His sister claims to be 5'1'' and he's wearing heeled shoes in this picture, (you can see them better in other pictures from the meet) and she's wearing normal shoes.
wouldn't that make him 5'3''? yet he claims to be 5'7''
Alex btfo
his sister is hot
would fuq
Kek imagine how insecure he must be to lie about his hight on the internet
>imagine being so insecure, that you need to mock people on the internet to feel better about yourself
Look at this fucking gnome trying to outangle his own sister at her competition.
Alpha indeed
With those proportions there is no way he is 5'7. The average height of a door frame is 6'6, he looks to be well over 1ft shorter than the door.
Poor thing
Go away, Alex.
>being too insecure to put on a tripcode after all this time.
everybody knows it's you, alex. this is just embarrassing now.
hey remember when you got destroyed by le science gnome in 1 on 1 bench-off? i though bench was your specialty?
hes obviously not standing straight, he would probably be close to 5'10 if so
And Alex touched Jeffs bar so his fanboys can say the lift didn't count. He may be a manlet but he's cunning af.
Femanon here. Does anyone else REALLY like how Alex looks in the OP? he's so HOT!
I’d top him bare
Кaк e, бpaт?
Explain why manlets can gain muscle easier.
Because much shorter bones require much less muscle mass to fill them out and give the illusion of stockiness
That's why midgets like Alpha Destiny and Jeff Nippard look "impressive" on online pictures, but when you see them in candid pictures on the street, they look like first grade boys on their first day of school.
Take their fitness advice with a grain of salt.
Their frame is smaller, so 1lbs of muscle looks bigger on a manlet than on a normal sized person. And tall guys need more kcal than manlets so when they are listening to dietary advice from short people ( most of the industry is short) they undereat and get less gains because of that
>the average height of a door frame is 6'6"
it's not, it's 6'8"-6'9" where I'm from
do burgers have smaller doors?
First of all 5'7 (alphas height) is very close to average, second, there's nothing wrong with wearing a backpack. You and the creator of this image are sad.
Alex is literally 5'3. His sister confirmed it. He wears 3 in lift shoes. He lies about his height and tells his audience that heigh doesnt matter. Along with a ton of other cringy shit. Check out CopeDestiny on yt
why does jeff look so small here?
>thinking that difference is 2”
Fuck it’s not surprising Jow Forums takes the 5’11 - 6’ meme seriously.
You guys are worse than women when it comes to judging distance.
Alex, we know it's you and that Phil jerks you off all the time when you guys meet
It's called getting mogged
I know the guy on the left. He's 5'6"
It's called photoshop
Absolutely seething
Can't take natty manlet trainers seriously. If you're not 6foot+ you can't tell me shit about looking good as a natty
This, and Alex is delusional he thinks he's bigger than Zyzz 6'2''
Zyzz was tiny, especially for a roider