark place" way.
Did Lawrence Wheelio dead 425kg?
this. he's a nerd that got incredibly strong
His fucking anckles look as thick as the bar. Gonna snap at any moment
yes, chickens have meat on the upper leg and none on the lower. retard
No he fell over the bar trying it. Check his insta
I love him too, he is based
remember all of the times a person said "look at those chicken legs" and you saw a person with huge quads and small calves? It's actually never happened and never will
>im retarded
That looked really cool. The way his body fell down looked really stiff and powerful like in a WWE show.
He gives off that vibe. He's got to his size/strength through insane amounts of hard work and just as insane amounts of gear, it's not like he naturally has an enormous frame like most other people at that strength level
Why did he fall ?
So that he can learn to pick himself up.
I like the guy too...but let's just say don't get too attached.
based retard
He is proof that calves are genetic
I don't really think they are though I had puny as fuck calves and I was a sprinter played football, and rugby and also competed in judo and wrestling and my calves were pathetic. They only started growing until I actually trained them. I used to do 5x10 donkey calve raises 4x a week. If you really stretch at the bottom and basically get your heels almost in line with your toes at the bottom portion and while slowing down on the descent you'll grow your calves significantly.
>start training skeletal muscle
>it grows
Everyone who isn't retarded knows this.
To add to this I meant to say I think everyone has the potential but people respond differently to certain movements. For example I had a fuck huge neck and traps without ever directly training them but for some reason I had a mind muscle connection with those muscles and I believe some people have that connection with calves without directly training them.
Your entire physique is genetic
a calmed, relaxed pose
I'm a former fatty and my calves are gigantic.
Are you telling me Larry wheels hasnt thought of donkey calf raises?
>I had a mind muscle connection with those muscles
Your mind is only connected to some of your muscles?
There are people who are non responders when it comes to hypertrophy for skeletal muscles while there are people who respond really well without any direct work is all I'm trying to say. I apologize if I've offended you in any way on this Tasmanian basket weaving forum for autistic children.
why does the back of his head look bald in the mirror?
I wonder what he uses for his permablasts.
theres another guy flexing beside him
righto, ta
Are you serious your brain and nervous system is what controls muscle fibers and movement.
>Importance of mind-muscle connection during progressive resistance training.
(Calatayud J, et al. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2016.)
>Mind-muscle connection training principle: influence of muscle strength and training experience during a pushing movement.(Calatayud J, et al. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2017.)
>Effects of different accentuated eccentric load levels in eccentric-concentric actions on acute neuromuscular, maximal force, and power responses.(Ojasto T, et al. J Strength Cond Res. 2009)
>External and Internal Focus of Attention Increases Muscular Activation During Bench Press in Resistance-Trained Participants.Clinical trial(Kristiansen M, et al. J Strength Cond Res. 2018)
>The mind-muscle connection in resistance training: friend or foe(Halperin I, et al. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2016)
Are you honestly going to tell me that the minute you walked into a gym you had control over all of your skeletal muscle without ever doing direct work or understanding certain principles? You were just completely in tune with muscle mechanics and your pns.
ever growing doses of tren ace and test enth, probably switches the orals every month just to stave off the boredom
Damn, that's a lot of autism
Where did I ever say that? To be honest I don't think Larry cares anyways he's smashing PRs and making WRs why would he care to spend a day doing calves if it taps into his recovery.
I'm just saying, If larry wheels who blasts industrial amounts of gear cant grow proper calves, then genetics obviously play a big part in calf response to training.
>finally over 2pl8 deadlift
>already scraping the fuck out of my shins
Should I wear socks like that already?
Jeff stop, you're not even the best Jeff
When have we ever seen Larry wheels do any calf training? Calfs have the lowest amount of androgen receptors anyways so if you do gear it doesn't mean your calves will blow up
Can confirm this. I did Reddit PPL and I had to stop after 4 months because I was getting too big
Nigger, he has tits the size of two heads, delts like pumpkins and quads like bazookas.
He's living proof that calves are 99% genetics.
I'm a former fatty and my calves are shit. You just have good calf genetics.
>he doesnt control all his muscles
What are you disabled or somethin’?
Only childhood fatties have giant calves
his legs are obviously ridiculously well developed but dont pretend his proportionally tiny calves don't look goofy af
Look at the wingspan on that thing
nah because we dont have body dysmorphia like you
he's probably taking halo and test suspension too. can't forget the hgh
I hope I can get half as strong as Larry once I start using hero doses of gear. He's a great guy.
He needs to lay off permablasting with huge doses of steroids or he'll drop before 30.