what about alcohol after workout?
What about alcohol after workout?
Better than the day after working out, but you can negstively impact protein synthesis after about 2 drink
I imagine lifting right before hitting the club and getting wasted is bad for gains. What if you lift in the late morning and decide to have a beer and a whiskey later that evening?
Slows your metabolism down and inhibits protein synthesis
Quite alot worse for gains than most people think
Weed is better (2:1 or 1:1 THC:CBD)
what if you drink a beer 4 hours after the workout
drugs are for losers. imagine being unable to have fun without the use of drugs.
alcohol in small doses already fucks everything in your body. the more the bigger the damage.
weed messes with your recovery, mind, lungs.
i worked out 4 hours ago
what will happen when i drink 1 beer now? and if something will happen, is the impact big or like my protein synthesis slows down by 5 percent?
Imagine already being a fun guy and enhancing that with drugs
Imagine damaging yourself to be a clown
You dropped your clown license sir.
You sound like one of those fags who believed the DARE propaganda
It's okay crackhead, keep denying the truth
Avoid it.
Avoid alcohol in general, if you can.
Your liver is already strained by the supplements you should be taking. No need to put even more stress on it.
DARE is retarded, but so is willfully consuming poison.
>Is it ok to take poison after a workout?
Alchohol kills gains, if you want to get intoxicated at least do something healthier. It’s not good for you but if you get a strain with 50/50 CBD THC it will prevent all the problems with modern high THC cannabis
please dont drink alkochol.
from "The Strongest Shall Survive" by Bill Starr
can't somebody post a tldr. there are too many letters.
>Your liver is already strained by the supplements you should be taking.
? Care to expand on that / sauce?
Why not drink, then work out?
>your spotter also your designated driver
thx makes sense
Life is really boring if i can't get drink and party with my friends.
sure it affects my gains, but i already look much better and more muscular than my non-lifting peers. plus im not competing so what's the point in being perfect? i'm already getting the benefits from lifting already. anything more is marginal at best.
being able to enjoy your gains on the social scene is the reason why many of us started lifting (I lift for myself now, but that's how it started)
I 100% know you are not fun or entertainingin the least just from reading that post. The type of person who thinks stuff like that is generally a boring fucking sandy vagina buzzkill. Did you have fun at church? Did pastor's sermon fill your anus with the holy spirit?
you sound like a peer pressure succumbing faggot. drugs are for degenerates and its not worth wasting time with people who depend on them to have fun.
It's not like I've never done any drugs. That was before I improved.
You're pathetic to assume I'm such a degenerate just because I don't need drugs to have fun in life, go party or have success with women.
If you need to drug up women to get them to fuck with you I'm sorry for you lmao.
>doesnt do crack
Who is depending on them to have fun? Sober fun and high fun are different experiences both of which can be enjoyed exclusively of each other
have sex.
>t. coping alcoholic
Alcohol denatures protein, dehydrates you and inhibits recovery ya dingus
I don't know about you personally but I drink alcohol because I fucking hate being alive and alcohol helps with that.
If you want to drink have some a day or two after the workout.
Mostly this
Only time I'm not hating myself is day first lift and day first sip
tfw almost no control over what kind of weed I get