SARMs for body recomp

Lads, I humbly request you opinion, advice and/or experience with SARMs. I started lifting past November, however it was not until the beginning of this year that I did it seriously (not missing workouts, following a proper routine, etc). I've seen changes in body and strength, confirmed by people around me and my belt/Jean waists getting looser. However, I cannot shed my love handles and gut fat and it's driving me crazy. I stumbled upon the controversy that SARMs are, and I wanted Jow Forums's take on them. I want to burn that fat but also keep lifting, not doable on a caloric deficit afaik. Do you have any experience with fat burning oriented SARMs such as Ostarine, Cardarine, Ligandrol, MK-677? 28 years old male(male), 180cm, 80kg, 3 fullbody workouts per week (GZCLP based) if that helps. Anything else to burn stubborn fat is welcomed. Honestly, I just planned on doing a 6 weeks cycle and stop there.

>tl;dr: 28yo wanna to burn stubborn fat, SAMRs yay or nay?
>alternative tl;dr: how to body recomp while not losing muscle (or as little as possible)

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>I want to burn that fat but also keep lifting, not doable on a caloric deficit afaik.
Not true, lift faggot.

RAD if you want to get huge, Ost if you want to get lean
Both if you want to leave humanity behind

i wrote "that fat" as opposed to "fat"
I know you can lift and burn fat, as I have been doing, but that particular fat just won't go away. plus, I'd love to make the most out of my natty gainz. I'm just not getting any younger friend.

what can I expect from side effects? have you done any SARMs?

RAD will give you a bit of suppression, so run a PCT after. Makes me feel like a god when i'm on it, all I do is walk around and size niggas up.
So far on Ost, I haven't seen a single side effect. Nattys are L I T E R A L L Y missing out on free gains.

“No!” You can lift on a deficit, which will burn belly fat.


Enjoy going blind

Would sarms be detectible in a drug test? Asking for a friend who is an ipf powerlifter

Yes retard they are banned

Banned doesnt mean detectible retard

>ban a drug
>don't test for it
are you dumb or something?

Don't do the single sarm with anecdotal reports of vision disturbance then you fucking retard
I haven't tried rad, but Ligandrol/LGD4033 is legit as fuck, ran for 30 days and gained 9lb

but I won't make as much gainz :(

well fuck me, I've found what appears to be a reliable seller and Ostarine is cheap enough for me to try a 6 weeks cycle. thanks user, I'll see about gaining muscle SARMs after my Ostarine cycle.

Yep, they are internationally banned afaik. makes you wonder. this one UCF fighter got b& for testing positive for Ostarine, nigga didn't even know the supp he was taking contained Ostarine, after investigation he got a lowered sentence because supp maker didn't list ost being in the pills.

jokes on you I already use glasses

Steroids are banned in strongman competitions so yeah

Any of you lot know where to find a good overall guide to SARMS and a seller that's legitimate?

"That fat" will go away when you get to an even lower body fat. That's how the male body works, unfortunately. Belly fat is the last to go. Just live with it while you continue gaining muscle. After a while, cut some more.

Also no beer.

>Also no beer
no problems m80, last night I bought a bottle of whiskey for all my alcoholic needs

Have you considered clen? its non-anabolic so you don't need any pct plus its easier to find legit sources unlike for sarms

I mean if you realllly care about that belly fat, just go no alcohol/clean diet for 6-9 months while lifting and it'll improve.

I get it. Beer/whiskey are fucking awesome, but it's a choice and a matter of priorities. Simply put, which one matters more to you?

Also, red wine or vodka/soda are the Jow Forumstest options.

now that one I hadn't considered desu
can you point me to some info/resources on it? all I find is sites that are obviously trying to sell you their stuff

>Simply put, which one matters more to you?
now you've got me in a pickle. I admit I abuse alcohol sometimes to take the edge off. you are completely right about priorities, I appreciate your advice friend.

try eating less

I went no alcohol for about 8 months last year after a rough breakup (i always abstain when I'm going through a hard time emotionally).

Did tons of cardio and lost 40 lbs unintentionally. It really helps clear the mind if you're in the habit of drinking every day.

Don't know your dating situation, but another motivation I gave myself recently was that I would only allow myself to drink when I was on a date with (or in the company of) a woman I was trying to bang. Because I was also on nofap (still am), this gives you an extra incentive to go out and meet new women.

Lift in a deficit. You will do fine. I've been doing it for a month and am at 17% body fat now. Down from 20%

Try actually lifting

Ostarine is dope. Ran 2 bottles in a 4 month period. Bench went from 160 to 225.
Local sup shop is my source. Legit good shit. Been makin major gains. Lost 30lbs of fat in 3 month timeframe.
6'2 205 currently

Thanks for the review friend, I'm convinced to try a bottle (30ml @ 25mg/ml, 0.75ml per day, enough for almost 6 weeks) and see where that takes me.

Thanks to every fren that posted here, I'll make weekly report threads to help other anons try/avoid this substance.

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Reputable online source?


stop being a pussy and just inject tren you sorry ass motherfcuker

does ostarine supress?

Dude, you’ve only been lifting since last November? So not even a year? I don’t mind people using SARMS or other PEDs, but you’re still very novice and haven’t actually made appreciable progress yet. Keep lifting, dieting and burn calories and get lean, your love handles will go away.

Ok first off, 3 full body workouts is a terrible routine, try 4 day splits of upper/lower strength and hypertrophy.

Next, its a good idea to bulk up with LGD at 10mg/day for 8 weeks, combine with rad 140 at 10mg/day with lgd on the last 4 weeks.

DONT do sarms until you have a PCT set up, because you will have natural test suppression and coming off without a pct can end up giving you gyno and increased estrogen in the system afterwards.

If you want to cut you can try out ostarine, cardarine.

Sarms also has some (to a lesser degree) of the same side effects of roids, so you may see balding and gyno and increased catabolism after a cycle.

Doing sarms feels great and that feeling can be addicting. But make sure you dont do more than 8 weeks (12 absolutely max)

how much lean muscle did you gain ?


Sarms shouldnt get used to get you into a routine or help you start, youre not gonna see too much of a difference between gains naturally or gains from sarms.

You should only use sarms or PEDs for when you plateau or are at least intermediate level

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i sell sarms neeed help

what if my natty testosterone levels are higer than sarms testosterone ?

Clen is the most liver toxic thing you can take
Just take Ostarine, no pct and you can lose weight without muscle lose and maybe add muscle on top of that in a defecit

Why take SARMs instead of steroids? Steroids have a huge body of literature on benefits, side effects, and contraindications. Steroids can also sometimes be obtained under proper medical supervision. SARMs have comparatively little research behind them, and can't be obtained legally in the US. What advantage do you see in SARMs?

3 x week is all I can afford timewise, but I'll look into it. I'm only going to try Ostarine, afaik you don't need PCT, but thanks for the bulk routine, saved. And yeah, 6 weeks is all I'm going for.

Not going after gains, but lose stubborn fat. I'm already 28, clock keep rocking, but I won't go full retard either.

sir pls do the needful and send free samples

that's my plan, thanks

little to no sides, because of the S in SARM. and a shortcut to lose fat, maybe even build some extra muscle while at it. if it's not clear by now, I'm after 1 Ostarine cycle.

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my god man. ostarine is the shit. i fucking miss it. i felt so fucking powerful and motivated on it, it was unreal. and the pump you get from it makes you look like a god. all i know is that at the time when i did my research, i found ostarine the best one because it doesn't have negative drawbacks and you feel good on it. go for it, but beware you will fucking gain weight like mad on it. so you have to be ON POINT if you want to lose weight on it, which it can help

Do ostarine and try to lose as much weight as possible then bulk on lgd and Nutrobal

>can't be obtained legally in the US
But they can in a lot of other places which ban anabolic steroids.

Your concern about the available research is completely legit though. People know how to handle steroid fairly safely. We have way less data on the long-term effects of SARMs and how to manage any unwanted ones. If they work as intended, they may be a bit better than steroids for some purposes, but biochemistry never works out as simple as the models predict. It's a fucking messy science.

SARMs aren't controlled substances in the US though. LE doesn't give a shit

Fellas I’m on week 4 of an 8 week cycle of LGD-4033. I’ve been getting on and off nausea during the day, more on than off. Anyone experienced this? I cut down from taking 10 mg to 5 mg per day this week but I haven’t noticed a difference.

And to add on, it’s not nausea in my stomach, it feels like it’s in the back of my throat. Like the feeling you get when you’re about to puke and you can feel your esophagus squeezing shit out of your stomach, it feels like that. Real annoying.

I promise this isn't b8 but... Reddit
They have a whole section based on sarm sources and although I can't give specific sources (no source = no ban) I've found reputable ones on there

What would be the best subreddit?

I'm pretty sure it's actually called r/sarmsourcetalk or something like that

>local sup shop
bro ostarine is illegal