My penis is bent. What do anons?
>Pic kinda unrelated
Bent penis
might as well jump onboard with the latest cultural trend and have it removed.
And grow tits and call everyone a bigot.
Sounds nice
How bent are we talking? Most peoples' curves a little to one side, also mostly everybody's curves a little up.
>penis not having a gangsta lean
As a slut who has seen quite a many penises i can tell you that is perfectly normal
hey slut. what's the avg penis size u encounter?
Obviously 25cm
I don't speak third world so I'll assume that's 4.5 inches
>not playing an 8 string.
>live the 5% !
lol it's almost 10"
Stop masturbating
try using the other hand?
I play in drop C to A but I can't even into 7 strings, the wide neck is awkward as fuck for me.
Not much of a point when I throw strings thick enough to go to A anyway on a 6 string. Any lower and you just muddy op the bass.
A bit to the side like a 20°
>I don't speak third world
>proceeds to speak third world
What did he mean?
Fucken kek
Mine is bent downwards, what do?
you are just gonna have to post it.
We will be a lot better off trying t help you when we see what we're working with here.
I have same problem, it affects my self esteem with having sex with a sloot, my curve is to the side
Not like anyone is gonna jack to it you faggot we just wanna help the OP
My pen is also bent